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Everything posted by RonJu99

  1. Could it be the[unattendedSwitch=Yes]. Mine is set to No
  2. I altered the boot file but didn't write it down[my mistake] and would like to undo the change if possible by adding back the correct line. I found the tweak on another forum but haven't been able to locate that site either.
  3. Somewhere I found instructions on how to remove the the command (Press any key to boot from CD). I removed the command so that I would have a unattended install. However, I found that when the computer rebooted, it would start the install all over again. I would have to be there to shut it down and change BIOS back to boot from harddrive. Can someone tell me how to either put the command back or add instructions to tell setup to boot from the harddrive after setup?
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