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Posts posted by windowsfaq
yeah thats true
where can i download the same files but then in NLD?
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It took awale but its going good right now
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hahaah i have the NLD good
and this:
''07 – Using any UnZIP software, Unzip the FOLDERS inside the following
* “XPBEGIN\UDC-mm-dd-yy.ZIP” to Folder “XPUPDATE”
You will have a FOLDER “XPUPDATE\UDC-mm-dd-yy”
08 – Double-Click “XPUPDATE\UDC-mm-dd-yy\UDC-mm.dd.yy.bat“
This process will Download all Post-SP3 Updates and generate several Add-ons.
It will ALSO self-delete the files originally un-Zip’ed.''
I have this
but is this the good files??
because they says ''UDC-mm-dd-yy'' but where can i found this i search that topic but i cant found this file
i download this http://xdot.tk/updates.html is this the right one?
oh i see
but i got this error in the cmd
whats mean this?
can you help me pleas
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whats mean this:
''03 – Download the following to folder “XPUPDATE\WMP11”
* wmp11-windowsxp-x86-enu.exe
* All -X- UDC "Footnote 1" WindowsXP-WindowsMedia-KBn-x86-ENU.EXE files
*** DO NOT download "WindowsXP-WindowsMedia-KB952069-v2-x86-ENU.exe"!
*** KB952069 does NOT apply to WMP11! ALL OTHER files ONLY!
04 – If and ONLY IF your XP is pre-Service Pack 3''
i have an -x- UDC folder and must i copy the content of that folder to xpupdate\wm11 ?
what must i here download in this step?
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but I have a question about the sentence ''Additionally, I use ONLY "-X- Updates Downloader, Checker and Add-on Creator" . '' -X- Updates Downloader I've downloaded but is ''Checker'' a program??
what is that?
and Add-on Creator already downloaded.
but what is ''Checker'' ??
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I have nlite and xp sp3 nl (dutch)
and i would to integrate ALL updates to the iso.
so i integrate all the hofixes downloaded from here: http://wsusoffline.net/
and open nlite to integrate hoxfixes:
then go i folder xp\nl (this is my language) then i selected all the hofixes
then i click on next then get i an info screen
i dont no what this means
i click on ok en then THIS IE8 ERROR:
what going on here???
can anyone helpe me??
Display downloadscaling not working
in Windows 8
hello, i have 2 netbooks dot s version.
i installed Windows 8 on and go to regedit as admin and search for ''Display1_DownscalingSupported''c trough F3 but it found nothing
unless i search for the registery key and add a dword (32-bit) value but it also not working 
what do i wrong??