With 3.8.2, some "WIN+" keyboard shortcuts are still broken.
"WIN + SHIFT + NUM". E.g.: When similar windows are grouped as 1st app on the taskbar, holding "WIN" and then pressing "1" starts cycling through these windows FORWARD. Now DON'T release "WIN" but hold "Win + Shift", and pressing "1" should cycle through these windows BACKWARD. But with 3.8.2, "WIN + SHIFT + NUM" always launches a new instance of the app on that position, which should only be the case when users haven't initiated such cycling.
"WIN + CTRL + NUM". Holding "Win + Ctrl" and pressing "Num", this combination should initiate a direct switching through the windows grouped on that position in MRU order (no pop-ups shown above the taskbar), but with 3.8.2, pressing it does the same as pressing only "WIN + NUM", which should only be true if there's only one window on that position.
All these are working well with 3.7.11.