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Everything posted by misdial

  1. I also changed the language with regmon running, and there were easily over 100 registry entries, so logging every one of those, and a *.reg file is not an answer. I want to be able to enable this keyboard on a remote system.
  2. I need to be able to remotely add a language to text service and languages. Is there an easy way to do this with SMS, or just some registry entries I can make on the users system?
  3. Dman, All the information you have is good stuff, but it doesn't change anything with a deployment, or copy any changes over multiple OS's. It still requires a batch file for these changes. I'm not making a dealy-o, just putting some information if someone browses for a similar issue to what I have. The information At0mic provided seems to fit the resolution on this issue. Once again, thank both of you for the information. Dman, your information is good for some older programs I've been trying to rehash through on my old system, and At0mic, you hit the nail on the head. misdial
  4. Dman and At0mic, I'll see what I can dig up. I did some googling on deployment and "compatability mode", but came up with nothing. I like the ACT idea. I'll shoot it that direction, and see what I can come up with. I'll post any findings here so everyone will know the results. So the issue with the compat mode in the bat file is with regmon.exe, not the command line. I will try it with our applications. Once again thank you both for all your help on this issue. Thanks again, misdial
  5. Error message: A REGVXD.VXD is not loaded properly.:The parameter is incorrect error is occuring Here is what I put in the batch file: set __COMPAT_LAYER=Win98 c:\Regmon.exe set __COMPAT_LAYER= exit I used regmon.exe as a test object...Am I missing something? Anyone have any ideas on this one?
  6. Tested creating shortcut...nogo, and wouldn't work with multiple users anyhoo, but the batch one should work in theory. I'll test it and let everyone know. Thanks again! Misdial
  7. You guys are the best. 4 forums, and get the answer in less than 30 on this one! Thanks again! misdial
  8. Friends: I am in need of information on replicating "compatability mode" settings when moving executables to host machines. Does anyone have any ideas on this. I have searched technet, as well as the web for info on this, and have been found wanting. Thanks, Misdial
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