Nobody complains of the software. Its the donation thingy. I would consider to purchase the software but I don´t donate to someone who even tortured his testers with permanent "its my work" notifications as if it isn´t enough to risk the Windows setup by installing unfinished software in favor of the developer, who even destroys the final versions with his notifications and watermarks as if this piece of software wasn´t for the eyes. Maybe he doesn´t like guys who installed his alphas and betas for their own reasons only and destroyed even the finals for that reason but he´s the whiner then Not sure if that's the best way to put it, but you have a point there: This software has primordially aesthetical purposes, thus it's meant for people who, like me, put pride on the way their desktop and operative system look like. So, even if technicnically the program is completely functional without activation, the watermak ruins the entire purpose of beautifying our desktops. Because of this, for me it's either donating or nothing, meaning that I don't plan to use the app in the future if I can't remove the distacting features of the free version. Also, BM says that people should not donate just with the purpose of getting activation keys, but as a way to support the projetc. But I think he should keep in mind that, even if that's true, even if people donates to support his project it's mainly because they are hopeful that, at some point, there will be a finished version they and other people can use and not simply because it's a good, noble cause that requires charity. I think that setting the BlurDeviation key to 0 should do that.