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Posts posted by PryGuy

  1. Hello everybody! :hello:

    I've got my Windows Server 2003 SP1 installation and it has display hardware acceleration turned off by default, so the system starts up with the Microsoft native drivers and that sucks. I'd love to enable the hardware acceleration somehow and make the so I had no need to enable the acceleration manually and install my nVidia display driver. Please help! Thanks in advance!

  2. Good day everybody! :hello:

    I've got one silly question here; I have decided to make an unattended Windows 2003 Server SP1 build and discovered one ridiculous problem, I got used to the "common tasks in folders" in explorer and Server 2003 comes with the "Windows classic folders" view by default. I know there's a reg tweak that works if you apply it AFTER the installation and perform logoff/logon after it:


    but it doesn't work when applied during the T-12 stage. I'm really lost here, please help! :blink:

  3. Good day everybody! :hello:

    I've got one silly question here; I have decided to make an unattended Windows 2003SP1 build and discovered one ridiculous problem, I got used to the "common tasks in folders" in explorer and Server 2003 comes with the "Windows classic folders" view by default. I know there's a reg tweak that works if you apply it AFTER the installation and perform logoff/logon after it:


    but it doesn't work when applied during the T-12 stage. I'm really lost here, please help! :blink:

  4. Hello everybody!

    My dad bought Foxconn 865PEAD-S for his PC and it brought us many problems:

    The proper S3 standby doesn't work, the system just turns off the display but the fans in the PC keep working so it looks as if the system would be in S1! But the difference is that when I wake up the PC and shutdown it after it it crashes and shows me BSOD! I can manually disable the S3 mode in BIOS and S1 works okay, but it's S3 that I want actually!!! :angry: All the hardware used to work fine with the previous ASUS mainboard.

    I actually do not want to blame Foxconn but the way they act forces me to do so. The thing is that they absolutely have no support for the motherboard on their site so I can't even update the BIOS. :(

    Does anyone have the same problem with this motherboard?

  5. Hello everybody!

    I've got a problem here, I'm an administrator and I have a really dumb user that ruins Windows XP installation for the third time installing many old or third party programs. Well, he actually doesn't render it to the completely unusable state, but his crap kills the file associations etc. So it's easier to reinstall the system completely after his experiments. I'm tired to fight with him actually.

    I've tried making a limited user account for him, but, well, those who tried it know that one can't seriously use it in the everyday life (heared that M$ will improve it in Vista). I wish it would be as easy as in Linux. :( So, is there any program that would block the installers or would ask to enter password everytime one wants to install anything on his PC but would allow to continue running the system under the Administrator account 'cause many applications refuse to work under the limited account?

    Please help, this situation really drives me crazy! :realmad:

    Thanks in advance!

  6. The thing is that the IIS is a component of Windows itself, one can add/remove it using Control Panel - Add or Remove Programs - Add/Remove Windows Components - Internet Information Services (IIS). I do not want to install IIS if the VS.NET is not chosen to be installed. There has to be some way to add/remove components using command line or something!

  7. Yes, I was thinking about it as well, but I have more important things to do for the next release (as I think).

    In the version 0.3 you'll see:

    - A timeout progress bar before the installation will automatically start

    - New interface that looks alot like the installshield or nullsoft installer (in Winamp for instance, where you can choose components to install)

    - A progress bar that shows up during the installation process...

    The first and the third things are done, I'm now working with the new UI. Will release the new beta soon so stay tuned! :)

  8. Yep

    Click on the browse button to insert it, then click the Add this attachment button. Then Add reply to post.

    Yeah, that's what I do, but it says:
    The total filespace required to upload all the attached files is greater than your per post or global limit. Please reduce the number of attachments or the size of the attachments.
    and the file is 183Kb for God's sake and I have almost 5Mb of Global space!!!

    The new version 0.2 has the countdown progress bar until the installation starts automatically and the progress bar that appears during the installation process.


    I have decided to post my tool I decided to call XMLInst. Stay tuned for source code, mates! :) Oh yeah, it loves CDs or DVDs labeled "WXPFPP_EN". Have fun!

    Grab it from Rapidshare or from Sendspace!

    Yet, I have to say that the FindCD script is used in my program. Thanks to the authors!

    P.S. And for more information please read the bonedaddy's post on page 2. Thanks, mate! :)

  10. Hello all!

    I've been messing with the AutoIt Beta and discovered that it supports the good old XML!!! It allowed me to make a postinstall utility that uses data from the XML file. All the programs you wish to install appear as checkboxes (see the attached pic). In the XML file you may make the programs hidden in the list (but they will be installed anyway) or make the checkbox unchecked by default. Here's the sample XML file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>



    <Name>Microsoft .NET Framework</Name>






    <Name>Microsoft Windows Media Player</Name>






    <Name>Apple iTunes</Name>












    <Name>Alcohol 120%</Name>






    <Name>Mozilla Firefox</Name>






    <Name>Java Runtime</Name>






    <Name>Adobe Acrobat Reader</Name>






    <Name>DivX Codecs</Name>






    <Name>Additional Themes</Name>






    <Name>Finalizing Installation...</Name>






    I think it's pretty easy to understand what it's about: the <Name> parameter defines the name of the program, the <Path> parameter sets the path to the SETUP.CMD (which runs hidden during the installation by the way) file that is in the X:\SOFTWARE\path\SETUP.CMD where X is the CD drive letter and "path" is the name of the folder inside of the SOFTWARE directory. Yet, if there are more than 10 programs in the list, the installer becomes two ot three or more column...

    The question is, do you need this XML installer and if you do what do you think I should add there? And suggest a name for this utility please! :)


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