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Posts posted by pengipete

  1. I can confirm that the menu remains in its "last used state" when re-opened - so if the last use had it scrolled to the bottom, it reopens already scrolled to the same place.

    Then this should not be called a problem or a bug at all.


    I made no comment about it being "a problem" or "a bug" - I merely confirmed what a couple of other users had reported as the way SiB was handling a paricular scenario.

    About your post here:

    Do you mean that you have icons but they are plain, white squares - or do you mean that there are no icons showing at all? If you have no icons, do you have the text naming the programs or is the program list itself completely empty? If that's the case, have you registered your copy of SIS - if not and the free trial has expired, it will remain blank unless you register and pay the (very reasonable) fee.

    I don't think this is related to the trial expiration. Tihiy said the applications had their own icons since version 2.0. I just read back some pages and found out the first version of SIB I installed is 2.0.2. After installing it I entered the key at once. And a few days later when I looked through folder Start Apps, all the icons were blank.

    I didn't say it was or wasn't "related to the trial expiration" - I was just asking the poster to clarify because his post was rather ambiguous and pointed to known solutions to some of the possible interpretations.

  2. It doesn't detract from ORelio's work to say that you've come up with some good ideas there. Besides, ORelio's been very open to feedback and suggestions since starting this and we've all benefited from that.

    Even the big, commercial software producers have people who aren't necessarily programmers but are imaginative and very good at saying "wouldn't it be great if..." - then leaving the poor old programmers to work out how to make it happen.

  3. I can confirm that the menu remains in its "last used state" when re-opened - so if the last use had it scrolled to the bottom, it reopens already scrolled to the same place.


    I'm with you in not having sufficient entries in the start menu to even see the scollbar - but temporarily reducing the number of "recent programs" let me see what happens (makes the menu-window that much smaller). And thanks for explaining it clearly - I was struggling to understand until your post number 1821

  4. the icons for metro apps in my startisback start menu have all gone blank. anyone know what might have happened or how i can get them back?

    Do you mean that you have icons but they are plain, white squares - or do you mean that there are no icons showing at all? If you have no icons, do you have the text naming the programs or is the program list itself completely empty? If that's the case, have you registered your copy of SIS - if not and the free trial has expired, it will remain blank unless you register and pay the (very reasonable) fee.

  5. From which version of SIB did folder Start Apps on Start Menu show the icons of the store applications? I just noticed this today!

    However, it also displays some applications that I've uninstalled from Start Screen. And I can't delete them by pressing Delete key.

    If you right-click on the folder in the start-menu, it will give you the option to open the folder in explorer BUT I can't say if it's "safe" to simply delete the icons from there.

  6. Modified the source code for personal use....


    I'm not sure that the "generate inactive colour" setting is needed (or works) anymore. Inactive, transparent window borders should "tinted" with the active window glow colour rather than having an independant colour (which I believe only worked anyway when transparency was disabled)

    Apart from that, I like the additions/changes you've made - it make AGT more of an all-in-one "appearence tweaker". Hopefully, Orelio and yourself can expand on that - a font changer would be useful, for example (it can be done as there stand-alone apps to do it). In essence, you could end-up with a replacement for the old-style personalisation settings tool that was removed with W8.

  7. Version 2.1 is finally out!


    Due to Microsoft request, all start button images containing Windows logo were removed. Download them separately here.

    Thanks for the update - and I have to say that it's amazing that each update genuinely improves what was already an excellent app. (I actually tried using W8 without SIB a couple of days ago - I'd forgotten how bad it is :wacko:)

    Am I right to say that if you are installing 2.1 as an update, your existing orbs are not deleted or affected in any way (that's certainly how it worked for me)?

  8. Sontawila...

    It's a bit difficult to diagnose a problem you used to have when you say things like "I currently have everything on default value..." That implies that you had non-default "things" when you had SiB installed and were having the crashes.

    Did you have patches, hacks, themes, betas or non-default settings or applications in use at the time you had the crashes - not just relating to SiB but anywhere on your computer?

    It is entirely possible for a perfectly good, stable application to be "involved in" crashing a pc - if another, unsafe application reacts with it. In that case, removing the safe application can stop the crashes occuring but the real cause would still remain.

    Without at least that basic information, it will be completely impossible for anyone to even start to help you or decide what caused your reported crashes. All anyone can say for now is that this app is very popular and there is no widespread reporting of faults such as you are reporting - which suggests that there is something specific to your pc that is involved - if not actually the real cause.

    The one thing I would say - and it also relates to your "I currently have everything on default value" comment...

    If you have now re-installed SiB and everything else on your pc is completely standard - no hacks, betas - but that wasn't previously the case, you need to just leave it running a while and see if the problem has disappeared. If it has, you can retry any other patches etc that you were previously using until you find the one that actually caused the crashes.

  9. Sontawila...

    Was there anything "personalised" about your installation of StartIsBack - such as a third-party skin or image for the start button orb - or were you perhaps using a non-Windows standard image for your Windows user-account picture - or were you using any sort of non-standard theme for Windows in general? Also, were you using any other patches or hacks - such as aeroglass or similar?

  10. All supported settings can be found in readme.txt which distributed with the archive. I think we already talked about it, there are no registry keys which you need for testing, live with that. Also, there is one simple thing - if you have a question "How to adjust ...." and you cannot find an answer, then just ask yourself "How would I adjust it in Windows 7?" :yes:

    Also, d2d1.pdb does not have anything to do with rendering blur effect using Direct2D.

    It's a bloody BETA version and you are running a thread asking for BETA TESTERS. Telling me to "read the effing manual" is ridiculous - because that information should be ON THIS FORUM and because the "read me" actually says NOTHING.

    What's the point of telling us what "d2d1.pbb" DOESN'T do - why don't you tell us what it DOES do? It's perfectly reasonable for a person to question why a file with D2D in it's name is present in an app that - according to you - does use D2D.

  11. I decided not to use this until the final or a stable version is released! I tested enough, no errors but optimization is the problem, at least for me... I still want to have rounded borders, it is possible to create a small dll for rounded borders only? Thank you!

    I'm out too.

    I think BM needs to play with this in his bedroom for a while yet cos what we're seeing between versions is not developments, it's completely different applications. We've had entirely different HIVES used within the registry and never so much as a hint at what can or cant be deleted, no indication of what the DWM registry keys can or can't be used for and the result so far is not even remotely close to useable.

    Worse than that though - I'm fed-up of having to trawl backwards and forwards through hundreds of posts to try and find what BM has changed this time. He's been asked to do the usual thing and provide all links and update info in the first post but he's ignored that. And if anyone asks any serious questions, they are either met with defensive and dismissive insults or brushed aside with jargon-filled gobbledygook and snide responses about then not knowing about the registry or "read the 'read me'". Sorry but if all I wanted to do was "read the read me", why would I need to bother using this forum AND PROVIDING YOU WITH FEEDBACK?

    The reality is that you plan on making money out of this and there are people here who are willing to help you for free - and your arrogant tone is annoying, Telling beta-tester to RTFM is pathetic and all it says is that you are incapable of providing clarity in your own thread because you actually don't know what you are doing.

  12. That was my understanding and it begs the question - which values is AGT actually adjusting and by what range?

    Also, whilst I understand that opacity is (probably best) set by adjusting "Colour Intensity" via Windows, that only affects "active" windows - inactive ones are not affected by the W8 Windows app.

    Certainly don't mean to offend anyone but I can't help but think that the plot's been lost here - AG is not getting "better" - just "more clever" for the sake of it - and the constant changes to which hives and keys are being used coupled with the fact that BM still won't add update info to the first post in his thread (try finding anything amongst the 1,000+ posts - ain't easy) are making it impossible to carry-on testing AG.

    AGT was a big help but even that's gone gaga with BM forever fiddling about with what can and can't be set and how those settings can and cant be made - no-one seems to know what's happening anymore and any questions asked about HOW to do anything are met with a barrage of geekspeak that doesn't actually answer simple questions like "how do you adjust transparency when "glasstransparency" is no longer supported?"

    Seriously - BM is saying that D2D is no longer supported - at all - but his own download for beta 2 includes a file called "d2d1.pdb" - could that be anymore confusing?

    Shame really.

  13. Getting very odd results from 1.2.2...

    Regardless of whether using Native Blur or not, "Opacity" makes no difference to opactity but randomly (about once for every three attempts to adjust it) logs me out of Windows. "Blur" adjusts opacity upto about half-way - higher "blur" actually results in greater transparency but with what appears to be greater "colouring" of the blured items. After about halfway, borders are just a glaring, white blob.

    (Using W8x64 - all standard, no hacks, patches or non-standard themes etc)

  14. So is it "better" in the results it produces, "better" in terms of lower use of resources or "better" in terms of more elegant programming?

    As a user/observer, it appears that the D2D mode actually produces a more pleasing result - so what's actually the downside - for the end-user - of not bothering with HOW the effect is achieved?

  15. @Tihiy....

    Just a quick note - and definitely not wishing to get into a "windows blue" discussion....

    If a future Windows update does mean that your current system of utilising "redundant" code in W8 will no longer work, I for one will be happy to pay you for a self-contained replacement start-menu if you maintain the quality you have achieved with SiB. It might be a nice gesture to offer original SiB users a discount on any such version but that's just a minor suggestion. For what this cost to register, I reckon I've had more than my money's worth already - it's made W8 far more useable for less than the price of a pint and it's head and shoulders above the other start-menues I tried.

    Many thanks mate and looking forward to see what else you will develop in the coming months.

  16. @Orelio...

    Thanks for the "Windows Colours" addition in 1.2.1 :)

    I'm struggling with D3D settings - blur has no effect. I've been fiddling about with the registry values to try and work out exactly how D3D applies the blur (it seems to be a horribly convoluted mixture of different keys and values). If you can tell me which keys and settings AGT is adjusting to set the blur in D3D, maybe I can play around a bit and try to help work out a way to get it working.

    (In D2D mode, AGT and AG work wonderfully - and I must admit, I'm not even sure why BM regards D3D as "better" - but I'm no ex-spurt :) )

  17. @BigMuscle...

    As far as I'm concerned, the whole point of this is just to help you get AG working and I have no problem with the way you chose to make it clear that this is a test version - but I do have a suggestion that may be worth considering...

    I'm assuming that you are going to ask for a "small fee" for the finished version - so how about offering "pre-release registration" now for a fraction of that fee? (if you plan on asking $1, for exampe,, allow registration for the betas at 50 cents - not suggesting prices, just using those as illustrations). In return for registering now, the pop-up can be limited to - say - once a day and the beta-fee can be offset against full registration when the final release is available.

    That way, those of us who aren't bothered by the pop-ups can continue testing in peace and anyone who finds them that much of a problem can supress them by effectively paying a portion of the registration fee in advance in return for a slightly cripple version (basically, no diferent to paying to "remove adverts" in many "free" applications).

    (You might also need to think about asking the moderators to do some weeding on this thread soon - it's becoming increasingly difficult follow the development of your app)

  18. Are you sure? For me it's random.

    Could that be because you are changing settings? I believe that changing any of the settings (including using AGTweaker) stops and restarts the app - so the "hour" starts again and you get a nag-box after five minutes.

    PS - For anyone who wants to quickly and easily disable the notices whilst watching vids, playing games etc - just use AGTweaker and disable AeroGlass when you need "peace and quiet" ;) (Note - even high-high and professional apps have annoying pop-ups - email notifications from outlook, updates available etc - it's standard practice to disable them when watching vids, giving presentations etc)

  19. I did not know where the Advanced is. The problem is resolved by removing check marks on the Jump Lists tab.

    He means the "Advanced" section of StartIsBack's settings - right-click on the start-button and select "Properties" then select "Advanced" from the list on the left-hand side of the settings window that opens. The options you need are in the "Tweak Windows Settings" section on the right-hand side.

  20. Please, could you post here the file version of your C:\Windows\System32\UDWM.dll and dwmcore.dll? And state if it is 32-bit or 64-bit.

    Win 8 Pro with MCE - 64 bits (genuine, registered - downloaded "upgrade" version installed as "clean install")

    dwmcore.dll = 6.2.9200.16433

    uDWM.dll = 6.2.9200.16420

    (just in case it matters - DWMcore.dll is 2.1MB - there's also a version with the same version number in SysWOW64 and that is only 1.75MB)

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