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Posts posted by LuanTeles

  1. there`s a way to remove the running programs from taskbar? i want like mac style. i'm using rocket dock, i dont want to hide the taskbar , i just want to rocket dock shows the programs being executed, there's a registry setting to make no icons to appear?

  2. In fact

    I just want the Search icon next the star (in the search box)

    like the Longhorn Evolution that u said you are going to import

    in the office 2010 Vs theme hahaha

    Could you add this in the alternative version?

    cuz idk anything about theme creation, i only know how to replace things with restorator :P

  3. I changed some things and man its the best theme ever hahaha

    only waiting for the multi colored details pane ><

    If you talking about Multi-colored Details Pane as in what Windows 7 use to have with the Documents, Library, Music, Videos, etc... I'm unable to do that.

    Btw. How did you change the text to "Windows 8.2 Longhorn Pro", and have the User Tile at the bottom of the Taskbar?

    I managed to make the Details Pane size larger in the msstyle


    Even looking at LongHorn Revealed 8 ? cuz this have it

    or maybe talking to sagorpirbd

    But it's okay hahaha

    I just changed the Basebrd.dll.mui to change the version number and windows edition

    and the user tile http://www.deviantart.com/art/Taskbar-UserTile-203811134

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