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Everything posted by LordGarfio

  2. Flashpaste v6.6.0.0 - Windows XP Fixed The best tool for inserting text templates. Flashpaste provides a powerful and highly effective solution for saving time. Instead of typing you can use text templates in a way that greatly extends the standard Windows clipboard. https://flashpaste.com/ Windows XP Fix Download: Flashpaste v6.0.0.0 XP Fixes [Portable and Installer] Flashpaste v6.0.0.0 Windows XP Fixes [Portable and Installer] Cheers.
  3. Hyperionics HyperSnap x32 v8.19.00 Modded for Windows XP https://nitroflare.com/view/182F433E9D76B0D/Hyperionics_HyperSnap_x32_v8.19.00_XP.zip https://workupload.com/file/UT9TV4NnRQt https://www.upload.ee/files/17090768/Hyperionics_HyperSnap_x32_v8.19.00_XP.zip.html Cheers.
  4. I know very well, Nitroflare is very difficult to download and slow. You can mirror it :-)
  5. Nitroflare was used because they retain files for long periods of time, even years. Thanks to you AstroSkipper
  6. Bandisoft HoneyView v5.53 Freeware Portable for Windows XP [5.75 MB] Bandisoft_HoneyView_v5.53_Freeware_Portable_XP.zip FastCopy x32 v5.7.14 for Windows XP [2.26 MB] FastCopy_x32_v5.7.14_XP.zip Cheers.
  7. @Zorba the Geek Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 v16.7 Redistributable v14.27.29114 for Windows XP Windows XP Support The last version of the Visual C++ Redistributable that works on Windows XP shipped in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.7 (file versions starting with 14.27). docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170 Configuring Programs for Windows XP Visual Studio supports multiple platform toolsets... learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/build/configuring-programs-for-windows-xp?view=msvc-170 Cheers.
  8. Hi Dr. Drill, Do you have working version of Windscribe VPN or Browsec VPN for Basilisk Serpent and Pale Moon by Roytam1:?. https://rtfreesoft.blogspot.com/search/label/browser https://o.rthost.win/ Cheers.
  9. DiskDigger v1.157.227.3821 Modded for Windows XP DiskDigger® is a tool that undeletes and recovers lost files from your hard drive, memory cards, USB flash drives — you name it! Whether you accidentally deleted some documents or photos from your computer, reformatted your camera's memory card, or want to see what files are lurking on an old USB drive. Make sure you have the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 installed. https://www.diskdigger.org/ Download links: https://www.upload.ee/files/16317623/DiskDigger_v1.157.227.3821_XP.zip.html https://nitroflare.com/view/6EF69C19F810C95/DiskDigger_v1.157.227.3821_XP.zip Cheers.
  10. Hello user57, SumatraPDF v3.5.2 and v3.6.15936. No more updates for XP from you ?. API-MS-WIN_XP - Microsoft API libs Windows 11/10/8/ to Windows XP https://github.com/Blaukovitch/API-MS-WIN_XP Thank you in advanced.
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