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About ekoforever

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    Windows 10 x64

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  1. I didn't know that. I knew that it was setup for performance results but only reports and data for the user. I wasn't aware that the OS used it for SSD maintenance.
  2. I am in no way interested in this information and so it is an unnecessary process/service
  3. I have a script below that disables a bunch of these. Any recommendations or words of advice in shutting any of these off? schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\ProgramDataUpdater" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\AitAgent" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\StartupAppTask" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\AppID\SmartScreenSpecific" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\Consolidator" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\KernelCeipTask" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\UsbCeip" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\Uploader" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\DiskDiagnostic\Microsoft-Windows-DiskDiagnosticDataCollector" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\NetTrace\GatherNetworkInfo" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\QueueReporting" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Autochk\Proxy" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\CloudExperienceHost\CreateObjectTask" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Feedback\Siuf\DmClient" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Mobile Broadband Accounts\MNO Metadata Parser" /Disable | Out-Null # Windows Defenderschtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Windows Defender\Windows Defender Cache Maintenance" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Windows Defender\Windows Defender Cleanup" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Windows Defender\Windows Defender Scheduled Scan" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Windows Defender\Windows Defender Verification" /Disable | Out-Null # Officeschtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Office\OfficeTelemetryAgentLogOn" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Office\OfficeTelemetryAgentFallBack" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Office\Office 15 Subscription Heartbeat" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /change /TN "Microsoft\Office\OfficeTelemetry\AgentFallBack2016" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Office\OfficeTelemetry\OfficeTelemetryAgentLogOn2016" /Disable | Out-Null # Others schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Shell\FamilySafetyUpload" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Shell\FamilySafetyMonitor" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Shell\FamilySafetyRefresh" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\IndexerAutomaticMaintenance" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\CreateObjectTask" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Maintenance\WinSAT" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\PI\Sqm-Tasks" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\Automatic App Update" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\sih" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\sihboot" /Disable | Out-Null # Media Centerschtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\ActivateWindowsSearch" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\ConfigureInternetTimeService" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\DispatchRecoveryTasks" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\ehDRMInit" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\InstallPlayReady" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\mcupdate" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\MediaCenterRecoveryTask" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\ObjectStoreRecoveryTask" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\OCURActivate" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\OCURDiscovery" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\PBDADiscovery" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\PBDADiscoveryW1" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\PBDADiscoveryW2" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\PvrRecoveryTask" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\PvrScheduleTask" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\RegisterSearch" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\ReindexSearchRoot" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\SqlLiteRecoveryTask" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Media Center\UpdateRecordPath" /Disable | Out-Null <# More and More schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\FileHistory\File History (maintenance mode)" /Disable | Out-Null | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Time Synchronization\ForceSynchronizeTime" /Disable | Out-Null | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Time Synchronization\SynchronizeTime" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\UpdateOrchestrator\Schedule Scan" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAssistance\RemoteAssistanceTask" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Work Folders\Work Folders Logon Synchronization" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Work Folders\Work Folders Maintenance Work" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\SvcRestartTaskNetwork" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\SvcRestartTaskLogon" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\SvcRestartTask" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\WOF\WIM-Hash-Management" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\WOF\WIM-Hash-Validation" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\CertificateServicesClient\UserTask-Roam" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\File Classification Infrastructure\Property Definition Sync" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Maps\MapsToastTask" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\SettingSync\BackgroundUploadTask" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\SettingSync\NetworkStateChangeTask" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Sysmain\ResPriStaticDbSync" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Sysmain\WsSwapAssessmentTask" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\WDI\ResolutionHost" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Filtering Platform\BfeOnServiceStartTypeChange" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Maps\MapsUpdateTask" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\AppID\EDP Policy Manager" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Diagnosis\Scheduled" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\DiskFootprint\Diagnostics" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Location\Notifications" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Location\WindowsActionDialog" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\NetCfg\BindingWorkItemQueueHandler" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\RemovalTools\MRT_HB" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\SkyDrive\Idle Sync Maintenance Task" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\SkyDrive\Routine Maintenance Task" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\WCM\WiFiTask" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Media Sharing\UpdateLibrary" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\WS\Badge Update" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\WS\Sync Licenses" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\WS\WSRefreshBannedAppsListTask" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\WS\WSTask" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\TPM\Tpm-HASCertRetr" /Disable | Out-Null schtasks /Change /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\TPM\Tpm-Maintenance" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Defrag\ScheduledDefrag" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\DiskCleanup\SilentCleanup" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Multimedia\SystemSoundsService" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Offline Files\Background Synchronization" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Offline Files\Logon Synchronization" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Power Efficiency Diagnostics\AnalyzeSystem" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Ras\MobilityManager" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\RetailDemo\CleanupOfflineContent" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\TextServicesFramework\MsCtfMonitor" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\User Profile Service\HiveUploadTask" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Wininet\CacheTask" /Disable | Out-Nullschtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\Workplace Join\Automatic-Device-Join" /Disable | Out-Null # ? schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\SystemRestore\SR" /Enable ? Thanks
  4. Thanks NoelC for the update. I'll have my laptop with Windows 10 here soon and use some of the information you've provided. Good luck on future configurations
  5. I'm still waiting on my laptop with Windows 10 but I'm learning as much as I can and trying to determine best build/configuration. I've followed several forums and from this I think what I've gathered is that the minimum processes and apps are listed below. Please correct me if I'm understanding this incorrectly. When I get my laptop the tweaking will begin. I just wanted to establish a baseline to head towards. Thanks Confirm Minimal apps?Finally minimal packages are :Microsoft.AccountsControl ================== Modern account controlMicrosoft.Windows.ShellExperienceHost ======= modern start menu / clock / notification shellwindows.immersivecontrolpanel ============= Modern control pannel Minimal processes?RuntimeBroker.exe - Manages permissions / trust for Modern Apps.ShellExperienceHost.exe - Unversal App integration in the shell. Needed for Settings.sihost.exe - Shell Infrastructure Host.taskhostw.exe - running {222A245B-E637-4AE9-A93F-A59CA119A75E}.
  6. I almost forgot....I'm not sure if this shows hidden tasks but could you compare your list against what you get when running this from a command prompt or powershell window... schtasks /query
  7. Keep up the good work. I've been putting together a tweak script/checklist and am in the process of turning it into both a setup guide for an initial image then a script for running either after the install or after each reboot....Depending on M$'s choices
  8. It would be nice to see these within the Task Scheduler and from there it would be possible to see which ones are enabled. From there it should be possible to determine the specific actions taken by each of these. Definitely some interesting stuff as I'd looked into trying to find out about these before there just seems to be very little to no information on these from what I could find on the Internet. Just not sure how or where to go from here except individual testing. I'll have my new laptop here soon with Windows 10 and will be tearing into these to minimize as much that I can what M$ wants to do with my operating system. Great posts. Let me know if you find out anything else about these and I'll follow up after I get my laptop and W10 install.
  9. NoelC, You've put a lot of good information here together and I'd like to follow this thread as you further and further reduce the processes that MS wants to run at startup. I'm getting my Windows 10 laptop in about a week and have been scouring online forums and posts for optimizing the OS. Do you plan on putting a guide together of the work you've done and the insights you've found? I know that there are many tweaker/privacy apps out there like below but wasn't sure if you were going to maybe document all of the changes necessary to minimize the number of processes running at startup. I'd be very interested in your findings and can possibly help out with some of the research once my laptop arrives. w10privacywinprivacywinpatrolO&O ShutUp10 Great work
  10. Try this from powershell to see if your results are different. Get-ChildItem "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\taskcache\tasks" -Recurse | ForEach-Object { Get-ItemProperty $_.pspath |select path,pspath}
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