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About JRJacobs

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  1. sorry i'm confused... your program seems just what i'm looking for BUT (excuse my big but here ) on the beginning thread you have an exe called install.exe, then further along you say you've updated it and now you have a exe called cdchg.exe then you answer fdisk about a change you'll do my question is which is the NEWEST? it would SEEM cdchgr but cdchgr shows a created date of 12/25/2004 and install shows a created date of 2/9/2005 my second question is does this mean "x" is a variable - i want your prog to setup to use a runonce reg entry so that after a reboot it will run WPI from a batch file on a second CD named APPS i would need only enter "cdchg.exe APPS "\wpi\WpiRun1.cmd %systemdrive%\install\cleanup.cmd -n" or do need to hardcode the drive as "X" thank you
  2. Posilutly, Absitivley... been perusing the forum for a while and found that Too many good threads get lost in all the comments [i.e. 32 PAGES to find how to do x,y,z] AND that each writer comes up with their own way of doing certain things that quickly become mutually exclusive [i.e. set tagfile=\WPI for %%i in (c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do if exist "%%i:%tagfile%" set CDROM2=%%i: vs. IF EXIST %systemdrive%\install\applications.cmd GOTO RUNBATCH SET CDROM2= IF EXIST D:\install\applications.cmd SET CDROM2=D: IF EXIST E:\install\applications.cmd SET CDROM2=E: etc. etc] THIS IS NOT CRITICISM!!!! they are all wonderfully helpful... BUT [please excuse my big BUT here] it really, really, really helps for one person to put it all together so that some one who wants to make one can, without having to reverse compile or learn a new language. thank one and all you for your time and your efforts
  3. OK i WAS right!!! it WAS me doing SOMETHING wrong key was.... "To the left of that button the download link will have appeared." thank you for your assistance
  4. hmmm in my experience 40 hours of successful accomplishment goes much faster than 1/2 hour of unsuccessful frustration, but i wasn't intending to denigrate you WONDERFUL work and apologize if this is how it comes across. i am trying to access this from a production ad msserver 2003 computer with ie6 installed. i cannot change it's settings to d/l even something so desired and appreciated as the drivers packs. i can't and wont lift my kilt in public just to change underwear [translation i won't drop/change protection even if it is required to get your 40+ hours of work] now i am willing to click on banners to help pay for your b/w and have throughout this fruitless exercise. i do not use yahoo im but, i can be reached at MyUserName aatt Ay Oh El dot commmm [sorry for the misdirection but i'm sure you all understand what and why] the steps i've done are 1- go to www.btsunattend.net 2- click on Projects 3- click on DriverPacks 4- click on DriverPacks BASE 5- click on Download it! 6- click on Download! 7- a windows pops up that says click on the ads at the top once 8- i click on Popular PCRegistry cleaner 9- a windows for www.pctools.com opens up 11- nothing.... if i close pctools i go back to step 6, if i don't close pctools i go back to step 6, in fact anything i do carries me back to step 6 this is not intended to be a critique of the author, of the software, of the generosity for the website, bandwidth, nor time. this does not mean however it's not frustrating.
  5. I have spent the most frustrating half hour trying to D/L the various packs. i acknowledge that lots of work went into them and i appreciate the bandwidth being used, and i'm POSITIVE many are going to chastise me BUT.... i go to the web page, i click on download, i click on the adds, ai go to the website and NOTHING!.... no links, no changes, the original windows changes to the PCTOOLS [and yes i tried both of them in every combination], and download now takes me BACK to the click on any ad. i tried to open it in a new window, same non-result, i tried everthing twice in everycombination. i'm an mcse and have a fairly braod knowledge of computers so i'm not a noobe, and since i see no other posts describing this problem, i'm sure it's me that is doing something wrong, but this method of validation smacks of M$'s validate before you can download, and for me at least it doesn't work as well. i love your stuff, i appreciate your efforts, i even click on your banners but sorry no thanks, i go here to SAVE me time, not use it up....BTW you now have ate least 25 banner clicks from me to PCTools, enjoy
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