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Posts posted by jimmsta

  1. Merry Xmas. I'll have a new system by the end of the week, and will be retiring this machine (AMD AthlonXP 2500+, 1.5GB DDR400.... not that old), and be using it with Win9x/Linux/Vista OS's. It seems I'll be using Windows XP x64 and regular XP Pro on the new system...

    Basically, I cannot guarantee a new version of the Win98 Power Pack until sometime after new years. In either case....

    Merry XMas, and a happy new year.

    And to those that are utterly P-C at this time of year, Happy Holidays. ;)

  2. I've got a strange problem. I've got a Win98SE installation with a previously-applied 98se2me, and the latest (2.1a) SP. For some really strange reason, my double-click function is now pre-set to default to Search, or Find... this is not useful.

    Here's a screenshot of the problem:


    Also, the My Documents link on the desktop is missing its icon, and WILL NOT launch the correct folder. In this screenshot, you can see that I had to make a shortcut directly to the folder, just to access it.


    I'll be trying this out on a vanilla 98SE install, in vmware, as well... This is mearly a heads up for all 98se2me users that haven't updated their copy of 98se2me in a while, and apply this new SP.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, and the start button/start menu DOESN'T WORK AT ALL. I click the start button, and it stays depressed, but nothing shows up... (as you can see in the above screenshots). Use of TaskManager is the only way to reboot from within the virtual machine.

  3. Ah, good. I was worried about some of the bugs in the 2.1 release thread. Hope this is the end-all solution for 2.1. I'll be testing this as soon as I restore the rest of my programs (reinstalled OS, re-partitioned drives to allow for REAL DOS 7.1 and Win9x installation :) ).

  4. * Installing Win95

    For Win95 you'll need also to create a boot floppy image as the Win95 install CDs are not bootable (at least the ones I have got, Win 95 upgrade and Win95B).

    1) If needed, download the correct boot floppy image self extractor : http://www.shaneo.com/bootdisks/

    2) Write it to a floppy disk.

    3) Download the free Floppy Image. Extract an uncompressed image of the boot floppy with it and set it as floppy drive in Qemu Manager. Boot on it.

    4) Use fdisk and format from the virtual boot floppy to prepare the virtual hard-disk. Then run setup from the virtual CD-Rom.

    Starting from step 2, you could also do the following, which is much easier and less time-consuming:

    2) Download Virtual Floppy drive, write the bootdisk image to the virtual floppy drive. This will create an image file for you.

    3) Set virtual floppy drive as floppy drive in Qemu manager, or floppy disk image.

    I find this solution might be a bit better, as it is essentially transferring the image from the executable directly back into a raw data image file. This way, you can still access the file as if it was a floppy drive... I dunno, it's just another option.

  5. The only reason why I said anything was because I own a copy of the game, and only recently found the site that I mentioned... I got my copy with my first Windows-based PC - A Sony VAIO PCV-100, back in February 1997. ****, that machine was a piece of crap...

  6. It's up on MajorGeeks. I'll be updating the Windows 98 Power Pack in a few days.

    I should note that my BHT 2.0 Lite, which was up on MajorGeeks earlier this week, has been designed with Win98 users in mind. It is a utility compilation with everything you could possibly need... Except for extra bandwidth on my website... which is costing me dearly.

    Anyway, Thanks again, Gape!

  7. Why run 98? Because I don't actually run it... I mean, I use Virtual machines, and some old hardware from my collection, here and there... but I really don't use it, because I have better things to do with my time than fix problems with new hardware and old software...

    I do, however, try to help out this community with Win98 compilations... I guess I help some people....

  8. Question : When was Free Dos born ? Was it born only when the principles used by MS to write MS-DOS weren't patented anymore ? Or is it simply a clone that outwardly mimics the behaviour of Dos like Reactos mimics Windows NT without using any of its internals.

    Take a look at the about section of Freedos.org: http://freedos.org/freedos/about/

    The FreeDOS project began in 1994 as a small project called PD-DOS (see above link mentioned). At the time, DR-DOS's source code wasn't available, but once it was, pretty much full-compatibility of MS-DOS apps became apparent in FreeDOS. I remember running Free-DOS on an old laptop, around 1998, and having trouble running any MS-DOS- based software. Now-a-days, it seems that the inclusion of DR-DOS code has made is possible to mimic MS-DOS with fully GPL'd code.

    That system, to clarify, had 4MB of RAM, and probably was not suited to run FreeDOS anyway.

  9. I realize the fact that it is a PowerPC... It could still be NT-based.

    Then again, seeing as all the xbox360's OS has to do, really, is negotiate media traffic, manage some sort of database software, and online connections...

    Seems a bit more intuitive than WinCE could ever be.

  10. As far as I know, after snooping around in the decompressed kernel segments of the xbox, I can gladly say that the xbox implementation of the NT kernel are separate from the BIOS-style code. Essentially, the kernel is a directX-native kernel... that is to say, that the kernel is sorta a hybrid NT/DX kernel, which includes direct access to all devices in the system, as well as direct GPU access - hence, this is the reason why the xbox hardware can be pushed further than most PC hardware. The GPU's power is completely at the programmer's fingers, in that it will take in as many ASM-based GPU instructions as it can handle in its hybrid GF3/4 architechture.

    What I'm getting at, is that the NT Kernel is still there... but it's so heavily modified with DirectX kernel calls, that it isn't windows 2000's kernel anymore.

    I wonder if the Xbox360's kernel is based on embedded XP, or embedded Vista (most likely a subversion of Vista's kernel). Then again,Vista's kernel may be a fork of the Xbox's original kernel. It would make sense to integrate DirectX into the kernel, to simplify kernel calls, and reduce the latencies associated with DX processing and translation....

  11. I'm just wondering, after noticing the "Windows 2000 Embedded" logo in a pre-SP, beta of 2k's Explorer.exe file, if Win2k Embedded was ever released as anything other than the Xbox's OS? I'm just curious, as I've never actually seen an embedded device that uses the win2k kernel, aside from the Xbox...

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