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About fmxer

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  1. lol but the unattended guide is fine, but i meant: Say someone has almost figured out how to add a silent install of Miranda IM. They make a thread asking for some help. By around the 5th or 6th page it has been worked out and people have posted solutions and it now works great, can the first post just be updated with the correct info on how they did it so from then on noobs like me will find it easier to understand? Thanks
  2. u can use IExpress Packager or winrar sfx , install Fontinst.exe, and it'll be done; install, delete , .... P.S. i've found a tool "installfont.exe" in wpi package, usage: REM Font installation - the easy way for /R %%i in ( *.ttf ) do ( echo Installing font %%~ni.ttf copy /Y "%%~fi" "%windir%\Fonts" > nul "installfont.exe" "%windir%\Fonts\%%~ni.ttf" > nul ) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Can you please explain this alittle further? You got a file called 'installfont.exe', you put that in a folder with a file called 'fonts.inf' and all your fonts, then you paste that code in the inf file? thanks
  3. i like the Unattended guide, its just that some of the threads in the forums are hard to get the full idea of what to do in order to slipstream some programs into the install. so the idea was to just for someone to go through and put all the relevant info on the first page/post, oh well. Thanks anyway
  4. cant you make bmps transparent by saving the image as a png in photoshop with the transparent parts transparent, then open it in paint and save it as a 24 bit bmp in there? least thats how i did my oem logo
  5. Is it possible to add all the relevant info to the first post, its hard when your new to come and try and find out how to do something when the info is scattered over many pages. Thanks
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