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About Miguel_S

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    Windows 8.1 x64

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  1. So I finally managed to donate by purschasing a Paypal recharge from a local gaming site via bank deposit. I donated enough to get 2 keys, which is good news cuz a back up always comes in handy. Even if it was kind of a difficult process, I had no problem at all after I made the donation itself, and the program works like a charm. Here is what my baby's desktop looks like now: As you can see, I also installed the Aero 8.1 theme from http://xxinightxx.deviantart.com , Classic Shell, NewOldExplorer, Charms Bark Killer and Win Flip in order to recreate the 7 experience as closely as possible.
  2. I understand why many people would want such a thing for free. We all feel like something we had and liked was taken away from us, and we wanted it to be returned to us, and not sold to us. This is making Big Muscle look like of an anti-heroe of sorts, while, instead, he could have been beloved and cheered by everyone if he decided to release this as a full freeware. Some of us were also used to get styling up utilities and themes for free, such as Personalization panel, UnockAero and a bunch of other personalitation software from the 7 era. But as it's been said, he is free to do whatever he wants with the code he's written, and dunno, maybe he really needs some extra cash and saw on this project an opportunity to earn it. Also he likely doesn't have much experience marketing and serviceing software, or didn't want to take the risk of doing so, so he didn't want to have a more... conventional marketing scheme. And some people really need to GTFO from here. In another news, I don't have a credit card so It's been kinda difficult to donate, but I'm trying to get a PP recharge from a local gaming website so, if everything goes as planned I'll bring you all a few screencaps pretty soon!
  3. ^ Hey, coincidently that solved my problem too. Thanks!
  4. WTF you talking about. It is completely functional. If you don't like the watermark don't use it. That doesn't make it non-functional. Functional or not, an styling up utility that puts extra stuff on your desktop totally loses it's purpose for me. I'd have uninstalled it already but I'm awaiting the donations to be up again and to get some cash on my PP account to dionate. About the blur, I understand that there's people that prefer not to have blur and make borders completely transparent, but this can be very distracting for some of us to see everything underneath with no distortion at all. The text glow is also useful for dark color schemes, since W8's plain text tends to be hard to see on black/dark borders.
  5. Oh, I have no doubt that BM has put a lot of effort on this, and that he ihas the right to market his software in whatever way he wants. In fact, I'm considering to donate as soon as possible. I'm only saying that I kinda disagree with people saying that the free version is completely functional that, while it technically is, it's still virtually useless for many of us.
  6. Nobody complains of the software. Its the donation thingy. I would consider to purchase the software but I don´t donate to someone who even tortured his testers with permanent "its my work" notifications as if it isn´t enough to risk the Windows setup by installing unfinished software in favor of the developer, who even destroys the final versions with his notifications and watermarks as if this piece of software wasn´t for the eyes. Maybe he doesn´t like guys who installed his alphas and betas for their own reasons only and destroyed even the finals for that reason but he´s the whiner then Not sure if that's the best way to put it, but you have a point there: This software has primordially aesthetical purposes, thus it's meant for people who, like me, put pride on the way their desktop and operative system look like. So, even if technicnically the program is completely functional without activation, the watermak ruins the entire purpose of beautifying our desktops. Because of this, for me it's either donating or nothing, meaning that I don't plan to use the app in the future if I can't remove the distacting features of the free version. Also, BM says that people should not donate just with the purpose of getting activation keys, but as a way to support the projetc. But I think he should keep in mind that, even if that's true, even if people donates to support his project it's mainly because they are hopeful that, at some point, there will be a finished version they and other people can use and not simply because it's a good, noble cause that requires charity. I think that setting the BlurDeviation key to 0 should do that.
  7. On your first question, go here: http://glass8.berlios.de/guide.html , scroll done to the registry tweaks and look for the DisableGlassOnBattery DWord under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\DWM. If you are running a fairly clean version on 8.1 Update 1, you may have to create a DWM key in the Windows key section. Then click on the DWM key and on the right create a new DWord and leave it on '0' to use glass on battery power. As to the second question, bigmuscle posted this on this forum page above: Thanks, but as I already said, I checked the registry and the key you mention is set to 0. I have tried reinstalling AG8 more than one time and setting the key to 1 and then back to 0, but nothing works.
  8. Hello everyone! So, thanks for the program, it's been working fine so far and I'm planning to donate as soon as I possible, but I have 2 questions: First, Aero Glass doesn't work when I start up my computer unplugged. It works fine when it's plugged and when it's not it starts working as soon as I connect the power cord. After that, it keeps working just fine even if I unplug it, unless I restart DWM.exe I'd like it to be enabled regardless of if I start up with my power cord connectd or disconnected. I have already checked the registry editor and the DisableGlassOnBattery key IS set to 0. My second question is about donations, but for what I've seen in the last posts they seem to be disabled for now and until BM gets a new hosting. Could you be more clear on this? Cuz all I have found at http://glass8.berlios.de/support.php are indications about how to donate, but not actual link to a paypal account or anything.
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