Hi, i try to shrinl my office 2003 italian. 1. setup /a of my office 2003 2. slipstreaming of sp2 3. slipstreaming of some hotfix with this LINK 4. insert in the dir my .mst file 5. launch shrink_lang02, choose italian and at the final i have 7mb of office. Can you help me? my log C:\office2.log Detected Windows Info: PlatformId = 2 MajorVersion = 5 MinorVersion = 1 ServicePackLevel = 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Launch Setup 16/01/2007 16.20.12 Recognized command line switch qb Recognized command line switch laceimow ** Switching to new log file passed on command line. ** 16/01/2007 16.20.12 Setup has detected a previously failed installation - Verbose Logging ON Found property assignment: TRANSFORMS=C:\office4\New Found property name: Custom, but did not find equal sign. Failed to query chaining key for main task name. ***** Setup exits 16/01/2007 16.20.15 (return = -203)