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Everything posted by box2k2

  1. MCE does not come with a MPEG2 decoder. I believe it is some licensing issue. The best of the bunch appears to be nVidias PureVideo, which you can run on almot any graphics card, but obviosly works best on nVidias own. Some TV cards won't work in a dual setup. This is usally a driver limitation, but could be hardware. Contact Kworld and ask them if they support dual card setups. For any further advice get over to: www.thegreenbutton.com - American based & NTSC www.xpmediacentre.com.au - Austrailian, but PAL, so generally more relevent than the american stuff. If you want tuners that work I've got these three running in my MCE box 24/7/365 2x Compro T200 -PCI 1x Kworld 355u -USB
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