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Everything posted by ghosttracer

  1. Good day Sorry about the long reply. I was busy debugging etc.. Here is my final (hopefully) version of the code. @ECHO OFF:: Ensure ADMIN Privileges - from http://www.robvanderwoude.com/clevertricks.php:: adaptation of https://sites.google.com/site/eneerge/home/BatchGotAdmin and http://stackoverflow.com/q/4054937:: Check for ADMIN Privileges >nul 2>&1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system"IF '%errorlevel%' NEQ '0' ( REM Get ADMIN Privileges ECHO= Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" ECHO= UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", "", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" DEL "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" EXIT /B) ELSE ( REM Got ADMIN Privileges PUSHD "%CD%" CD /D "%~dp0"):: END - Ensure ADMIN Privileges:: PrelimsSETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION ENABLEEXTENSIONSSET "_OSV=" & FOR /f "TOKENS=2 DELIMS=[]" %%A IN ('VER') DO FOR /f "TOKENS=2,3 DELIMS=. " %%B IN ("%%~A") DO SET "_OSV=%%B.%%C"IF %_OSV% LSS 5.1 ECHO= This requires XP or greater & EXIT /bSET "_Arch=x64" & IF %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==x86 IF NOT DEFINED PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 SET "_Arch=x86"ECHO PLease specify if the following programs needs to be installed. y for yes and n for noSET "AVG=N" & SET /p AVG=Do you want to Install AVG(Y/N)):: Begin work:: Installsecho Installing Firefox & ffox29.exe -msecho Installing Ashampoo & ashampoo.exe /sp- /verysilent /norestartecho Installing C-Cleaner & ccsetup.exe /Secho Installing K-lite & klite.exe /verysilent /norestartEcho Adding Reg Key for No Autorun & NOAUTORUN.regecho Killing Task & taskkill /f /im "burningstudio.exe"Echo Installing Adobe Reader & adobe11.exe /sPB /sAll /msi /norestart ALLUSERS=1 EULA_ACCEPT=YESIF %_OSV% LSS 6.0 ( ECHO= Installing Internet Explorer 8 & IE8-WindowsXP-x86-ENU.exe /passive /update-no /no-default /norestart Ren "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop\CCleaner.lnk" "Run Weekly.lnk" Ren "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop\Mozilla Firefox.lnk" "Internet.lnk" Del "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop\Your Software Deals.lnk") ELSE ( ECHO= Internet Explorer 8 Not Required & ECHO= Disabling Hibernation & POWERCFG -h off)IF /i "%AVG:~,1%." == "Y." ( echo Installing AVG%_Arch% & avg%_Arch% /UILevel=silent /InstallToolbar=0 /ChangeBrowserSearchProvider=0 /SelectedLanguage=1033 /InstallSidebar=0 /ParticipateProductImprovement=0 /DontRestart /KillProcessesIfNeeded) Else ( echo AVG Installation Skipped):: TweaksEcho Renaming Icons...Ren "c:\Users\Public\Desktop\CCleaner.lnk" "Run Weekly.lnk"Ren "c:\Users\Public\Desktop\Mozilla Firefox.lnk" "Internet.lnk"Del "c:\Users\Public\Desktop\Your Software Deals.lnk" Echo Renaming Doneecho Disabling System RestoreReg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SystemRestore" /v DisableSR /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /fsc config srservice start= disablednet stop srservice:: CleanupFOR %%A IN ( ffox29.exe ccsetup.exe adobe11.exe klite.exe IE8-WindowsXP-x86-ENU.exe NOAUTORUN.reg InstallV1.2.cmd ashampoo.exe avgx64.exe avgx86.exe ) DO ( ECHO Deleting file %%A ..... & DEL %%A)SET /p CONTINUE=Installs Complete.... Please install Libre Office and Adobe Update manually.exit /bThank you for everybody's help and suggestions. Do you see room for improvement? except for those rename commands when installing ie? You will see that i removed LibreOffice installation due to it crashing the batch file. and the NoAutorun.reg needs me to click Yes and OK.
  2. I have another problem with the batch. In windows vista or later the batch file requires administrative rights to disable hibernation , rename icons and install certain software and it still ends suddenly past a certain point... @echo offECHO PLease specify if the following programs needs to be installed. y for yes and n for noSET AVG=NSET /p AVG=Do you want to Install AVG(Y/N)IF EXIST "%PROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Office\" ( ECHO Microsoft Office Detected!! SET LIBRE=N SET /p LIBRE=Do you want to Install Libre Office(Y/N))echo Installing Firefoxffox29.exe -msecho Installing Ashampooashampoo.exe /sp- /verysilent /norestartecho Installing C-Cleanerccsetup.exe /Secho Installing K-liteklite.exe /verysilent /norestartEcho Adding Reg Key for No AutorunNOAUTORUN.regEcho Installing Adobe Readeradobe11.exe /sPB /sAll /msi /norestart ALLUSERS=1 EULA_ACCEPT=YESEcho Installing Adobe Reader UpdateAdbeRdrUpd11006_MUI.msp /qp /norestartSET "_OSV="FOR /F "TOKENS=1* DELIMS=[" %%A IN ('VER') DO (SET "_OSV=%%B" CALL SET "_OSV=%%_OSV:* =%%" & CALL SET "_OSV=%%_OSV:~,3%%")IF %_OSV% LSS 5.1 GOTO :EOFIF %_OSV% LSS 6.0 (ECHO= Installing Internet Explorer 8 IE8-WindowsXP-x86-ENU.exe /passive /update-no /no-default /norestart) ELSE ( ECHO= Internet Explorer 8 Not Required & ECHO= Disabling Hibernation POWERCFG -h off)(program ends after this)IF /i %AVG% == Y ( IF %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% EQU x64 ( echo Installing AVG x64 avgx64 /UILevel=silent /InstallToolbar=0 /ChangeBrowserSearchProvider=0 /SelectedLanguage=1033 /InstallSidebar=0 /ParticipateProductImprovement=0 /DontRestart /KillProcessesIfNeeded ) ELSE ( echo Installing AVG x86 avgx86 /UILevel=silent /InstallToolbar=0 /ChangeBrowserSearchProvider=0 /SelectedLanguage=1033 /InstallSidebar=0 /ParticipateProductImprovement=0 /DontRestart /KillProcessesIfNeeded )) Else ( echo AVG Installation Skipped)IF /i %LIBRE% == Y( Echo Installing Libre Office LibreOffice_4.2.3_Win_x86.msi ALLUSERS=1 /q /norestart)Echo Renaming Icons...Ren "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\CCleaner.lnk" "Run Weekly.lnk"Ren "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Mozilla Firefox.lnk" "Internet.lnk"Echo Renaming Doneecho Disabling System RestoreReg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SystemRestore" /v DisableSR /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /fsc config srservice start= disablednet stop srserviceecho Deleting Files del ffox29.exe del ccsetup.exe del adobe11.exe del klite.exe del IE8-WindowsXP-x86-ENU.exe del NOAUTORUN.reg del Install V1.1.bat del ashampoo.exe del avgx64.exe del avgx86.exe del LibreOffice_4.2.3_Win_x86.msi del AdbeRdrUpd11006_MUI.mspecho Operation Completeexit /b
  3. @Wise Owl C:\Users\ does not exist on Windows XP unless it is manually created. Easy way to identify Type of OS. This is my way of identifying the OS. I do java coding , but this is my first time creating a batch. As the owner buys the new components. i do the assembly , windows installation etc do basicly im creating a script so that i can just copy the folder over to the pc and run the script. i am still getting to the power settings for sleep as i am getting the time. Updated Version @echo offecho Installing Firefoxffox29.exe -msecho Installing Ashampooashampoo.exe /sp- /verysilent /norestartecho Installing C-Cleanerccsetup.exe /Secho Installing K-liteklite.exe /verysilent /norestartEcho Adding Reg Key for No AutorunNOAUTORUN.regEcho Installing Adobe Readeradobe11.exe /sPB /sAll /msi /norestart ALLUSERS=1 EULA_ACCEPT=YESEcho Installing Adobe Reader UpdateAdbeRdrUpd11006_MUI.msp /qp /norestartIF NOT EXIST "C:\Users\" ( echo Installing Internet Explorer 8 IE8-WindowsXP-x86-ENU.exe /passive /update-no /no-default /norestart) ELSE ( Echo Internet Explorer 8 Not Required)SET AVG=NSET /p AVG=Do you want to Install AVG(Y/N)IF /i %AVG% == Y ( IF %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% EQU x64 ( echo Installing AVG x64 avgx64 /UILevel=silent /InstallToolbar=0 /ChangeBrowserSearchProvider=0 /SelectedLanguage=1033 /InstallSidebar=0 /ParticipateProductImprovement=0 /DontRestart /KillProcessesIfNeeded ) ELSE ( echo Installing AVG x86 avgx86 /UILevel=silent /InstallToolbar=0 /ChangeBrowserSearchProvider=0 /SelectedLanguage=1033 /InstallSidebar=0 /ParticipateProductImprovement=0 /DontRestart /KillProcessesIfNeeded )) Else ( echo AVG Installation Skipped)IF EXIST "%PROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Office\" ( ECHO Microsoft Office Detected!!) ELSE ( SET LIBRE=N SET /p LIBRE=Do you want to Install Libre Office(Y/N) IF /i %LIBRE% == Y( Echo Installing Libre Office LibreOffice_4.2.3_Win_x86.msi ALLUSERS=1 /q /norestart ))Echo Renaming Icons...Ren "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\CCleaner.lnk" "Run Weekly.lnk"Ren "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Mozilla Firefox.lnk" "Internet.lnk"Echo Renaming DoneEcho Disabling Hibernationif exists "C:\users\" ( cmd.exe /c powercfg.exe -h off)echo Disabling System RestoreReg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SystemRestore" /v DisableSR /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /fsc config srservice start= disablednet stop srserviceecho Deleting Files del ffox29.exe del ccsetup.exe del adobe11.exe del klite.exe del IE8-WindowsXP-x86-ENU.exe del NOAUTORUN.reg del Install V1.1.bat del ashampoo.exe del avgx64.exe del avgx86.exe del LibreOffice_4.2.3_Win_x86.msi del AdbeRdrUpd11006_MUI.mspecho Operation Completeexit /bDo you see any room for coding improvements?
  4. @Yzowl The only operating system that does not use c:\users\ is xp which is "Documents and Settings" and we do not use anything lower than xp. I did notice the AVG mistake and fixed it. I disable hibernation due to the network setup i have so id rather set the pc's so sleep in 30 minutes than shutdown down to hibernation and hibernation takes longer to startup. This script is intended for setting up a new pc. Once the script is done running, i want it to delete itself (thus the del Install V1.1.bat) and the installation files. @jaclaz Thanks for the speedy reply. I will reply if it fixed the problem.
  5. Hey I am a general computer admin managing 10+ pcs. I tried writing a batch to install and update new programs but it keeps exiting at the if statement. Please help @echo offffox29.exe -msccsetup.exe /Sklite.exe /verysilent /norestart(THE PROBLEM IS HERE)If NOT exist "C:\Users"( echo Installing Internet Explorer 8 IE8-WindowsXP-x86-ENU.exe /passive /update-no /no-default /norestart)ELSE( Echo Internet Explorer 8 Not Required)SET /p AVG=Do you want to Install AVG(Y/N)IF %AVG% EQU y( IF %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% EQU x64 ( echo Installing AVG x64 avg x64 /UILevel=silent /InstallToolbar=0 /ChangeBrowserSearchProvider=0 /SelectedLanguage=1033 /InstallSidebar=0 /ParticipateProductImprovement=0 /DontRestart /KillProcessesIfNeeded ) ELSE ( echo Installing AVG x86 avg x86 /UILevel=silent /InstallToolbar=0 /ChangeBrowserSearchProvider=0 /SelectedLanguage=1033 /InstallSidebar=0 /ParticipateProductImprovement=0 /DontRestart /KillProcessesIfNeeded ))Else( echo AVG Installation Skipped)SET /p LIBRE=Do you want to Install Libre Office(Y/N)IF %LIBRE% EQU y( Echo Installing Libre Office LibreOffice_4.2.3_Win_x86.msi ALLUSERS=1 /q /norestart)Echo Renaming Icons...Ren "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\CCleaner.lnk" "Run Weekly.lnk"Ren "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Mozilla Firefox.lnk" "Internet.lnk"Echo Renaming DoneEcho Disabling Hibernationif exists C:\users( cmd.exe /c powercfg.exe -h off)echo Deleting Files del ffox29.exe del ccsetup.exe del klite.exe del Install V1.1.bat del avg x64.exe del avg x86.exe del LibreOffice_4.2.3_Win_x86.msiecho Operation Completeexit /b
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