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Everything posted by stevecharon

  1. Hi, I have changed the beginning of ussf.au3 to check, if it got a file as parameter (rightclick and open with ussf). And also to check where peid.exe is sitting (3 locations: scriptdir (dir of ussf), windowsdir and systemdir) Only 1 file is checked, so no multiselect please. If more files are selected prior to rightclick the one under the mouse is checked. ; <AUT2EXE VERSION:> ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; <AUT2EXE INCLUDE-START: D:\Dokumente\AutoIT Test\USSF.au3> ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoItSetOption ( "TrayIconHide", 1) If FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\peid.exe") Then $peiddir = @ScriptDir ElseIf FileExists(@WindowsDir & "\peid.exe") Then $peiddir = @WindowsDir ElseIf FileExists(@SystemDir & "\peid.exe") Then $peiddir = @SystemDir Else MsgBox(0,"Error", "peid.exe not found!") Exit EndIf If $CMDLINE[0] <> 0 Then $FileName = $CMDLINE[1] ;MsgBox (0, "Parameter", "Es wurde: " & $pars & " eingegeben.") Else $FileName = FileOpenDialog("Select Installer to analyse", @WorkingDir, "(*.exe)", 1) EndIf ;msgbox(0,"Info","" & $FileName) If @error <> 1 Then Run ($peiddir & "\peid.exe -hard " & '"' & $FileName & '"' ,"", @SW_HIDE) WinWait ("PEiD v0.9") $IDString= ControlGetText("PEiD v0.9", "", "Edit2") SplashTextOn("USSF 0.11", "Scanning...",300,200) While ($IDString ="Scanning...") or ($IDString ="") Sleep (100) $IDString= ControlGetText("PEiD v0.9", "", "Edit2") WEnd SplashOff() WinClose ("PEiD v0.9") $foundsomething = "n" ;msgbox(0,"Universal Silent Switch Finder 0.1",$IDString) If StringInStr ($IDString, "Inno Setup") Then msgbox(0,"Results","This is an Inno Setup installer." & @CR & @CR & _ "Silent switches are:" & @CR & _ "/SILENT or /VERYSILENT" & @CR & @CR & _ "Additional switches are: " & @CR & _ "/SP- Disables the ""This will install... Do you wish to continue?"" prompt at the beginning of Setup." & @CR & _ "/NOCANCEL Prevents the user from cancelling during the installation process." & @CR & _ "/NORESTART Instructs Setup not to reboot even if it's necessary." & @CR & _ "/SAVEINF=""filename"" Instructs Setup to save installation settings to the specified file." & @CR & _ "/LOADINF=""filename"" Instructs Setup to load the settings from the specified file after having checked the command line." & @CR & _ "/DIR=""x:\dirname"" Overrides the default directory name displayed on the Select Destination Location wizard page." & @CR & _ "/COMPONENTS=""comma separated list of component names"" Overrides the default components settings.") $foundsomething = "y" EndIf If StringInStr ($IDString, "Wise") Then msgbox(0,"Results","This is a Wise installer." & @CR & @CR & _ "Silent switch is:" & @CR & _ "/s" & @CR & _ "Alternative switches are: " & @CR & _ "/x ""x:\dirname"" Extract (don't install) files to path") $foundsomething = "y" EndIf If StringInStr ($IDString, "Nullsoft") Then msgbox(0,"Results","This is a Nullsoft NSIS installer." & @CR & @CR & _ "Silent switch is:" & @CR & _ "/S (all switches must be upper case)" & @CR & @CR & _ "Additional switches are: " & @CR & _ "/D=""x:\dirname"" Install program to path" & @CR & _ "/NCRC Skip CRC check") $foundsomething = "y" EndIf If StringInStr ($IDString, "Installshield AFW") Then msgbox(0,"Results","This is an Installshield installer." & @CR & @CR & _ "First unpack the monolithic setup file with WinRar." & @CR & _ "You either have a .CAB or .MSI based installer." & @CR & _ "For CAB based:" & @CR & _ "Record an installation with this command:" & @CR & _ "Setup.exe /r /f1""c:\setup.iss""" & @CR & _ "Now you can perform a silent installation with the iss file:" & @CR & _ "Setup.exe /s /f1""c:\setup.iss""" & @CR & _ " "& @CR & _ "For MSI based:" & @CR & _ "Msiexec /i setup.msi /qb") $foundsomething = "y" EndIf If StringInStr ($IDString, "Installshield 2003") Then msgbox(0,"Results","This is an Installshield 2003 installer." & @CR & @CR & _ "Try to retrieve the MSI file from the temp folder during installation." & @CR & _ "Then install with:" & @CR & _ "Msiexec /i setup.msi /qb") $foundsomething = "y" EndIf If StringInStr ($IDString, "RAR SFX") Then msgbox(0,"Results","This is a selfextracting RAR archive." & @CR & @CR & _ "The RAR comment contains the setup script.") $foundsomething = "y" EndIf If StringInStr ($IDString, "ZIP SFX") Then msgbox(0,"Results","This is a selfextracting ZIP archive." & @CR & @CR & _ "Extract the files and investigate further.") $foundsomething = "y" EndIf If StringInStr ($IDString, "WinZip") Then msgbox(0,"Results","This is a selfextracting WinZip archive." & @CR & @CR & _ "Extract the files and investigate further.") $foundsomething = "y" EndIf If $foundsomething <> "y" Then msgbox(0,"Results","Sorry, unknown installer.") EndIf ;msgbox(0,"Universal Silent Switch Finder 0.11",$IDString) EndIf ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; <AUT2EXE INCLUDE-END: D:\Dokumente\AutoIT Test\USSF.au3> ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't know if this code is the most recent. But I hope you get the point. If anyone has newer versions please update in order to have those rightclick-feature often mentioned in this thread. To use it, import this: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile\shell\Identify with USSF\command] @="\"C:\\Windows\\ussf.exe\" \"%1\""
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