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Everything posted by chowyungfatso

  1. Hence, that's why I am glad I asked! Now I can spend my weekend making that unattended install for XP MCE!
  2. Is it because it's faster and more stable? I remember when people installed NT Server because of the stability? I would like to hear about people's experiences. Also, I've also read about adding MCE on top of just XP. Can this be done with 2003?
  3. Thanks! I have been reading the forums, and I must have not searched properly. I went to the advanced search and changed the date--voila! http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...to+XP+SP2" which also referenced this article: http://board.iexbeta.com/index.php?showtopic=43980 Man, do I feel like an id***... I'll have to look into this, as I did have the cmpnents folder on the same level as the i386 folder (the root of the XPCD folder). totoymola, do you mean you put the cabs/etc. into the i386 folder itself? Please elaborate a little. Now, if I can get the DVD boot to work properly, or maybe even install MCE 2005 on top of Windows Server 2003...
  4. Hi All, Found the site on Friday, and basically spent my weekend reading the forum and following the instructions on the unattended site to create my MCE 2005 disk. Two questions: 1. Is there a way to put the Media Center install files (mediactr.cab, plus.cab and sonic.cab), which is on CD 2 under the "\cmpnents\mediactr\i386" folder on the the XPCD build so I can integrate it on one CD? Is it a matter of editing TXTSETUP file? [SourceDisksNames.x86] 1 = %cdname%,%cdtagfilei%,,\i386 2 = "%cd2name%","%cd2tagfilei%",,\cmpnents\tabletpc\i386 3 = "%cd2name%","%cd2tagfilei%",,\cmpnents\mediactr\i386 4 = "%cd2name%","%cd2tagfilei%",,\cmpnents\netfx\i386 100 = %spcdname%,%spcdtagfilei%,,\i386,1 _1 = %bootname1%,"%boottagfile1%",,"" _2 = %bootname2%,"%boottagfile2%",,"" _3 = %bootname3%,"%boottagfile3%",,"" _4 = %bootname4%,"%boottagfile4%",,"" _5 = %bootname5%,"%boottagfile5%",,"" _6 = %bootname6%,"%boottagfile6%",,"" 1_ = %bootname1%,"%boottagfile1%",,"" 2_ = %bootname2%,"%boottagfile2%",,"" 3_ = %bootname3%,"%boottagfile3%",,"" 4_ = %bootname4%,"%boottagfile4%",,"" 5_ = %bootname5%,"%boottagfile5%",,"" 6_ = %bootname6%,"%boottagfile6%",,"" I saw this in the file when I searched for "mediactr": medctroc.dll = 100,,,,,,,32,0,0 medctroc.inf = 100,,,,,,,20,0,0 mediactr.cat = 100,,,,,,,,3,3 ehOCGen.dll = 100,,,,,,,32,0,0 sonic.inf = 100,,,,,,,20,0,0 sonic.cat = 100,,,,,,,,3,3 sonic.cab = 3,,,,,,_x,,3,3 plusoc.dll = 100,,,,,,,32,0,0 plusoc.inf = 100,,,,,,,20,0,0 plus.cat = 100,,,,,,,,3,3 plus.cab = 3,,,,,,_x,,3,3 custsat.dll = 100,,,,,,,240,0,0 mediactr.cab = 3,,,,,,_x,,3,3 or is Layout.inf the file to edit? I put the cmpnents folder under the XPCD folder thinking that would work (I guess I was too optimistic). On my install, the MCE stuff was not loaded, although it seemed that everything else was loaded. I saw the two CD install post, but that's not what i am trying to shoot for as I can fit the MCE stuff on one CD. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=8381&st=0 2. Anyone suggest a way to integrate the adding of the necessary materials to allow MCE 2005 to join a domain as noted in this Rafael's scratch-pad article?
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