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  1. I thought this was once fixed in maybe 3.9.1 or it's not fixed? I don't recall. But now, I tested on two PC and found it's still present on Windows 24H2 (26100.3323) and 24H2 (26100.3194). (3.9.1 ~ 3.9.5 all have this problem)
  2. Found a bug: "Win + Ctrl + Num x" may bring the wrong window into focus. Running on Win11 (24H2 26100.2454) How to reproduce: Say we have 2 windows grouped at the 2nd position on the taskbar. Focus on the 1st window of this 2nd group. Press "Win + Ctrl + Num 2" to switch to the 2nd window of the 2nd group. Switch to another window of another group by using the mouse to click on the taskbar the target window.(Do NOT use "Win + Ctrl + Num x" in this step) Press "Win + Ctrl + Num 2". After the last step, it focuses on the 1st window of the 2nd group (should've focused on the 2nd window of the 2nd group). Note that using "Win + Ctrl + Num x" in the 3rd step to switch to another window of another group doesn't trigger this bug and the stock taskbar also works as expected. Please fix this. Though it's a small quirk, it's quite annoying as I always found myself bringing up the wrong window when I worked between windows belonging to two groups. Thanks.
  3. With SAB 3.8.8 installed, I found when copy/move files using "Total Command", and as the operation defaults to "background copy/move", another window is spawned showing operation progress, the progress on the taskbar is halved in this case (as there're 2 windows SAB takes into account while there's only one). The stock taskbar doesn't have this problem.
  4. I found this issue is still present with 3.8.4. Though it's a small problem, I found it can cause slight usability inconsistency if using this hotkey a lot. (i.e.: get used to different behavior on a PC running with SAB or on a PC without SAB). Pressing "Win + NUM" key always cycles from the 1st window in that group with 3.7.11 or without SAB, but with 3.8.4, when I'm already focusing on one of the windows in that group, pressing it causes it to cycle starting from the current window. E.g.: When I'm focusing on the 2nd window in the 1st position, pressing "Win + 1" begins from the 2nd window, but with 3.7.11 or without SAB, it begins from the 1st one.
  5. All "Win + x" key bugs I reported have been fixed except for one small inconsistency (not necessarily a bug if purposely made) compared to 3.7.11 or without SAB. Pressing "Win + NUM" key always cycles from the 1st window in that group with 3.7.11 or without SAB, but with 3.8.3, when I'm already focusing on one of the windows in that group, pressing it causes it to cycle starting from the current window. E.g.: When I'm focusing on the 2nd window in the 1st position, pressing "Win + 1" begins from the 2nd window, but with 3.7.11 or without SAB, it begins from the 1st one.
  6. 3.8.3 partially fixed "WIN + CTRL + NUM", but the switching ORDER through these windows on that position is not right. With 3.7.11 or without SAB, they are cycled through in the "Most recently used" order (i.e. the order they're previously visited), but now they're just cycled in sequential order. Another issue is that 3.8.3 switches to the wrong window after you switch away from these windows and then switch back. E.g.: There are 4 windows in the 1st position on the taskbar, and I'm now focusing on the 2nd one and switch away to another window (NOT the ones in the 1st position). When I press "WIN + CTRL + 1", it should bring the focus back to the 2nd window at the 1st position on the taskbar, but 3.8.3 focuses on the 3rd window. It's best to try yourself to see the order in which these windows are restored without SAB or with 3.7.11. It seems 3.8.3 bypasses the MRU (Most recently used) order list kept by the OS.
  7. With 3.8.2, some "WIN+" keyboard shortcuts are still broken. "WIN + SHIFT + NUM". E.g.: When similar windows are grouped as 1st app on the taskbar, holding "WIN" and then pressing "1" starts cycling through these windows FORWARD. Now DON'T release "WIN" but hold "Win + Shift", and pressing "1" should cycle through these windows BACKWARD. But with 3.8.2, "WIN + SHIFT + NUM" always launches a new instance of the app on that position, which should only be the case when users haven't initiated such cycling. "WIN + CTRL + NUM". Holding "Win + Ctrl" and pressing "Num", this combination should initiate a direct switching through the windows grouped on that position in MRU order (no pop-ups shown above the taskbar), but with 3.8.2, pressing it does the same as pressing only "WIN + NUM", which should only be true if there's only one window on that position. All these are working well with 3.7.11.
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