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Everything posted by iaTa

  1. This is a Windows 24H2 bug. Workaround: vivetool /enable /id:50557073,52110492 https://www.elevenforum.com/t/kb5041865-windows-11-insider-release-preview-build-26100-1586-24h2-aug-19.27764/post-490811
  2. Thanks. Increase was caused by AudioBand being active on the classic taskbar (https://github.com/AudioBand/AudioBand).
  3. Memory use of explorer.exe goes from ~100MB to ~600MB when the enhanced classic toolbar is enabled on 26100.1297 - is that to be expected?
  4. The classic taskbar has been removed from Release Preview build 26100.1297.
  5. Working fine so far on build 26100.1150.
  6. So just disable transparency in StartIsBack and let AeroGlass handle it all. Then when you unplug the start menu will also be solid. On a seperate note I have noticed a couple of issues running the latest beta on Windows 10 Tech Preview. The right click menu on the start button doesn't work and the app list font is all messed up.
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