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About jforrest

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  1. You would have thought MS would have either a single agreement to select OR in the registry you auto accept any MS patch....... your right aswell the CD thing is not really an option... the ppl who are using the tablets have more in common with an ameba, trying to get them to plug in an external CD rom would be akin to writing a novel
  2. all units are stand alone. how would SUS / WSUS help / operate in that enviroment? also i need to keep cost to a bare minimum
  3. hi guys first post after reading and getting some really useful information but i need some "odd" advise please. i need to make a total unattend patching system for windows on SP2 XP using the Autoupdate function. When i say total i mean no interaction by the user at all. It has to download and install itself silently in the backgound without the user clicking anything at all. ok here is what i have so far. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU] "NoAutoUpdate"=dword:00000000 "AUOptions"=dword:00000004 "ScheduledInstallDay"=dword:00000000 "ScheduledInstallTime"=dword:00000009 "NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers"=dword:00000001 "AutoInstallMinorUpdates"=dword:00000000 "RescheduleWaitTime"=dword:00000001 the guys in the know, know what it means but the problem i get is the auto update icon appears at the bottom asking you to accept the agreement once you have done this all is well and good till the next update which again requires you to double click the auto update icon and agree to the agreement. The reason i want this is that i have about 100 tablets i have to build for Tablet XP SP2 and the users are muppets to say the least. The units need patching with the muppet having to do anything so anyone?? help ??? pls?? thanks
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