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Everything posted by davoud

  1. Hi There, I am looking for a way to invoke dialog boxes of the options under "access control" in tweakui such as "Manage File and Print sharing" and so forth, directly and without using tweakui. Any comments? thanks
  2. Never mind. I solved the problem. No need for the "%L" in HKCR ,which will be replaced by the drive root, added by tweak ui when creating the handler. I just deleted it and the problem is now gone.
  3. Hi there, I have added the "Edit Movie" handler to autoplay box, using tweakui. Drive H is my CDRom. There is no problem accessing the drive H directly, playing a movie with WMP and/or directly importing a movie to WMM from H drive and editing it in there. Using the mentioned "Edit Movie" handler to edit a movie, captured and edited by WMM, I get the following message from Movie Maker: "the File "H:"" Couldnot be found. Verify that the file has not been deleted, renamed or moved and then try again." here it is the related registry keys that I have. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TweakUIAutoplay] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TweakUIAutoplay\shell] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TweakUIAutoplay\shell\TweakUIAutoplay_7108581] @="Edit movie" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TweakUIAutoplay\shell\TweakUIAutoplay_7108581\command] @="\"D:\\Program Files\\Movie Maker\\moviemk.exe\" \"%L\"" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AutoplayHandlers\EventHandlers\PlayVideoFilesOnArrival] "MSPlayMediaOnArrival"="" "EHomeVideosHandler"="" "MSOpenFolder"="" "TweakUIAutoplay_7108581"="" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AutoplayHandlers\Handlers\TweakUIAutoplay_7108581] "Action"="Edit movie" "Provider"="Movie Maker" "InvokeProgID"="TweakUIAutoplay" "InvokeVerb"="TweakUIAutoplay_7108581" "DefaultIcon"="D:\\Program Files\\Movie Maker\\moviemk.exe,0" So the question is, what am I doing wrong? and second question is that, why tweakui assigns different number after underscore in "TweakUIAutoplay_7108581", when I delete and create the handler again? thanks for your time. Title Edited - Please follow new posting rules from now on. --Zxian
  4. I solved 90% of this problem using winstress software from ultrax company. I used it and uninstalled win xp sp2 and the remote procedure call problem and most of the other problems were solved but there were other problems that i could not solve and finally i did repartition/reformat my HD and installed windows xp.
  5. Hi, I am using a dell 4550, 1.8 Ghz, 640 Mb Ram and win xp sp1. After recovery from a serious disaster (which is previously posted in this forum under Remote Procedure Call major problem ), I have some problems left and I would appreciate your comments on them. (For those who are interested in my recovery story, I would say that, I used the Winstress software from Ultrax company and could uninstall WinXP SP2, followed by in-place reinstallation of the XP SP1 which solved 90% of the problem) Now Problems are: 1-Windows registry for some reasons loses "full control and users" for the hives HKLM and H_Users after each reboot eventhough I fix them it happens again. In place reinstallation of windows did not help. System and administrators have full control and everyone and restricted have read permissions. I set everyone to full control and add other users with full control but after reboot no users.! and everyone loses its full control. 2-System info does not work and I get a message saying that: "Cnnot collect information Cannot access the windows management instrumentation software. Windows management files maybe moved or missing" I have tried all the tweaks on the net including those in microsoft knowledge base and Kelly's Korner but no luck. Windows management instrumentation is present in Services windows and is running and this script succeeds without problem: Set Svc = GetObject ("winmgmts:root\default") and I do not think that I need to rebuild the repository as I tried the suggestions on this page: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcen...mifaq.mspx#EGAA and all suceeded. 3-I tried to do a clean(fresh) install and when i got to the partions page i changed my mind and quit the setup but now I have got multi boot menu (xp home and xp) when I start and It goes directly to the windows setup before I can do anything and I would like to know how I can remove that windows xp option from the boot menu. Thanks for your input.
  6. thanks for your message firefox but I don't want to give up! that is my last option.
  7. Hi there, I am using a dell dimension 4550, XP home sp2, CPU 1.8 GHZ and 640 MB RAM and Microsoft .Net Framework version 1.1.4322 and Norton system works 2004 pro (updated twice a week), spybot s&d 1.3, ad-aware se personal updated on 25,01, 2005 and Microsoft anti spyware beta and hijackthis. (no spyware in my computer) So sorry if you find this message very long but I have to. I have a problem with Norton system works pro and I am in contact with Symantec to solve it. I have uninstalled Norton firewall because of the above problem and for a while I used the computer with the windows xp sp1 firewall (used to have sp1 and just installed XP sp 2). Before I install XP sp2, I installed ATI all-in-wonder 9600 XT graphics card . Even though it had a little problem but finally I fixed the problem which was related to WDM AUDIO. After two days I ran the Blarc advisor then reinstalled the patches that I needed (I did download all at the same time and then restarted). Then I installed XP sp2. Now I noticed that everything is messed up. I am not sure if this happened before or after installing the patches and XP SP2. The problem is that: Attempting to start the RPC manually gives this error: “Could not start the remote procedure call service on Local computer. Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.“ Also system restore does not work, windows installer does not work as it is dependent to RPC and I can not uninstall or install programs, Last known good does not work, windows recovery console did not help solving the problem, task bar missing and I have to play with it until it appears, Norton icon missing in taskbar, user accounts is a blank page and the registry permissions for HKLM and HKEY_Users deletes the permissions for the users at restart even though I fix it, it happens again, extended tab in services window is blank and so forth. I have searched the Microsoft knowledge base and tried these pages: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=839174 I can not reinstall .Net Framework because Windows Installer does not work. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...&displaylang=en I can not install the upgrade for SP2 and I get this error: “Set up could not verify the integrity of the Update.inf. Make sure the Cryptographic service is running on this computer.” But as you know this service needs the RPC to be running first!!! http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=838428 but there is no LEGACY_RPCSS in the specified Root in my registry. http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?...kb;en-us;315346 I have msiexec.exe here C:\Windows\System32\ Msiexec.exe Method 1 did not help. Method 2 when attempting to rename these files: msi.dll, msiexec.exe and msihnd.dll I get this message at dos prompt: The system cannot find the file specified http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?...kb;en-us;830071 DWORD for the RPC in the registry is set to 2 but the Remote Procedure Call will not start and recovery console did not help. I downloaded and used the MacAfee stinger virus scan but it did not find any viruses. I downloaded the uninstaller for direct x9 from majorgeeks.com and followed the instruction but it did not help. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!! The only way to solve it in my mind, is to reinstall (not fresh install) windows XP SP2 (I have made a slip streamed bootable win xp sp2 cd before). My questions are: 1-Is my computer compromised? If yes What I can do? 2- Is that O.K to reinstall win xp sp2 now? What about the Norton system works and ati graphics card drivers? Am I going to get in to other problems with these two after I install sp2? 3-Is there any thing else that I can do before installing sp2 again? Please help I am just frustrated. Cheers davoud
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