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Everything posted by ferob

  1. @NoelC Thanks for your answer, I really appreciate it. Well, at first, when I contacted him, I wrote down my problem, attached the log and the HDDdetector output and kindly asked for help, but I got no answer at all, so next day I wrote a new message and asked if he need anything else to help, but you know, after three days when I got no answer, while he read all my messages in an hour, I couldn't do anything else, so I just searched again at the forum and asked others who had the same problem, but they got ignored too and couldn't give me a solution. Unfortunately, I started over from scratch, so I don't have any system backup, but I asked him about the recreated partitions too, if that could be a problem, but until your post I was not sure at all. The problem is that you can read everywhere that you are okay with your key, until you physically change your HDD or CPU, but it's nowhere stated that by formatting your drive you will get the same effect and that can be solved only if you donate again.
  2. The only way your donation key will stop working is if you changed the hardware it is bound to. Either your hard drive or your CPU. I know this and it cannot be changed in my case, because it's a notebook, so it's integrated besides it has warranty, therefore I don't want to change anything.
  3. Until this weekend I had no problem with aero glass and I have donated months ago, before these convoluted donation pages. This weekend I have reinstalled Windows on my computer and after that I noticed that my donation key would not work at all. [2014-04-11 23:37:00][0x2FC:0xE14] Donation key error: 0x80090006So I contacted bigmuscle via pm and guess what happened? He simply read the messages and would not answer at all, so just ignoring the problem. I'm not the first with this thing, because there were others in this forum who had problems after upgrading or reinstalling Windows etc. so I wrote a pm to one of them and he said that he got ignored too. So I would like to say thanks for nothing and for the others: draw the conclusion. @bigmuscle I'm still waiting for your answer with the solution, even if your site now says that we are eligible for nothing and have no rights at all, except sending money to you.
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