Hello to one and all of you who are so helpful and kind with there time and expertise sharing with those lesser knowledgeable people on this forum such as myself. I have a Winpe8.1x64.ISO with quite a few preinstalled as well as portable apps which are very useful and most of the programs I use on regular windows work when installed in while using the said PE OS, what I want to know is how can I make the changes, programs and registry settings persistent so I wouldn't need to install or edit them each time I use the PE. I have already done DISM to include necessary drivers, I have also tried using Regshot, exporting the entire PE registry and also the Hives which were modified or changed and added them using Wintoolkit to boot.wim but when I boot the ISO with the updated boot.wim it didn't boot was asking for "winload.exe" which suggested the registry entries I added somehow messed with the building/booting process of the ISO. I have also tried applying boot.wim to a vhd which worked and booted but each time I boot the vhd a new administrator account is created e.g "administrator.001, administrator.002" and so on are added to the "Users" folder in the system root so even if the changes were saved basically a new account is used each time I boot. I was thinking that if I boot into the original ISO make the necessary changes i.e (install programs, pin to taskbar/startmenu, wireless password and so on) I could then export the entire registry, then add the exported .reg file to the PE ISO and during or after boot run a script/command to add/merge the .reg file to the registry therefore all the necessary changes would be there after booting into the PE and I wouldn't need to retype my wireless password and so on over and over but I don't know how to do that. In a nutshell I would basically like to know if there is anyway to get an applied boot.wim image from PE to vhd persistent (to load saved changes), what is the best way to add registry settings to a boot.wim or how to load an entire/part of the registry after booting a PE ISO? Sorry about such a long post I hope it was explained thoroughly enough. Please Help!