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Everything posted by bertybassett

  1. here is the .PRF ;Automatically generated PRF file from the Microsoft Office Customization and Installation Wizard ; ************************************************************** ; Section 1 - Profile Defaults ; ************************************************************** [General] Custom=1 ProfileName=outlookscript DefaultProfile=NO OverwriteProfile=YES ModifyDefaultProfileIfPresent=FALSE ; ************************************************************** ; Section 2 - Services in Profile ; ************************************************************** [service List] ;ServiceX=Microsoft Outlook Client ServiceEGS=Exchange Global Section Service1=Microsoft Exchange Server ServiceEGS=Exchange Global Section ;*************************************************************** ; Section 3 - List of internet accounts ;*************************************************************** [internet Account List] ;*************************************************************** ; Section 4 - Default values for each service. ;*************************************************************** [serviceEGS] MailboxName=%UserName% HomeServer=colhpaexc001 [service1] OverwriteExistingService=FaLSE UniqueService=Yes MailboxName=%UserName% HomeServer=colhpaexc001 AccountName=Microsoft Exchange Server ;*************************************************************** ; Section 5 - Values for each internet account. ;*************************************************************** ;*************************************************************** ; Section 6 - Mapping for profile properties ;*************************************************************** [Microsoft Exchange Server] ServiceName=MSEMS MDBGUID=5494A1C0297F101BA58708002B2A2517 MailboxName=PT_STRING8,0x6607 HomeServer=PT_STRING8,0x6608 OfflineAddressBookPath=PT_STRING8,0x660E OfflineFolderPath=PT_STRING8,0x6610 [Exchange Global Section] SectionGUID=13dbb0c8aa05101a9bb000aa002fc45a MailboxName=PT_STRING8,0x6607 HomeServer=PT_STRING8,0x6608 RPCoverHTTPflags=PT_LONG,0x6623 RPCProxyServer=PT_UNICODE,0x6622 RPCProxyPrincipalName=PT_UNICODE,0x6625 RPCProxyAuthScheme=PT_LONG,0x6627 CachedExchangeConfigFlags=PT_LONG,0x6629 [Microsoft Mail] ServiceName=MSFS ServerPath=PT_STRING8,0x6600 Mailbox=PT_STRING8,0x6601 Password=PT_STRING8,0x67f0 RememberPassword=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6606 ConnectionType=PT_LONG,0x6603 UseSessionLog=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6604 SessionLogPath=PT_STRING8,0x6605 EnableUpload=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6620 EnableDownload=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6621 UploadMask=PT_LONG,0x6622 NetBiosNotification=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6623 NewMailPollInterval=PT_STRING8,0x6624 DisplayGalOnly=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6625 UseHeadersOnLAN=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6630 UseLocalAdressBookOnLAN=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6631 UseExternalToHelpDeliverOnLAN=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6632 UseHeadersOnRAS=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6640 UseLocalAdressBookOnRAS=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6641 UseExternalToHelpDeliverOnRAS=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6639 ConnectOnStartup=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6642 DisconnectAfterRetrieveHeaders=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6643 DisconnectAfterRetrieveMail=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6644 DisconnectOnExit=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6645 DefaultDialupConnectionName=PT_STRING8,0x6646 DialupRetryCount=PT_STRING8,0x6648 DialupRetryDelay=PT_STRING8,0x6649 [Personal Folders] ServiceName=MSPST MS Name=PT_STRING8,0x3001 PathToPersonalFolders=PT_STRING8,0x6700 RememberPassword=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6701 EncryptionType=PT_LONG,0x6702 Password=PT_STRING8,0x6703 [unicode Personal Folders] ServiceName=MSUPST MS Name=PT_UNICODE,0x3001 PathToPersonalFolders=PT_STRING8,0x6700 RememberPassword=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6701 EncryptionType=PT_LONG,0x6702 Password=PT_STRING8,0x6703 [Outlook Address Book] ServiceName=CONTAB [LDAP Directory] ServiceName=EMABLT ServerName=PT_STRING8,0x6600 UserName=PT_STRING8,0x6602 UseSSL=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6613 UseSPA=PT_BOOLEAN,0x6615 DisableVLV=PT_LONG,0x6616 DisplayName=PT_STRING8,0x3001 ConnectionPort=PT_STRING8,0x6601 SearchTimeout=PT_STRING8,0x6607 MaxEntriesReturned=PT_STRING8,0x6608 SearchBase=PT_STRING8,0x6603 [Microsoft Outlook Client] SectionGUID=0a0d020000000000c000000000000046 FormDirectoryPage=PT_STRING8,0x0270 WebServicesLocation=PT_STRING8,0x0271 ComposeWithWebServices=PT_BOOLEAN,0x0272 PromptWhenUsingWebServices=PT_BOOLEAN,0x0273 OpenWithWebServices=PT_BOOLEAN,0x0274 CachedExchangeMode=PT_LONG,0x041f CachedExchangeSlowDetect=PT_BOOLEAN,0x0420 [Personal Address Book] ServiceName=MSPST AB NameOfPAB=PT_STRING8,0x001e3001 Path=PT_STRING8,0x001e6600 ShowNamesBy=PT_LONG,0x00036601 ; ************************************************************************ ; Section 7 - Mapping for internet account properties. DO NOT MODIFY. ; ************************************************************************ [i_Mail] AccountType=POP3 ;--- POP3 Account Settings --- AccountName=PT_UNICODE,0x0002 DisplayName=PT_UNICODE,0x000B EmailAddress=PT_UNICODE,0x000C ;--- POP3 Account Settings --- POP3Server=PT_UNICODE,0x0100 POP3UserName=PT_UNICODE,0x0101 POP3UseSPA=PT_LONG,0x0108 Organization=PT_UNICODE,0x0107 ReplyEmailAddress=PT_UNICODE,0x0103 POP3Port=PT_LONG,0x0104 POP3UseSSL=PT_LONG,0x0105 ; --- SMTP Account Settings --- SMTPServer=PT_UNICODE,0x0200 SMTPUseAuth=PT_LONG,0x0203 SMTPAuthMethod=PT_LONG,0x0208 SMTPUserName=PT_UNICODE,0x0204 SMTPUseSPA=PT_LONG,0x0207 ConnectionType=PT_LONG,0x000F ConnectionOID=PT_UNICODE,0x0010 SMTPPort=PT_LONG,0x0201 SMTPUseSSL=PT_LONG,0x0202 ServerTimeOut=PT_LONG,0x0209 LeaveOnServer=PT_LONG,0x1000 [iMAP_I_Mail] AccountType=IMAP ;--- IMAP Account Settings --- AccountName=PT_UNICODE,0x0002 DisplayName=PT_UNICODE,0x000B EmailAddress=PT_UNICODE,0x000C ;--- IMAP Account Settings --- IMAPServer=PT_UNICODE,0x0100 IMAPUserName=PT_UNICODE,0x0101 IMAPUseSPA=PT_LONG,0x0108 Organization=PT_UNICODE,0x0107 ReplyEmailAddress=PT_UNICODE,0x0103 IMAPPort=PT_LONG,0x0104 IMAPUseSSL=PT_LONG,0x0105 ; --- SMTP Account Settings --- SMTPServer=PT_UNICODE,0x0200 SMTPUseAuth=PT_LONG,0x0203 SMTPAuthMethod=PT_LONG,0x0208 SMTPUserName=PT_UNICODE,0x0204 SMTPUseSPA=PT_LONG,0x0207 ConnectionType=PT_LONG,0x000F ConnectionOID=PT_UNICODE,0x0010 SMTPPort=PT_LONG,0x0201 SMTPUseSSL=PT_LONG,0x0202 ServerTimeOut=PT_LONG,0x0209 CheckNewImap=PT_LONG,0x1100 RootFolder=PT_UNICODE,0x1101 [iNET_HTTP] AccountType=HOTMAIL Account=PT_UNICODE,0x0002 HttpServer=PT_UNICODE,0x0100 UserName=PT_UNICODE,0x0101 Organization=PT_UNICODE,0x0107 UseSPA=PT_LONG,0x0108 TimeOut=PT_LONG,0x0209 Reply=PT_UNICODE,0x0103 EmailAddress=PT_UNICODE,0x000C FullName=PT_UNICODE,0x000B Connection Type=PT_LONG,0x000F ConnectOID=PT_UNICODE,0x0010
  2. Here is my sitaution. I work for a large public corporation. I work at an off site location with no access to the Group Policys as these are dealt with by the central I.T. Depts and I do not fancy rebuilding over 100 PCs so that MS Office can do this with ORK. I do have access to the logon scripts stored on the DC and the centrall I.T. Dept are ok with me using scripts to make it work. My question is the script would need to skip any profiles already setup and only create profiles on new users. I have made a .PRF but I can not get it to work correct. Every time I manually run the .PRF file it will create a backup profile? I'm I correct in thinking this is the best way to do this or is there a better way? The client are Windows XP with SP3 + MS Office 2003. Please can you help as I have spent the past 3 days logging in and out and joy I am ready to throw it all in.
  3. Looks like you win the offer of drinks. If your ever in my home town then the drinks are on me buddy.
  4. is the answer as simple as there is no AD in NT4 and it needs this?
  5. I've been onto the agency and the question should read "why would installing exchange 2000 on a members server in an NT4 domain fail?" anyone know the answer.
  6. correct me if I wrong but doesn't a members server mean its connected to AD?
  7. I'm going for a new job on Monday and the job agency I've applied through have given me a list of likely questions to be asked at the interview. I'm stuck with one question "Why would installing Exchange on a NT4 members server fail?" Does anyone know the answer to this? I'll owe you a beer if I get the job. thanks in advance tom
  8. Really I have windows MCE installed but I thought it more important to post in the Win XP only section as it is also relephant to XP only installs. I want a program that will auto shutdown windows to standby every 300 mins and keep doing this, even better would be to only do this if the PC is not busy (but I'm sure that is only a dream). Also I want a button to appear to be able to cancel the shutdown, even better would be if the cancel button would appeared over the top of the windows MCE GUI eshell screen. Is there a program that can do all or any of these things??? Thanx in advance.
  9. Tried Wise but it failed on the java installer. What other programs can I try? BTW I don't mind what the end program is .msi .exe. I thought a program that used snap shoot technology would best best suited to the job.
  10. I've been given the task installing 5000 card readers and asscioted software. I was hoping to do this via SMS. The card readers drivers are easy. I'm just going to use the dpinst program and I've already created a package for SMS. The card reader software is a collection of 5 programs with many command line extras. So doing an install with command switches is not really an option. I was thinking about using a snap shot program. The kind that takes a snap shot of the system and then you install all your required programs then take another snap shot of the system and the difference are put into an install program ready to push. The question is what is the best program (freeware or licenced) to automate snap shot style installations. In advanced thanx lads and lasses.
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