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Posts posted by ahmedsalahais


    Not sure this is the right thread for my question, but it's the one that comes closest without starting a new thread. :)


    A prolific designer on DeviantArt says that,


    Taskbar can't change in RTM build, Microsoft won't let us to do this. 


    (Second comment from the top.)


    Is he correct? I was hoping to find and install a theme that featured a convex (3-D) Vista-like taskbar in Windows 10,




    Yep, taskbar and some other elements are completely hard coded now. I imagine over time they'll make everything hard coded, the themeability we have now is largely a remnant of deprecated functionality they haven't supported in a long time.

    Nothing he or anyone else can do to fix/improve the taskbar at all.


    I find this statement too bold as I'm not sure if taskbar is completely hard coded. AFAIK, we are still able to apply blur and use custom colors to taskbar using StartIsBack, ClassicShell or Start10. The latter can also apply textures to taskbar so I guess the possibilities are endless. Yes these are all workarounds using third-party tools because of the code removed but when did Microsoft allow changing taskbar with a built-in option? Even with Windows 7 we needed third-party tools to customize anything and it really does not matter how this tool work for the end-user. As long as the coder of the third-party tool knows a way to do it it is fine for the user.


    The obvious thing I know of that is changed between Windows 7 and Windows 8+ (including 10) is that DWM now renders in 2D and not in 3D as was the case in Windows 7. This means, we cannot have 3D taskbar which I believe applies to JorgeA question. So my comment would be: while we still able to do many things with taskbar, the 3D options are something of the past.

  2. I just played with Start10. Although it have many options that StartIsBack/CustomShell don't have especially textures, it lacks features too. But the most important thing here that it does not offer much more regarding taskbar blur than what SIB/CS can offer. In my opinion, all of the three software offer ugly taskbar blur (too much blur that cannot be configured). 

  3. Not trying to promote any payware here specifically ..


    Of course not .. rest assured we here aim for the result no matter which software to use whether free or not. The choice thereafter is everyone's decision.


    ... I achieve the desired effect by using Glass 8 with Stardock's "Start 10" start menu replacement. Within that program you can control the blur strength (sliding percentage scale) of the taskbar, or even add custom textures to it. I've set mine at 40%.


    Thanks for putting our attention to Start 10 (I lost faith in Stardock products long ago) but I will try this one ...

  4. I think this must be related to thew fact that as daveo76 wrote in "Aeroglass 1.4.1 theme":

    "For Windows 10 it uses blur for taskbar from Windows 10 own blur. It doesn't use aeroglass blur"


    That's an important statement about ClassicShell and I guess same apply for StartIsBack. So the options we have for now to have taskbar blur without artifacts in other areas not supported by AeroGlass are either:

    • Use the not so good taskbar blur implementation bu SIB/CS
    • Use TaskbarBlurToggle or SetWindowCompositionAttribute method while having:
      • Transparency for start, taskbar, action center, ... etc are disabled in Windows Settings
      • Alternative taskbar coloring is applied through SIB or CS.
  5. Thats because i like it better configured this way. Everything is works fine now, i just wanted to show you that i finally did it!


    Now since you are done I have an issue and want to see if you have it too. Open any system notification icon (power, sound, wireless, action center, .. etc.) and move the mouse cursor on the notification area. I see some artifacts that keep appearing on the opened menu as you can see in this video: https://youtu.be/uz8yq7Fni_o. Can you reproduce the same issue?


    PS: I had to record with phone as taking screenshots/video capture does not show the artifacts. This could imply it's a graphic driver issue as the rendered display (which what is recorded on image/video) is clean.



    Disabling the blur solves these artifacts so blur has something to do with it. Also I tried the other way to get blur without the toggle (i.e. using SetWindowCompositionAttribute) and the artifacts appeared as well. The common between both methods I thing is AeroGlass/DWM and graphic driver.

  6. ahmedsalahais, you have now my undying gratefulness for yours patience!


    This is my result:



    As far as I can see, the intensity is about the same for taskbar and window borders. Your taskbar already bright, have blur and glass reflection. One thing I noticed, you have too much glass reflection. I used AeroGlassGUI to reduce Glass reflection intensity to 25%. Other than that, I can't see the problem you have from the screenshot.

  7. intensity slider affect only windows borders but not taskbar itself

    Excuse me but, have you taken a closer look into the photo album I shared? I gave examples of different color intensity levels (0%, 50% and 100%) to see how they affect the taskbar. I also intended to show the pictures with and without StartIsBack so you see that StartIsBack IS NEEDED. You also NEED to configure SIB by ticking "Use custom taskbar coloring" in Appearance section and move the corresponding slider to somewhere around 25% for example and this is also shown in the photo album.


    Can you give me a link where i can read about how to enable built-in personalization?

    Nothing to read about really. Just make a shortcut with this location: 

    %windir%\System32\rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,Advanced,@Advanced

    Sure ..

    • ThemeAtlas: clssharp by Kankipappa (here)
    • Explorer like Windows 7: OldNewExplorer
    • Start Menu: StartIsBack++ (this allows legacy start menu and modern start menu simultaneously in addition to choosing taskbar colour, opacity and blur)
    • Taskbar blur: TaskbarBlurToggle (it achieves better blur than provided by StarIsBack++)


    I tried all the software you mentioned and was not able to achieve anything close to your screenshot.


    Can you post a screenshot of what you have achieved so far?


    Actually, me too. I'm stuck at the taskbar blur level. I tried to use TaskbarBlurToggle with StartIsBack and personalisation utility from winaero, but intensity slider affect only windows borders but not taskbar itself(((


    The same with AeroGlassGui, blur effect radius and glass reflection intensity doesnt affect taskbar in win10.


    For both of you, it is a combination of programs and settings that should be done at the same time. Taskbar should be set to use brighter color so color intensity can be visually noticeable. Setting color intensity without brighter taskbar will make very small difference that can go unnoticed. Without setting both, you would not see the blur effect because it is already almost opaque and dark. Take a look on my photo album here so you can get an idea of how the taskbar will look with different color intensity and with/without StartIsBack.


    Now, back again to my list to achieve my previously posted images:

    • ThemeAtlas: I use clssharp by Kankipappa (here) and I assume you all know how to set a custom theme atlas.
    • Explorer like Windows 7: OldNewExplorer
    • Start Menu: StartIsBack++ (the one thing we need from this utility is that it allow setting custom taskbar color with custom translucency and you should check my photo album for the settings)
    • Taskbar blur: TaskbarBlurToggle (it does work!)
    • Personalization: Either using personalization utility from winaero or the hidden built-in one (to set color intensity to 0%).

    I have not use AeroGlassGui for anything but setting the theme atlas.

  9. ahmedsalahais, thanks for yours atlas theme!

    You are kind but it is not mine. The theme atlas is clssharp by Kankipappa and the credit goes to him.


    Could you please show a few more screenshots with other windows?

    I mean, on you screenshot this atlas looks flat but when i use it - result is not so flat at all..but great atlas anyway!

    Here's another one with more windows opened. I hope it serve you well!



    Can you please also tell me what tool did you use for increasing size of icons in taskbar?

    It's a feature of StartIsBack as shown in the picture above.

  10. EDIT:

    I also use Personalization Panel for Windows 10 from here. Using this utility, I'm able to set theme colour intensity to lowest level so the blur effect on taskbar can be seen clearly.

    No no no, Whenever I (and I am assuming F3lixChan as well) use this program to enable blur, it makes the taskbar 100% opaque. It does not add any blur to the taskbar. I never used StartIsBack but I found that you can enable taskbar blur on the taskbar only using Classic Shell's option in the Windows 10 settings tab. Classic Shell is free and you can make it so the Windows 10 start menu is the only start menu that appears.

    Have you read what you quoted? this answers it without Classic Shell or whatever. Cheers!

  11. I seem to be missing something. What I want is simply to make the taskbar transparent (and preferably blurred too). What I don't want is a different start menu - in my opinion the start screen in Win 10 is better than anything that Classic Shell or StartIsBack provide. There seems to be no option for that?

    To make the taskbar transparent (without blur) is simply an option built in Windows 10. Open Settings > Personalisation > Colours > Tick "Make Start, taskbar and action centre transparent". Achieving blur on taskbar is a different thing thought. That's why there are talk about third party programs to achieve it as I have not come cross an alternative convenient method.


    Here I will talk about StartIsBack only as I use that. StartIsBack does NOT replace Windows 10 start menu but allows using the legacy start menu by default. While using StartIsBack, pressing Win button on the keyboard will launch legacy start menu. However, pressing Ctrl+Win will launch the new Windows 10 start menu. This means StartIsBack gives you the best of both worlds.


    The most important thing for you here is that StartIsBack was not suggested to offer taskbar blur (although it have the feature). The reason I suggested StartIsBack because it allows colouring the taskbar so brighter colours can be used  which was an attempt to answer this:



    Can you make blur a light as the windows start menu, otherwise the app is great


    If you just don't care about the taskbar colour, you do NOT have to use either Classic Shell or StartIsBack. Just enable taskbar transparency in settings and use TaskbarBlurToggle which will work just fine as you can see below. You may also need to use "Personalization Panel for Windows 10" from here. Using this utility, you will be able to set theme colour intensity to lowest level so the blur effect on taskbar can be seen clearly.






    From this forum I have the following script which I've saved in as a cmd file which I run as a task on startup (then every few mins thereafter). It's not an ideal solution though - the cmd window pops up momentarily every time it runs, which can be distracting if you're watching a movie or something, and every time you select the start menu or Cortana the transparency and blur is lost until the task runs again. 


    (Need to make sure SetWindowCompositionAttribute.exe is saved in Windows/System32 first):


    @echo off


    SetWindowCompositionAttribute.exe class Shell_TrayWnd accent 0 0 0 0

    SetWindowCompositionAttribute.exe class Shell_TrayWnd blur true




    Any better ideas?


    I have not tried this method and have no idea why it needs to be ran every few minutes (which is inconvenient). However, if I was going to use this method I would create a VBscript with a loop to run the main script. The VBscript will allow running the main script silently without showing any command window at all. Read this: http://superuser.com/questions/140047/how-to-run-a-batch-file-without-launching-a-command-window.

  12. Taskbar Blur Toggle not working on me , How you use it ?

    Are you using donate version ?

    Thanks :)

    You have a couple of options to use it. Either run TaskbarBlurToggle.exe, click "Enable Blur" and tick "Run at startup". Or, make use of the available shortcut "EnableTBBlur" which is what I do. I made a copy of the shortcut to my Start-Up folder (C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup) so it runs automatically after log-in. Keep in mind that the shortcut might need modifications to the Target and Start in sections depending on where the files at (but keep an eye on the switches).




    I also use Personalization Panel for Windows 10 from here. Using this utility, I'm able to set theme colour intensity to lowest level so the blur effect on taskbar can be seen clearly.




    Please use my DeviantArt link to download my application: http://dblake1.deviantart.com/art/Taskbar-Blur-Toggle-0-2-0-412358153

    Your Taskbar Blur Toggle not working on Windows 10 right ?

    When I use it , It just make Taskbar Enable transparent or Disable transparent ..


    I will answer as I use this already and is proven to work on Windows 10 as you can see in the picture I posted above (post #9).

    Your photo so small , cant see.



    Here: http://store.picbg.net/pubpic/34/3B/0146ad791447343b.png

  14. ahmedsalahais, can you tell me what theme atlas you use on yours screenshot?


    Sure ..

    • ThemeAtlas: clssharp by Kankipappa (here)
    • Explorer like Windows 7: OldNewExplorer
    • Start Menu: StartIsBack++ (this allows legacy start menu and modern start menu simultaneously in addition to choosing taskbar colour, opacity and blur)
    • Taskbar blur: TaskbarBlurToggle (it achieves better blur than provided by StarIsBack++)

    Please use my DeviantArt link to download my application: http://dblake1.deviantart.com/art/Taskbar-Blur-Toggle-0-2-0-412358153

    Your Taskbar Blur Toggle not working on Windows 10 right ?

    When I use it , It just make Taskbar Enable transparent or Disable transparent ..



    I will answer as I use this already and is proven to work on Windows 10 as you can see in the picture I posted above (post #9). 

  16. I've made some tweaks to my Atlas theme and since everything seems to look and function like I want, I thought why not to share it so you can try it out if you like!


    Layout file is also attached in the zip, because I made some modifications to the button margins and messed with the image positions a bit. :P





    Man .. this theme is awesome!

    I was wondering though how you were able to convert Explorer to look like Windows 7. I used RibbonDisabler but the result is different than yours.




    Never mind, I learnt I have to use OldNewExplorer alongside RibbonDisabler to achieve the required result. Thanks for your atlas theme again.

  17. I thought of that but for some reason I am having a problem with my PayPal account. I will do once I get it sorted out, the work here deserve the support.

    The problem was related to using older billing address. I updated the address and everything went fine, and donated again! Nice job, Bigmuscle!

  18. Well for continued support of the Aero Glass project you also could just donate again and not have to wait the 30 days.



    I thought of that but for some reason I am having a problem with my PayPal account. I will do once I get it sorted out, the work here deserve the support.

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