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Posts posted by meihong

  1. Backup your your registry, Backup your system partition, then go to:


    change the value of

    ProgramFilesDir (x86)



    and the value of

    CommonFilesDir (x86)



    or whatever path you like.

    If you already installed something in C:\programfiles(x86), then search the Registry for C:\programfiles(x86) and programfiles(x86) (some software uses C?\programfiles(x86)) and change the values according to your wishes.

    Complex Installation (f.e. antirus or firewall) could get messy using this procedure, so its best to uninstall these and then do a reinstall.

    there is no such thing as windows recognizing programs. it is nothing without you

  2. winxp registry is full of double entries like for example:





    i think new keys are created with every software-update, first Internet.HHCtrl.1 then Internet.HHCtrl.2

    which is totally useless because both keys contain same data. with the creation of a new key the original is updated with a reference-Subkey to the added key [example: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Internet.HHCtrl\CurVer: Internet.HHCtrl.1].

    i think this is the main reason for the registry size growing, especially when reinstalling bloated software like acrobat, msoffice or vmware.

    does anyone know why this happens?

    and a second registry-related question:

    is there a software that analyzes key-sizes like there is for folder-sizes (treesize pro or FolderSizes)

  3. i got a starnet digital router with integrated adsl modem, connected to my standard pci network card.

    normally i should be able to enter the configuration screen by browing to, that dos not work.

    i tried with 2 different network cards, 2 windows versions,out of winpe,disabled firewall,nothing worked.

    what windows services etc. are needed to connect to a router in this configuration?

    any ideas? or should i reset the router?

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