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Halo Hacker

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Posts posted by Halo Hacker

  1. Well guys my XP cd is done!!!!!!

    Thanks for all of your help in getting my xp cd to work even when some people didn't belive me.

    I am getting a dvd burner soon so I can really make an install disc with all my favorite things on there maybe a game or 2.


    Just when I'm not so busy. ;)

    EDIT: I got mp 10 on there too

    Thanks Everyone.

    Later B)

  2. Oh and In my file I see this:

    @rem SetupMgrTag

    @echo off


    rem This is a SAMPLE batch script generated by Setup Manager.

    rem If this script is moved from the location where it was generated, it may have to be modified.


    set AnswerFile=.\unattend.txt

    set SetupFiles=D:\i386

    D:\i386\winnt32 /s:%SetupFiles% /unattend:%AnswerFile%

    What parts do I remove from the file?


    I used the setupmgr.exe the setup talks about and it made 2 files my unattend.txt file which I renamed to winnt.sif and unattend.bat

    is the bat file my batch file everyone was telling me about? If so where do I put it and what do I rename it?

    I feel as if I'm starting to get somewhere! :D

  4. Guys I'm begeining to think I'm never going to understand this guide on putting progrmas into my xp cd. So I was wondoring if someone could get me a link to the program or send it to me over an instant messenger like aim or msn.

    I going to bed now.

    Good night Everyone. :)

  5. Ok this is what i"m talking about

    found in



    Author: maxXPsoft

    Unattended XP Pro or Home CD Creator with SP2 /Integrate if needed

    This is a very simple application that creates all the necessary file's for you to create your own backup XP CD.

    This app saves copies your files and saves locations. It will do everything in STEPS and copy the files as needed. Saving the Paths if you start over. Processing Hotfixes, Applications, and all the necessary steps to create your own backup XP CD with everything set up on install. No more installing, then spending countless hours setting all your programs up. Put the CD in and go take a shower.

    I have added many feature's like:

    Automatic splitting of RunoncEX, TEXTMODE, Complete Integrate of Hotfixes or security Updates, Rar/7Zip/Cab of Favorites, Docs and Settings, Compression of $1 Folder at 700 mb, simple FLAG entries to copy Registry settings, Files, or Entire Folder's as RunoncEX executes getting your current settings

    I couldn't find a download link anywhere then I read that it will be back up in a few days so I looked on google with no results containing that same program.

    If anybody has thisprogram on their hard drive and has a way to upload it that would be pretty great because i can finsh up my cd and go around the forum helping people with stuff i know how to do.

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