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Posts posted by Gnome

  1. I follow these easy steps to get F&P Sharing to work:

    A) Enable File and Printer Sharing Exception in the Windows Firewall (Control Panel -> Windows Firewall -> Exceptions Tab -> Check File and Printer Sharing).

    B ) Disable Simple File Sharing (Windows Explorer -> Tools Menu -> Folder Options -> View Tab -> Uncheck Simple File Sharing)

    C) In Windows Explorer Right Click folder/drive/ect. you wish to share -> Sharing and Security -> Sharing Tab -> Click the Share This Folder Radio Button -> Enter your share name -> Click Permissions -> Cick on Everyone -> Click Remove.

    Now comes the part where you have to decide, what kind of users should be able to view this share? Usually for security reason mine is set to Administrator ONLY. This is how it's done for the Administrator:

    Click Add button -> Click the Advanced Button -> Click Find Now Button -> Pick the User Type when it's done searching (which in this case is Administrators (Your PC NAME)) -> Click OK button -> Click OK Button

    Now you decide what should this user class be able to do? Let's say you wish them to be able to Read and Modify files: Simply click the checkboxes next to the Action (ie. Check Read (where it says Allow) and Check Modify).

    You can add as many User Classes and their respective rights here, You can also select a Specific User there.

    Once More click OK. and Again.

    And Voila your Folder is shared on the LAN. Printers are Exactly the same Except you Right Click on the printer -> Properties and then Select Sharing and then it's just the same old same old.

    Now when you browse the Workgroup and select the PC it's going to ask you for the Username and Password Unless you chose Everyone as the Users Class (BE VERY CAREFULL!! USERS ON THE INTERNET CAN ACCESS YOUR FILES IF YOU DO THIS! Provided you are running your Internet connection bridged and it's on a ethernet connection, although this almost never happens it's possible...). If you want to avoid this sort of thing then simply create a user profile of the same name on each of the PC's (Ie. My username is Gnome of usertype Administrator and each PC in the Network has a User Gnome that is a Administrator). If your logged on as this user you can browse all the respective PC's that have your user class in their share and also present on their computer.

    Hope this makes sense....

  2. @kurt476: Sorry but try install it using svcpack or unattended.txt, that pack contains alot of content and it would be something completely seperate integrating it :blink:

    @boooggy: Correct if I am wrong but SP1 doesn't contain wmp9 does it? :huh: Because that would explain the problem, the slipstreamer relies on wmp9 being present and the other problem is modifying WMP.INF will cause setup to stop with a error (WFP related), but I'll check what the difference is between Wmp8 and wmp10 and try to get it compatible...

    I am almost done with my studying and then I'll add the new version ;)

  3. Everyone sorry I have been absent most of the time & I know I promised a new version, I still do intend to code my last version that incorporates everything that everyone has asked for, but at the moment I busy with examinations so I can't spend too much time on it :( But as soon as I have break I'll finish up that final version (maybey not final if it contains bugs ;) )

  4. @TheeBeets:

    If you run something other than the slipstreamer your Txtsetup,dosnet.sif and possible sysoc.inf and svcpack.inf will be different that is why I said watch out for those files....

    If you don't know how to make the changes manually then you are better off just running the program...

    Also DON'T remove Wmp9 with nlite

  5. @TheeBeets:

    Copy your txtsetup.sif,dosnet.inf,svcpack.inf,sysoc.inf,wmp.inf,mymusic.inf,skins.inf to a folder run the sliptreamer on that folder (as if it were i386) then you'll have all the files BUT remember changes are made to the following files: TXTSETUP.SIF,DOSNET.INF,SVCPACK.INF,SYSOC.INF AND MYMUSIC.INF

    I hope I have understood correctly what it is you want to do, hope this helps...

  6. @DonDamm: I'll create a parameter so that you can specify your own temporary directory and up the new ver asap.(porbably 2 days)

    @kelsenellenelvian: This could possible be a problem but I used the MSDN Win32 developers thingy :P and in there they said that windows specifies a Max path variable that should be sufficient.

    The only problem I could think of other than the one specified by kelsenellenelvian is that you don't have a "<WINDOWSDIRECTORY>\Temp" folder (The program requests this folder from Windows(Guess where I got that info from), but I am looking into it.)

  7. @rikgale:

    If you used a generic PSU the chances of your mobo + components being screwed get's a whole lot bigger but if it's namebrand (ie. Enermax, Thermaltake, ect) then everything should be ok.

    But I should also say that I had a pc that was killed by lightning and only the mobo died (it saved everything else,lucky me).

    Moral of the story: Next time double,double check :P (esp. those power cables connected to the mobo they usually cause blowup's ;) )

  8. @muiz: Np, whatever works for you :)

    @RyanVM: Very good point, at least it's working 50% :D (But that is entirely up to the user as I *never* use winnt32.exe so I would say 100% working :P )

    @shinomen: Well I'm testing my Winnt32 right now and see if I can reproduce the error.. (It does seem a bit strange it working one way and not the other :blink: ). But I am thinking that it has something to do with Windows File Protection.(Why Microsoft,Why?)

  9. @BoardBabe: Plugins -> I am currently using a Windows XP SP2 install with WMP10 installed the normal way and the only plugin I am seeing is the Nero plugin(I have nero installed) is there something I am missing? Are there supposed to be more plugins?

    Catalog Files -> The extra .Cat files added to svcpack aren't *required* but without them the new Windows Media Player 10 files would not be recognized and protected by SFC (Windows File Protection). And Windows *might* complain about unrecognized files without them, I say might because I cannot confirm this as I haven't tested it.

    EDIT: To check if the catalog files are correctly installed use Windows Explorer and navigate to <WINDOWS FOLDER>\System32\Catroot or <WINDOWS FOLDER>\System32\Catroot2 ... If the catalogs are present in one of the folders contained in catroot it's installed correctly.

  10. @kurt476: Hmm... I haven't seen the bonus pack yet, but I'll search for it and then check it out and if it's possible(should be) I'll add the option....

    @Everyone: Does the bug concerning WMP10 update affect your player in away? If not then it's probably safe to ignore it, Windows Update should tell you if your player is out of date shouldn't it? :P

    EDIT: Kurt, have you noticed that the bonus pack weighs in at 18MB :D and also adds to Windows Movie Maker?

    EDIT2: Kurt that pack contains ALOT of content and slipstreaming it could really become a hassle, isn't it possible to install it using svcpack?

  11. I have no idea why this happens, simply because I can't seem to reproduce the error :( but if it happens on a normal(i.e. install windows xp sp2 *clean* and install wmp10 the *normal* way) then maybey we should give Microsoft a call? :P

    Only reason this could happen that I can think of is that the registry entry for the version number is "hard-coded" so to speak(on my part), but I'll look into adding a extra routine that searches the original <Mp10Setup.exe> file(aka wmp10.inf) for a version number and use that version number instead...

    But please double check if this error only exists for you when using the slipstreamer(the same way boooggy suggested), else it may very well be a Windows Media Player bug.

    @Suren: As soon as I figure out this new problem I'll be right on it...

  12. @Lemonzest: Great JOB !!! :thumbup I didn't think it would work but it seems it did, as for the icon only being in entertainment that could be related to nlite removing it(I think one of the tweaks or something). This is great news, so now I can add 2003 Server to the supported list also...

    @BoardBabe: :P Boardbabe what I meant was, before integrating you shouldn't remove Windows Media Player 9 with Nlite, this will cause problems (and the new version slipstreamer aka version 3 won't let you slipstream it anyway, if wmp.inf is missing)

    @RyanVM: PM Sent, Thanks for your support :D

  13. @Lemonzest:This has been tested for Windows XP only but if you want to test it your welcome :P One thing to remember, the slipstreamer REQUIRES wmp9 to already be present...

    Report your findings if you do.

    @OrcoXP: Ok thanks, same as me

    @boooggy: Thanks :thumbup for testing....

    ok everyone I am very tired but tomorrow I'll be looking into the bug you guys have...

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