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Everything posted by ckitching

  1. I haven't tried to use cmd files with WIHU, but have you tried specifying the command without "CMD /C"? Another option would be to add the following code to the cmd file to see what the current directory is when that file can't be found. cd pause
  2. You can use the SplitterPos setting under [settings] to set the width of the help area. The default is 30 (meaning 30%). Personally, I find 40% to be a little more confortable.
  3. And last but not least, a screenshot and example. [Mozilla Firefox] helptext = Firefox 1.0 empowers you to browse faster, more safely and more efficiently than with any other browser. Join more than 16 million others and make the switch today.\par\par Firefox imports your Favorites, and settings, so you have nothing to lose. description.0 = Mozilla Firefox 1.0 command.0 = Apps\Firefox\Firefox_1.0.exe test.0.0 = !HKLM:SOFTWARE\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox\1.0 (en-US)\ test.0.1 = %ProgramFiles%\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe?version<1.7.5 test.eval.0 = 1 selected.0 = if.true disabled.0 = if.false locked.0 = if.false description.1 = Firefox Extensions command.1 = * selected.1 = 0 test.1.0 = %ProgramFiles%\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe?version<1.7.5 test.eval.1 = 0 disabled.1 = if.true locked.1 = if.true helptext.1 = All these extensions will be installed globally, but some will not work until disabled and reenabled in each user profile. Oh, and anyone has permission to use these patches in any way that they like.
  4. The second patch adds a helptext item to install items. I didn't want to litter my filesystem with lots of little RTF files, and the default 'no help' text didn't appeal to me, so I added this. Most of the help text I would add doesn't need any fancy formatting, just a plain text blurb. The syntax is quite simple. helptext.x.x.x = Help text to appear in the window. I don't do any escaping of the help text, so if you need a \, type in \\ instead. If you want a line break, type "\par". You can use other RTF code if you're brave, but keep in mind the text length limits. help.x (external RTF files) always takes priority over any helptext.x you specify, so don't try to combine these. helptext.patch
  5. Here's two patches for a couple small features I added to WIHU. The first (and smallest feature) makes WIHU use the description value if it exists for section headers. I added it mostly for consistency, and the fact I was/am considering adding other features that would make use of the section name, and would like to shorten them if I eventually do add them. If you don't use descriptions in your top-level install items, there will be no change. I was thinking of adding some dependancy tests but I'm not yet familiar enough with the code, and it's not nearly as trivial as the additions I've made so far. The second feature (and patch file) will be in the next message. WIHU_Section_Description.patch
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