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Posts posted by DimasKid

  1. Another Aero Glass for Win8 Donation Info Box Preventer (AGHooker) [Download]
    I include the source code too, so you can modify it freely.|

    :D Have a nice day guys

    1) Removed Old Methods To Hidding Donation Info Box, It Will Show Up Again with Bravely when The UAC Dialog Show Up

    2) Added BringToTop & OnTop Function To Make it AutoFocus and In Always On Top From Other Window

  2. I'll wait until the final release version ready, and pack it back.

    and i also waiting for the newest version of AGTweaker, and The Custom Resource Themes to be intergrated with the final release version of Aero Glass for Windows 8.

    thank's for all people that want to work, that make this "little project" (that was the BigMuscle said #peace ._.v) more better and great :D

  3. My OS in Windows 8 x64. I have installed an installer version for Aero Glass for Windows 8 RC1 x64 recently. I didn't use Glass Colorization Swatches.reg. After that I uninstalled the application and deleted the DWM folder in C:/ Now I have a flickering black screen (LED backlight on - off) after reboot. The safe mode doesn't work. After several attempts to reboot I get BSOD BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO. What should I do? (I would like not to reinstall Windows)

    This happened to me when i test it :} , it comes like that because there is some updated windows files that forcing to load the AppInit DLL Files, i'am sure that you not delete the registry value of AppInit.

    There is no solution for me :( , so i just re -install my windows / reset / referesh it, as it was my own risk to install this software :D

    So, like big muscle say. Use this software at your own risk, this still RC (Recandidate) version, not a final release version :yes:

  4. --edit--

    Reg file for AGTweaker

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    @="Aero Glass Tweaker"
    "InfoTip"="Change Aero Glass Settings"



    @="Aero Glass Tweaker"

    Oke thank's i'll make it included in RC2 installer version.

    By the way can you send me the Updated AGTwekaer modification to be included in the installer version :D

  5. I just installed fences by stardock and the program settings are integrated in Control Panel, I hope you will do the same. :)

    Did you know, how to add it? it's that via the registry?

    I'll make the AGTwekaer added to the control panel, if you would to tell me how :D

    By the way, does ORelio still develope the AGTwekaer?

    Or waiting for the final release of Aero Glass for DWM first? :}

  6. Good Job Kid!.. and you can just right click it now and pin to start menu for quick access..DP yes.gif

    Off topic but whats the deal with Chrome and all the Data base errors when trying to post? Dont see to have a issue when posting off of IE tho..

    Thank you sir, i just want to help :lol:

  7. you can use windows 8 release preview themes in the personalize menu from the installer version to get white blur under the title.

    Then go to the aero glass tweaker then load custom resource themes and select AeroRP.png under the resources folder. Then apply it.

  8. Aero Glass for Windows 8 RC1 (Updated Package)

    + Added Windows Aero Release Preview Themes

    + Added Manual Script Installation

    + Added AGTweaker (ORelio) (Mod Tusticles)

    + Added AGTwekaer Custom Resource Themes File

    + Added AGTweaker Shortcut to Start Menu

    + Added What's New text file

    Download Here

    NB :

    Uninstall the old version first, and use at your own risk.

    This is beta version, for testing only :yes:

  9. Here is the installer version for Aero Glass for Windows 8 RC1 By Big Muscle


    - Fix Uninstalling Method

    - Now Installed in "System Drive\DWM" folder, due to debug.log & crash.log file write permission

    Note :

    If you are using the Aero Glass for Windows 8 RC0 installer, make sure you uninstall it from add & remove program and the reboot.

    don't forget to delete the DWMGlass.dll in your system directory.

    And still use it with your own risk :yes:

    I can't get this to work strangely, I'm using Windows8 64 bit. Nothing changed at all.

    EDIT: oh nvm I have uefi secure boot on.

    EDIT2: Looks great! Big thanks to TC.

    Yeah there are some registry writing problem for 64-bit isntaller (sorry for that one), use the standard version to make it works :)

  10. Forgive my stupidity, but how i make this work?

    I downloaded the installer and i installed it...

    What else i have to do?Is there a "how to" somewhere?

    Thanks for your work bigmuscle and everyone else who might helped with this..

    Ok i made it work with some search here...

    In the final version a how to would be awesome i guess cuz there are many dumbheads like me out there.. :P

    Perfect job the default style seems so pretty with aero!

    I like more this style than the windows 7 one..

    Sorry, may be there is some problem with the installer version, but you can activate it by changging the Registry Value of AppInit's DLL, to the installation directory :)

  11. Modified the source code for personal use, replaced 'Narrow window frames' with 'Border Padding Size', added 'Restart Windows Explorer', useful if Aero Glass is not applied on Start Menu and Taskbar when using StartIsBack. Updated the GUI to support DWMGlass v0.92 RC1. Ahh, and the colors menu is separated from the 'Apply' button, I did it because the color intensity is changed when settings are applied in AGTweaker and you always have to play with the slider of Color intensity in Windows Personalize menu to fix it, just move the slider a bit and color intensity is back to normal, without applying the changes, strange.

    And DWMGlass will be installed in %SystemDrive%\DWM and not in Windows directory.

    Removed some settings:

    Direct2D Settings (Latest DWMGlass runs in Direct3D)

    Native blur rendering (No such setting in the latest version of DWMGlass)

    Opacity (GlassTransparency registry setting has been removed in the latest version of DWMGlass, now opacity is controlled by Color intensity in Personalize menu of Windows)


    Can you send me your modification of AGTweaker?

    I want to use it :rolleyes:

  12. Here is the installer version for Aero Glass for Windows 8 RC1 By Big Muscle


    - Fix Uninstalling Method

    - Now Installed in "System Drive\DWM" folder, due to debug.log & crash.log file write permission

    Note :

    If you are using the Aero Glass for Windows 8 RC0 installer, make sure you uninstall it from add & remove program and the reboot.

    don't forget to delete the DWMGlass.dll in your system directory.

    And still use it with your own risk :yes:

  13. AERO GLASS for Win8 RC1

    * fixed hook return values on x64

    * fixed compatibility with old 64-bit udwm.dll

    * fixed exception handler when settings loading crashes

    * fixed crash when removing D3D device

    * do not generate occlusion for border-less windows

    * fixed bug when source box does not fit into screen height in CopySubresourceRegion

    * produce minidump on crash instead of crashlog


    Oke sir, i'll test the RC1 for 32-bit, and make the installer version for this one :)

  14. Just my 2 cents but a uninstaller would have been a nice feature and should be easy to add...confused.gif

    Here's a registry file that will unload Aero Glass for Win8. After running it, log out then back in again and Aero Glass for Win8 will not start.

    Click Here

    If you'd rather not trust the file, this is what's in the above:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows]







    This will also unload from commandline

    @echo off

    reg delete "hklm\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\windows" /v "LoadAppInit_DLLs" /f>nul

    In the installer that i've made, i exactly have some problem to unload the appinit without restarting or sign out, so i just kill the dwm.exe process :unsure:

    the uninstaller also removing the appinit.reg, and swatches.reg from the registry.

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