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Posts posted by jimfromPA

  1. Tripredacus, thanks for the response.  I really should have included more base info in the original post, like what browser we are using, what locations we are looking at, etc.  Sorry about that.

    Anyhow, it started working again [after a ~2 week hiatus] sometime between the start of this thread and now...  Maybe the fact that I asked about it on here jolted the folks at google into action?

    I'm joking, of course.  Or maybe not... ;^)

    Thanks again,


  2. Hi, just wondering if anyone here can view the covid data on the web version of google maps.

    It has been blank for a couple of weeks now, and the internets are silent on this issue.  One poster asked about it on the google maps reddit, and the question has been ignored thus far.

    Please note, I do NOT wish to have a discussion about the "politics" of Covid-19.  I just want to see some numbers, because suddenly it seems like a lot of my neighbors here are in the hospital.  Again.

    Thanks for reading.

  3. Greetings, all.  Need to purchase some Windows 7 Pro x64 licenses, and was wondering what my best bet is.

    Option 1: Buy a retail license.  There are still a few available here and there, but time is running out.  Plan on spending over 300 USD. [!]  This may be the best option, because then I can re-install it on a different machine if I want to.

    Option 2: Buy an OEM copy from a legitimate retailer, such as Walmart [yes, they have it].  Plan on spending around 200 USD.  This seems pricey for an OEM license.

    Option 3: Buy an OEM copy from one of the many Ebay or Amazon sellers that offer it.  Plan on spending anywhere from 5 USD [MUST be bogus] up to around 50-60 USD [MAY be bogus].  Other people's experience doing this varies widely.  Some people report getting a legit copy, others get counterfeit bunk.  Supposedly, a  lot of these are from people [illegally] selling off bulk license keys from an enterprise package, which will probably be flagged by MS at some point after you install it.

    Buying a legit OEM disk will save around 100 bucks per license over retail, but if the smoke leaks out of the machine you install it on, you are SOL.  Many people claim in online forums that MS was willing to re-cert an OEM license after an mboard replacement, but I am not sure I can count on that.

    What do you folks buy when building a Win 7 box?

    Speaking from a secure undisclosed location.

  4. Greetings, all.  Lurker for years, finally decided to join so I could ask the occasional question.

    Rather than yak on about myself [Boring!], allow me to talk about "stuff" instead.  And since this is a Tech Forum, here are two lists of things, mostly [but not all] Tech-related, that are either personal likes or dislikes.  You can probably tell more about me from these lists than anything else...

    ;begin wacky list

    Stuff I Like:

    NT 5
    AutoCAD before 2010
    Western Electric
    Vern Buerg's "List"
    Bell System Practices
    HP RPN Calculators
    Wordstar Professional 4.0
    Open Wire
    Air-Gapping and Physical Security
    The PSTN on a real SDH Backbone [RIP]
    Personal Responsibility
    Dark green or amber text on a truly black background
    European TV

    Stuff I Don't Like:

    Windows 10
    Social Media
    Subscription Software
    Marketing clowns who expect a Pavlovian response to the word "Cloud"
    AutoCAD after 2010
    BIOS Buggery
    Hype [Don't believe it!]
    Crowds, and the Madness thereof
    The Internet [It had its Day]
    HTML, Scripts, Beacons, etc. in email
    Browser Software that allows Fingerprinting
    The Tyranny of Sunk Costs
    People who use Title Case Text way too much in Foolish Lists like this one

    ;end list

    The owners of this forum are probably reading this list right now and thinking "Oh no, is THIS the demographic we are attracting now?  This guy is a dinosaur!!!"  Fear not, I'm sure that I am just an aberration. :D

    Please refrain from drinking the Kool-Aid.

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