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Everything posted by CNewell

  1. So far, I have this script AUTOIT ; ENABLE ADMIN ACCOUNT$strComputer = @ComputerName$user = @UserNameLocal $colUsers, $sTmp, $Array[1] = ["user"]$colUsers = ObjGet("WinNT://" & @ComputerName)If IsObj($colUsers) Then $colUsers.Filter = $Array For $objUser In $colUsers if $objUser.Name = "Administrator" Then ;Account disabled? If $objUser.AccountDisabled Then $objUser.AccountDisabled = False EndIf $objUser.SetPassword("PASSWORD") $objUser.setInfo EndIf NextEndIfIt works for how it is setup (thank you to whomever created it, I can't take credit.). It enables and sets the password. However, I want to be able to check the attribute found in the properties so that Users cannot change the password for it.
  2. Tahnk you for your resonse MHz. Unfortunately, it doesn't run like I intended it to. However, your input has greatly helped. I wasn't aware of the /I switch when running a .msi. When it attempts to run Symantec framework, it gets hung up on the very first screen. It looks like a window very quickly pops up and goes away, which is where the install goes away. However, there is a USSF that is supposed to work. how would I initiate: msiexec.exe /i "NEW Endpoint Encryption Framework Client_x64 v 8.2.0.msi" /qb
  3. I have an .exe that seems to run fine using the same style of key strokes up until it gets to the windows security popup. I wish there was a way around this without having to find the certificate and installing it before hand. I am hoping to just image the laptop with the current image then run an .exe that installs the necessary software. Run ("C:\DATA\NetMotion_client_Win7.exe") WinWaitActive("NetMotion Mobility XE Client Setup", "strongly recommended") Send("!N") WinWaitActive("NetMotion Mobility XE Client Setup", "NETMOTION WIRELESS") Send("!a") Send("!N") WinWaitActive("NetMotion Mobility XE Client Setup", "Setup will install") Send("!N") WinWaitActive("NetMotion Mobility XE Client Setup", "must know") Send("{Tab}") Send("domain address") Send("{TAB}") Send("{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("NetMotion Mobility XE Client Setup", "not compatible") Send("!N") WinWaitActive("Windows Security", "Would you like to install") Send("!A") Send("!I") WinWaitActive("NetMotion Mobility XE Client Setup", "Click the Finish") Send("!F") WinWaitActive("NetMotion Mobility XE Client Setup", "must restart") Send("!N")
  4. Hey Guys, I am trying to write a script that will run a couple of .msi and .exe files. I have gone through and compiled all of the keystrokes. I converted the .au3 script to .exe to install on multiple laptops. The only thing the script does is open the Windows Installer which gives me the different switches I can use. The script is below: Run("msiexec.exe 'C:\DATA\NEW Endpoint Encryption Framework Client v 8.2.0.msi'") WinWaitActive("Symantec Endpoint Encryption Framework Client - InstallShield Wizard", "will install symantec") Send("{ENTER}") WinWaitActive("Symantec Endpoint Encryption Framework Client - InstallShield Wizard", "Next to install this folder") Send("!N") WinWaitActive("Symantec Endpoint Encryption Framework Client - InstallShield Wizard", "Click Install to begin") Send("!I") WinWaitActive("Symantec Endpoint Encryption Framework Client - InstallShield Wizard", "has successfully installed") Send("!F") WinWaitActive("Symantec Endpoint Encryption Framework Client", "must restart your system") Send("{TAB}") Send("{ENTER}") I was also hoping to compile multiple installs into one .au3 that I can convert into an .exe. I am new to all of this scripting stuff
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