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Everything posted by umdanielcar

  1. Hi; How can I use password to share me folders in Windows XP Pro? For example, I want use X to read and change me folter temp, but user Y just to see it, and user Z only if he uses the right password. I’ve already disable simple file sharing (recommended). Thank you very much.
  2. Hello. This is the situation. I would like to burn a CD exactly a copy of my hard disk. In the HD there is only Windows 98 installed and an anti-virus. So it will fit on a regular CD. The purpose is to take this CD and boot it in protected mode on an infected computer so I can scan and remove the virus. How can I do that? Which programs should I use? What is the sequence that I should use for this workflow? How to make the CD Win98 bootable? I thank you very much in advance. Daniel
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