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Posts posted by Rumcayz

  1. AERO GLASS for Win8 BETA3

    Ok, here it is.

    What's new?

    * completely removed layered windows hack

    * fixed glass on the secondary taskbar

    * many code fixes and refactoring

    * almost all low-level stuff (see beta 2 changelog) should work regardless the used DLL versions and even on 32-bit

    --> this probably still needs some coding

    --> works until MS changes the internal DWM functions

    --> if something is wrong, message about DLL incompatibility will pop up

    * implemented that color swatches in control panel can be loaded from external DLL

    --> registry script which changes default swatches to Win8 RP (more glass-friendly) is attached

    --> backup the original registry key before importing !!!

    --> you will probably need to change the owner and permission of the registry branch

    --> DO NOT do it if you are not advanced user!!!

    --> you will be unable to change frame color if you don't use AeroGlass utility after importing this registry key

    * fixed glass on surface render targets

    --> glass won't work if one side of your screen resolution is less than 200 pixels


    Still have some glitches after moving window on the screen. Also it is necessary to disable taskbar transparency, otherway taskbar is fully transparent. BUT: when taskbar transparency is enabled there are no more glitches - they can be found only on the taskbar.

  2. By the way - do You plan adding shadows? Win7 Aero has it.

    I'll save BigMuscle the trouble of answering... Drop shadows come from the theme resource list. Windows is currently compositing fully transparent drop shadows for you. Nice of them, eh?

    You can add drop shadows yourself by having Aero Glass for Win8 load alternate desktop element resources from a PNG file, the path to which you specify by the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\DWM : CustomThemeResource REG_SZ value.


    Click here to download the alternate theme resource PNG file I've modified.


    Thanks for this!

    But I'm asking for something else- if bigmuscle will sell his aplication (even He don't know it), 'drop shadows' option could be nice addition. If it will be freeware, I won't grumble. It's just an idea to make his work even better ;)

    Another idea is adding some 'space' to taskbar and window bar, I mean now they are flat , but have blur and transparency. Adding some 'shine' on the edges of them have some sense (for me). Just like here: http://globalknowledgeblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/windows_7_aero_peak2.png

    BTW: Now, finally I can run v.85version, with normal transparency and blur (Opacity 50, Blur 60, dx9.3)!

  3. For me v0.8 didn't work, even if I had changed debug files; as I see I have some wrong dll files -just full transparency and no blur, or no transparency. With AGTweaker and dx9.3 blur works, but first window has no transparency, also I can't change blur. In the v0.7 and D2D it works, but when I changed any settings in Windows, taskbar becomes fully transparent - windows were still blured and coloured. It may be caused by using stardock Start8 I think. Applying settings in AGTweaker makes it working until next turning on the PC (I know AGT isn't yours but otherway if I change any windows setting I have to restart the PC to make your program work as it should. If you want I can attach my crash list. By the way - do You plan adding shadows? Win7 Aero has it.

    Anyway great work!

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