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  1. Thank you! that worked! but I had to set the 5th rule to ALLOW as the other ones, strange tough, last time I instintictly did something similar to the 5th rule before posting here having all icmp types allowed and in both direction but that didn't work, is as if I needed to set the firsts 4 rules for it to work! That's a mistery, thanks!
  2. This is what I did: I tried to set rules in the "advanced rules" option to accept all types of ICMP's for all the aplications in the list (on my HD), to make sure people will get ping responses from me, but so far didn't work that redundancy, I even set a 2nd rule to accept all connections on UDP ports 1024-65000 and still didn't work; I did this cuz I saw in "PACKET LOG" that the incoming ICMP requests, used UDP. So is there anyone that has a solution to my problem of having sygate running but not allowing people to ping you? PS. By the way why is "Allow icmp" for all applications set by default? and why is it still blocking them? Strange at least to my understanding. Have a nice day.
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