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Everything posted by Bensit

  1. I've been struggling with this one too: REG ADD %KEY%\060 /VE /D "Microsoft AntiSpyware" /f REG ADD %KEY%\060 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\Software\msa\msas.exe /s /v/qn" /f This way you get an error after the installation saying you have to reinstall..... Haven't figurerd it out yet.
  2. Any responce on this so far?
  3. Thnx, that's the solution. Should have thougt of that earlier.....
  4. Hello, I want to use RDP on a new installed XP SP2 pc. On the tab 'Outside connections' there's only 'help on distance'' (both translated from the dutch version) but no RDP availiable! What went wrong? I installed XP with a cd created with the help from this site so that can't be the problem...
  5. Exactly, I don't really care 'bout the system beeps, I want to change the default 'Windows sound scheme' to 'no sounds'. This must prevent a whole classroom with 'TARAAAAH' when the students login. Regards, Wim
  6. Hello, Which registry setting is used to turn off all Windows system sounds? Been searching the forum but cannot find the one to turn everything off. Regards, Wim
  7. Ok, thnx, i'm going to try that..
  8. I know that one, but can't install it unattended... Or must it be repackaged some way? Regards, Wim
  9. For the installation of Windows XP sp1 I would like to use the latest DirectX9.0C. I can only find DX9NTOPK which is version 9.0B. Is there a newer DX9NTopk around or can I update DirectX in another way to 9.0C? TIA Wim
  10. Hello Gosh, Can't find your .inf files. Can you (or somebody else) put them online anywhere? Tia
  11. Hello, I would like to adjust the language and keyboard settings for my country. Here are the parts of winnt.sif i'm using now: [unattended] Keyboardlayout="VS-internationaal" [RegionalSettings] LanguageGroup=1 UserLocale_DefaultUser=0413 InputLocale_DefaultUser=0409 but then there's always the annoying button in the taskbar. Tried serveral other settings like [unattended] Keyboardlayout="VS-internationaal" [RegionalSettings] LanguageGroup=1 Language=0409 doesn't work either. We're using a dutch Windows XP with SP2 slipstreamed, the rest of the installation works perfect (thanks to this board... ) Can anyone give some hint's about this? TIA Wim
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