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Everything posted by hello2u
The image you are refering to is Custom Theme Resource. If you want to use Custom themes instead like you had with UxStyle, you can enable the BypassThemeSignature feature in Aero Glass utility. Go to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\DWM in regedit, create a new DWORD key named BypassThemeSignature and set it to 1(0 to disable). After a restart you can use custom themes on your Windows 8.1. ok, thanks!
I removed UXStyleCore (I always forget the full name) which turned out to be the cause of the problem I was having a while back. I see that we need an image to use custom themes through AeroGlass, is there a way to get the images for existing custom themes like snowy v3.0?
The culprit is most likely UltraUXThemePatcher since it use direct system file patching instead of memory patching like UxStyle. Besides, if you're using AeroGlass, getting any other theme patcher is overkill, just set the DWM:BypassThemeSignature to 1 or better yet, use the CustomThemeResource value. Interesting... I'll try removing it and using one of your suggestions thanks.
Nice to see a thread on this again. I've had to wipe my computer a few times because Windows Update keeps failing (and system restore sometimes fails after that)... apparently it has something to do with a conflict between AeroGlass and some customization I've made... the customization programs I've used other than AeroGlass are AGTweaker, UltraUXThemePatcher, Decor8, StartIsBack, and TinyWindowBorders. I have donated and used the full version of AeroGlass, and holding down the ctrl key didn't help. Anyone else having trouble with this or know which is the problem?
Just got around to using .91 lol. Looks great, no artifacts anymore, swatches got fixed. Still have bugs in the preview images for my new themes though (Custom was made around .8, Random theme I saved from Custom in .91, rest are old) https://dl.dropbox.com/u/20887877/Jing/2013-05-18_1213.png Themes themselves are working fine. I would very much like a way to control the transparency of the automatic color though, when/if you can get around to it. I'll try .92 now. Edit: May have just been a corrupt theme from something unrelated, looks like the color, mouse pointers, and sounds weren't being saved on those themes, and the issue was gone soon as I deleted those themes and remade them from a working theme.
you can narrow it down by seeing if beta 3 still works.
My taskbars match my windows now. Didn't really change anything, though windows explorer restarted itself a few times since I restarted the computer. My guess is that the effect will go back to not matching when I restart, but I'll let you know.
It's a fairly common compression format, I use ALZip, I hear 7zip is also good.
Well if a command prompt came up when you ran it, then it's an old outdated version, and has the command prompt rather than the popups. You can try running the game in a window, but otherwise all I can say is disable it when you aren't testing. There's no .exe, just modify the .reg file so it points to the right place, run it, and install AGTweaker from its other topic in this forum to make changes. We should make a FAQ.
Well, I dont use a weather widget. I have very useful usage meters and temp monitors that are not available on Rainmeter. What sorts of monitors? I could use some more. :U .7 had popups, maybe slight less frequency but I can't tell. If there was a .07 it was one of the ooold ones I was referring to, won't do you much good. Fine except it lacked support for multiple monitors, I suppose. Doubt anything was interfering, probably the person didn't notice them or got a cracked version somehow. Yeah it'll be removed in the full version I'm sure. Well, I dont use a weather widget. I have very useful usage meters and temp monitors that are not available on Rainmeter. It's name might be rainmeter, but it provides much more than a weather widget. Looks like you didn't look into it enough. It supports all sorts of usage/temp/net/playback info an is much easier if you want to script stuff yourself. Otherwise getting a skin you like is not different from installing a gadget... This. It has a ton of styles to match much better than anything else out there.
If that is Gadget8 you are using, I recommend up update it. Or switch to Rainmeter. Don't think there was such a version, you probably just didn't use it long enough to notice. If it's really old, it may have been one of the early previews with a visible debug window maybe. All those are outdated now, if you can't deal with the popup just wait for release.
Interesting bug you may have missed: When Firefox is on top of Word 2013, Word isn't blurred. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/20887877/Jing/2013-05-06_2048.png That's the only combination I've found so far.
Windows version perhaps? I have x64 pro, downloaded a day or two after release, fully upgraded I think. I applied the reg key multiple times because of that error, but yeah, that shouldn't have done anything. Not sure what else it would be either. What was it supposed to do?
Some of them appear to be the wrong color, yes. Hovering over one gives a name. Looks like it's the wrong name, hovering over green says "Blush" and turns the window pink: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/20887877/Jing/2013-05-06_1737.png I exported the swatches registry branch, so I think I'll be fine there... don't really use any colors other than auto and white anyway. Also the square for the active theme's (and maybe others if I change, haven't tried) color has been missing since I installed .9 https://dl.dropbox.com/u/20887877/Jing/2013-05-06_1739.png
I got swatches.reg applied, but it doesn't seem to have changed anything.
Well the taskbars have much more color than the windows (keep in mind I gave it minimum intensity) and I'd like to be able to have strong transparency with the automatic coloring, but I'd say it's looking pretty darn great. Great job BM!!
That has nothing to do with uninstalling the other version. You need to take ownership of the keys referred to in the .reg file, otherwise it is read only and cannot be modified... Except making read/write in the registry is more complex than to do it with a file... so... I'm kinda too scared to guide someone else with doing it Lots can go wrong when editing the registry, so I am only comfortable doing it for myself... (I also do not have a guide for it, since I have been doing edits like that for so long) Edit: It is a little different in Windows 8... this one is for Windows 7. http://superuser.com/questions/98739/unlocking-a-read-only-registry-entry-in-windows-7 And I cannot seem to find any applicable guides that do it well. Hmm, I think I got it, but it didn't help. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/20887877/Jing/2013-05-04_1821.png https://dl.dropbox.com/u/20887877/Jing/2013-05-04_1821_001.png
Might be because I didn't restart yet after uninstalling .7, but when I run swatches.reg, I get this error: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/20887877/Jing/2013-05-04_1504.png
Sounds like there's something else at play here interfering with it... debug log may shed more info? Also maybe device level (see BM's post before mine).
Doesn't look too bad to me... alt+tab to switch. Restart if you haven't tried already, if you have tried already, restart and hold ctrl while it's booting, should load it without the modifications. Then uninstall. Also you're having permission issues, use an Administrator account. Edit: Are you trying to delete a theme? If so you're doing something VERY wrong. There are no themes involved with this. I have no idea where you even got that from... To uninstall properly, you'll need an admin account, the AGTweaker GUI, and then you click the X in the bottom right corner of the GUI and restart. I tried downloading the GUI and got this message: http://gyazo.com/5bdfe1bdf1137749bcd125066b13ed39 I had already added the values to the registry and did everything right to my knowledge of installing it. Well, that knowledge is really limited. Files in an archive cannot access other files in the same archive. You have to extract them first. Doesn't look too bad to me... alt+tab to switch. Restart if you haven't tried already, if you have tried already, restart and hold ctrl while it's booting, should load it without the modifications. Then uninstall. Also you're having permission issues, use an Administrator account. Edit: Are you trying to delete a theme? If so you're doing something VERY wrong. There are no themes involved with this. I have no idea where you even got that from... To uninstall properly, you'll need an admin account, the AGTweaker GUI, and then you click the X in the bottom right corner of the GUI and restart. Also, I tried restarting holding down Control. Nothing happened, booted up like normal. Other control button then maybe? I haven't actually tried it myself, just a general tip that's been mentioned many times in the thread. Also make sure you're holding it when DWM loads, not (just) when Windows is booting/during the BIOS screen/etc Could also be that you didn't install the program correctly, so it's not even what's causing the problem... broken DWM or theme perhaps.
Doesn't look too bad to me... alt+tab to switch. Restart if you haven't tried already, if you have tried already, restart and hold ctrl while it's booting, should load it without the modifications. Then uninstall. Also you're having permission issues, use an Administrator account. Edit: Are you trying to delete a theme? If so you're doing something VERY wrong. There are no themes involved with this. I have no idea where you even got that from... To uninstall properly, you'll need an admin account, the AGTweaker GUI, and then you click the X in the bottom right corner of the GUI and restart.
I think there might be an incompatibility with ModernMix, I installed MM and it was working fine till I put my computer to sleep, had two apps running with ModernMix that needed to restart when I woke it up, and after I closed them, it looked like DWM or windows explorer restarted... something like that. After that, it looked normal, except I had a window titled "DWM notification window," and when I tried to close that my computer went a bit crazy, still looks quite off: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/20887877/Jing/2013-04-23_1844.png Running Glass8 version 0.7 currently. Update: Sorry, I meant ModernMix haha. Restarting fixed it, I think what happened was DWM ran into a bug, then tried to tell me about it with a buggy window. When I tried to close the window, DWM was closed.
I'm just going to debunk this right now. The beginning text is copied straight from the popup from earlier versions, not even beta; the rest you just typed in. From the wording alone it would make no sense for him to include this in any version... current, past, or release/future. Enjoy your inevitable ban. o/