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Everything posted by glugolian

  1. Have solution for my problem @ECHO OFF :: delims is tab folowed by space FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\id\Doom 3" /v InstallPath') DO SET InstallPath=%%B ECHO InstallPath=%InstallPath% COPY .\CRACKOP.txt "%InstallPath%" IF EXIST "%InstallPath%"\CRACKOP.txt (START .\first.txt GOTO END) ELSE START .\second.cmd :END Im not sure what you tried to do. Can you give more details
  2. Maybe this help, I have something similar @ECHO OFF :: delims is tab folowed by space FOR /F "tokens=2* delims= " %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\id\Doom 3" /v InstallPath') DO SET InstallPath=%%B ECHO InstallPath=%InstallPath% COPY .\CRACKOP.txt %InstallPath% PAUSE So I can find path in registry but rest of the command dont work. Can anyone correct that part of the command? Why file doesnt get copied in install folder of doom3 (this is just example, I put folder for doom3 because I have that key on my computer contains path to D:\Program files\Doom 3, something similar to problem that you have) I got Echo reply InstallPath=D:\Program Files\Doom 3 and now I want to copy file to that folder
  3. Maybe is of the topic but I would like to know is it posible to make command to copy one file from cd to some destination on hard drive. The problem is destination because is unknown, it depends where the program is instaled. For example I want do copy images from CD to folder "images" inside of "Borgchat" folder but I dont know in what folder Borgchat is installed. Is it possible to make that in batch script? like "copy .\1.bmp+2.bmp+3.bmp ???destination???\images"
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