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  1. My CleanUp.cmd contains the following lines: shutdown.exe -r -f -t 60 -c "Windows XP will now restart in 1 minute..." net user aspnet /delete DEL "%systemroot%\*.bmp" DEL "%systemroot%\Web\Wallpaper\*.jpg" DEL "%systemroot%\system32\dllcache\*.scr" DEL "%systemroot%\system32\*.scr" EXIT Does anyone know of an alternative to shutdown.exe? Preferably I'm looking for a solution that uses the same kind of reboot interface that is used in other parts of the windows installation Thx Kev
  2. Thanks for your replies. In hindsight it all seems so obvious but isn't that always the way. Thanks again
  3. Hi this is my first post here and I just wanted some help in understanding some entries in CLEANUP.CMD in the RunOnceEx guide. In the example CLEANUP.CMD has the following entries: cmdow @ /HID shutdown.exe -r -f -t 60 -c "Windows XP will now restart in 1 minute..." net user aspnet /delete DEL "%systemroot%\*.bmp" DEL "%systemroot%\Web\Wallpaper\*.jpg" DEL "%systemroot%\system32\dllcache\*.scr" DEL "%systemroot%\system32\*.scr" DEL "%AllUsersProfile%\Start Menu\Windows Update.lnk" DEL "%AllUsersProfile%\Start Menu\Set Program Access and Defaults.lnk" DEL "%AllUsersProfile%\Start Menu\Windows Catalog.lnk" RD /S /Q %systemdrive%\drivers\ RD /S /Q %systemdrive%\install\ EXIT Basically I am having trouble with lines 2 and 3. Wouldn't the SHUTDOWN command be better as the last line of code as in its present position the computer will shutdown before reaching the rest of the commands What does "net user aspnet /delete" do? and is it necessary? Sorry if these questions seem foolish but it is confusing me.
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