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Everything posted by alexxx

  1. Hmmm... During my installation I didn't receive such messages. It went through without any complications. I put a new system on, respectively I took an image which consists of the OS win98 and nothing more. Did you use the uninstallation of RC3? Perhaps that's the reason.
  2. THANK YOU! The new version SP2 RC3a works fine. Alex
  3. Thanks swgreed. I'll try it one more time. Bye, Alex PS: Yesterday I looked in this board and didn’t find any thread to this topic. Sorry for that.
  4. Hello guys, I've got a problem during the shutdown of windows 98. I installed a fresh windows 98 and only actualized the graphic drivers, because the other drivers were identified correctly by the operating system . After a system reboot it looked quite good. But the next reboot produced a so called Mprexe-error and the system stopped. Only a restart helped. In the next step I installed win98 but added no more drivers. After the installation of SP2 RC3 the same error appeared. What should I do? Alex PS: I also miss the KB891711 and the KB891781 Update. Perhaps you can release the fixes, or Tihiy's new KB891711 version, in the next RC.
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