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  1. Well i remember in some early reinstall of WIndows 98 i got the two devices listed in the driver list but since i deleted one it never got back even after some reinstall. I should propably make a full new install with a WIn98SE without unofficial patch for get it back. Maybe do you get a tips for reveal it.
  2. Yep, unfortunaly my friend, still not work, i still get the faded away screen when i restart after i apply the drivers, even Catalyst not recognized them. I even modified my inf file for give more information on the hardware but it seems this graphic card want only listen the driver with M26 settings in.
  3. Hello, well using catalyst 4.11 it something i did the first before i post here, its in my first post. After that LoneCrusader make me give up on it because it was not working. I didnt retry with your link cause its not work actually: http://dl2.opendrivers.com/dl_file.php?dl=dl2&brand=display-and-video%2Fati-technology&file=wme-8-03-98-3-041103a-019079e.exe&check=c861ca602t7b2a&driver=44ak5 I will retry and this is link for the drivers i find : http://www.opendrivers.com/download/driver-18305.html This conversation of vogons bring 4.7 and 5.9 catalyst drivers too : https://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?t=45116&p=449707
  4. Well I come for give some news so im still stuck by the same trouble. I tried SciTech Display Doctor but the drivers never wanted take over the microsoft driver so i wasnt able at all to use it. So I actually give up find a working driver for the Radeon Moblity X700 under WIn9X. I use actually the driver VBEMP who work perfectly except still no 3D accellerate. I tied to use mesa3D with but for the game i tried (Unreal) its not worked properly i will try the inject plugin in. FOr conclude, most of the game i wanted played get patched or some tweak make them working under xp. So i will stick to xp for this old laptop but i will still keep my partition under WIndows 98 in case someone find the solution to this ATI Drivers problems. Event the DHModtool in all version could solve my trouble but i dont find the drivers requiere or its not working at all with Win9X.
  5. I tried with vemp graphic driver who work pretty well but no direct 3D in it . I got the SciTech Display Doctor, i will try it again but if i remember it was not pretty good yet. During this time i was looking for mesa3D generic driver but i didnt get yet how to use it. I will make new test today and keep you in touch.
  6. Well i can guve you my orignal xp drivers if you wish. At least i know this one work perfect under this laptop in xp
  7. Hi again, dont worry i didnt break the machine, i just break windows 98 install with using some unofficial service pack. Well now i got a fresh install so i redo my test with all link you give me and mm no not at all. Most of the driver i got is from xp and even if i put inf files into windows/inf/ folder its not propose at all. Putting the file in the folder of the driver not make it detect too. Sorry its kind of annoying i know. I think the drivers you give me is made for xp only.
  8. Unfortunaly its not get detect at all. I actually reinstall Windows 98 cause the previous install make my explorer make disapear all after i did install SP3 edit: i just saw your second link, i will try it soon as the install end
  9. Hello, thanks for try help, actually my graphic card is not detect by your file. So i need find a way to include it into the windows for force the update and try the firegl V52000. While i was waiting answer i tried with Windows Millenium who get the same blur problems when i install video. I returned with a fresh install of Win98 cause millenium was very unstable. edit: I took a deep look into your inf file but its not working with catalyst 6.2 My driver use resources RV410 when your ask for non existant ati2mtag_M56GL. I would need the full folder with the dll and the cat.
  10. Well the laptop is a Asus V6000 model V6X00VA , V6VA-X02P. Its a laptop for Windows XP with a Pentium M 2GHZ, with 2GB ram with a ATI mobility Radeon X700 128mb. Under Windows 98 with system.ini i limit the ram and the vcache to 512mb (1FFFF). I put a dx diag from my XP session, I will reinstall windows 98 with the command you tell me i thought install with the Unattended Boot CD for 98 would fix most of my issue. By the way i got glitch graphic even with the C8_*.inf file Edit: So i did a full reinstall of Windows 98 with the command "Install /P i" (cause french version replace setup by install), then i put back drivers i got available (sd, ms,xd cards, lan , sound) and also i unchek steering in the pc bus then i run the driver installer its go decompress the file in the ATI/Support folder then in ATI/Support/6.2/Drivers i put my modified INF with only one line added the one you told me. Then i make a restart and i got this screen : I remove back the driver, install the cpanel, force windows install back the driver then still get this screen with windows working behind (keyboard, sound everything work in except the screen). DxDiagXP.txt DxDiag98.txt
  11. Thanks a lot for your quick answer. So i listen to you advices, I first go into device manager, i go to pci bus property then in irq sterring tabs i unchecked all options so it shouldn't use IRQ steering. I download the catalyst 6.2 without wdm so for win9X : http://retro.software/downloads/download/235-win98-video-drivers/1397-ati-catalyst-6-2-drivers.html I install it in WIn9X but after its get uncompressed in : c:\ATI\Support, its start the driver install saying it not find at all a drivers compatible. So in the same folder i put my modified inf of the C8_30314.INf files with this line added : "ATI MOBILITY RADEON X700 Series" = RV410_ENU, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5652&SUBSYS_19621043&REV_00 "ATI MOBILITY RADEON X700 Series Secondary " = RV410_ENU, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5652&SUBSYS_19621043 "ATI MOBILITY RADEON X700 Series Third" = RV410_ENU, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5652&CC_030000 "ATI MOBILITY RADEON X700 Series Fourth" = RV410_ENU, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5652&CC_0300 So i lunch the setup.exe from the Support folder but still it dont detect my driver so i make a copy of the C9_*.ini that i rename C8 and the installer still not find my driver. Then i modified the C9_30314.inf with the same line i put above but the installer is still not recognise. Finaly i go to the folder Cpanel for install the ati c panel, the installation work and i update manualy my driver with the modified inf, windows detect it take it then ask me to reboot, then when i reboot my screen become black with green shade appearing all over like if gpu get malfunction. So i need to reboot under windows xp go to C:/windows/system.ini of windows 98 and remove the lines : 386Grabber=vgafull.3gr display.drv=pnpdrvr.drv from the [boot] section for return finaly to my desktop with the graphic proposing 256 colors or 16 bit but when i choose it, i restart then i return to 16 colors. Also i got catalyst starting saying he cant detect my hardware. I'm feel a bit stuck now.. Not knowing where to look at. By the way in the graphic menu for change color and resolution i can see 2 screen appearing (before i deleted one of the graphic device cause was making conflit) and my version of Windows 98 is caming from Unattended Boot CD for 98 and sometime whennavigate in menu (mostly when i unplug my usb dongle) i got freeze and need force reboot. C8_30314.INF C8_30314.INI C9_30314.INI C9_30314.inf
  12. I dont know if this post will be read again but man, i got a asus laptop with a mobility radeon X700. I try your solution but i may fail, i find catalyst 4.11 but not sure its a good one. I had this : "RADEON X700 Series Secondary " = RV410_ENU, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5653&SUBSYS_0940103C&REV_00 "RADEON X700 Series Secondary " = RV410_ENU, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5653 but i looked in the inf there is no RV410. So i looked to the xp version and the model is : "ATI MOBILITY RADEON X700" = ati2mtag_M26, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5653&SUBSYS_11B21043 "ATI MOBILITY RADEON X700 " = ati2mtag_M26, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5652&SUBSYS_18811043 "ATI MOBILITY RADEON X700 " = ati2mtag_M26, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5652&SUBSYS_19621043 "ATI MOBILITY RADEON X700 " = ati2mtag_M26, PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5653&SUBSYS_11221043 SO i make a copy of the catalyst driver 4.11 and i add the last line. Well its worked but i got limited to 2 color and 16 color and the c panel for ATI no want start. I edited the xp driver with making a copy of all the register files, ini and inf than i rename from C2 to C9X. Then again drivers is taken but not possible to install the ati software and use it. The color is still limited to 2 or 16 color. If you read my message can you help me or make me a package with your driver for this graphic card ? THanks you
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