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Posts posted by flusspferd

  1. Gnuplot 5.07 ( gp507-win32-mingw.7z ) from Sourceforge, FreeBasic 1.10.1 ( FreeBASIC-1.10.1-win32.7z) also from Sourceforge and Geany 1.31 (geany-1.31_setup.exe ) could make us busy for a loong time :)

    There are many gnuplot demos at http://www.gnuplot.info/demo_4.6/ .

    For some of the gnuplot examples it is necessary to provide own .dat files.

    nano 2.2.6 ( https://www.nano-editor.org/dist/v2.2/NT/ ) can create these :)

  2. For me icedove-uxp works when - for yahoo and incoming - using IMAP, normal password, port 993, SSL/TLS, imap.mail.yahoo.com and - with my gmail account as outgoing and using my gmail password and username - smtp.gmail.com, SSL/TLS, normal password and port 465. Username on Yahoo and Gmail is the full email address

    PS: for Gmail it probably is necessary to allow less secure apps to access Gmail



  3. It is sad Matt's Interlink sources has vanished from github. A beautiful mail client and a corresponding nearly perfect web site in which a lot of talent and effort have been invested over time.
    Icedove is minimalistic and also beautiful in its simplicity, where a major difference between the two clients is Interlinks (or MailNews) compatibility with many add-ons (Ambassador, Lightning, and if slightly modified G-hub pro, FoxClocks etc.) where I not yet have succeeded in installing add-ons other than Hyperbola's own in Icedove, even after adding the lines

    <!-- Icedove-UXP -->    <em:minVersion>25.0a1</em:minVersion>   <em:maxVersion>52.*</em:maxVersion>
          </Description>  </em:targetApplication>   <em:targetApplication>   <Description>   <em:id>{92650c4d-4b8e-4d2a-b7eb-24ecf4f6b63a}</em:id>

    to the install.rdf file embedded in the.xpi files. I guess most XP users are not young anymore and hope the maintainer of Interlink will see it as a cadeau rather than something else when these night-owls use his fine client for the important task of e-mailing

  4. The iceapeaddon zip file for the test iceape-UXP seamonkey-suite now include:

















    plus some extra searchplugins



  5. The roytam 1 test Iceape-uxp is a hardened / crippled version of SeaMonkey sporting a modern and maintained UXP browser instead of SeaMonkeys default browser based on Firefox 52. Only very few add ons will work with iceape-uxp where those in the zip file below does for me:

    standalone_seamonkey@iceweasel.xpi – Allows to use SeaMonkey as a standalone e-mail client by opening links from Mail & Newsgroups in a an external web browser instead of SeaMonkey.

    seatab_x_2-0.3.3@iceweasel.xpi – Adds a close button to each browser and mail tab

    nicereader-1.4@iceweasel.xpi – A web page text only text reader

    uBlock0@raymondhill@iceweasel.xpi – Ublock ver.

    InternetProtection@360safe@iceweasel.xpi – Adds an extra layer of protection if using 360 Total Security AV

    password-backup-tool@iceweasel.xpi  – Export and import your saved passwords

    Also included in the zip is a few search engines (google, duckduckgo etc) to be copied into the searchplugins folder

          Iceape-uxp plugins zip


  6. With respect to Roytam's test win32 build of iceape-uxp suite (based on sea monkey):

    I find the browser, email-client, HTML editor and the address book all works OK except for a single flaw (IMHO).

    The browser will play Youtube videos, the mail client recognize Yahoo and Gmail IMAP accounts and the address book import contacts from other applications.The (Kompozer) HTML editor is handy if maintaining a basic home-page.

    The only drawback: unfortunately I have not found a way to install extensions, e.g. legacy uBlock origin


  7. Hi on MSFN, great to find other people spending time on this deep operating system.I myself is fond of my IBM XP Thinkpad sporting a perfect keyboard, where regular disk imaging and restore from time to time has kept the operating system in a very good order.
    AOMEI generously offer AOEMI PE Builder for free. The program works on XP and is intended to burn a bootable CD/DVD for "hard metal" disk image backup and restore.Based on Windows 10 CE the build comes with AOMEI Backupper and AOMEI Partition Assistant plus a DOS prompt.
    Booting the Windows 10 CE disk may take some time while stuff is loaded into memory, on the other side the virtual operating system will from its DOS prompt run monthly updated Microsoft standalone security apps.  if copied to a USB stick, some of them not working on XP itself.

    MS Malicious Software Removal Tool (Windows-KB890830-V5.62)

    Microsoft Safety Scanner (msert.exe)

    These offers from AOEMI and Microsoft are in fact very generous.On my XP system AOMEI installed the 292Mb Windows CE files on drive d: (see the PEBuilder.ini file) 

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