I just wanted to thank the all of contributors for the info I got from this site. I found someone who had an old Presario that they hadn't even powered up in years and they were just going to toss it in the trash. Well I'm just a little too frugal for that, but I didn't want a boat anchor ME OS, so I did a little research and found Kernelex..... WOW. With an $13 investment I brought the RAM up to 640 (not bad for an old machine) and $12 for a wireless adapter, I have turned this once dust covered PC into a very capable browser. With Kernelex I can fly Opera 11.64 and Firefox 8.0. I was able to load Flash 11 and Reader 6 Since it didn't cost me much I've thrown caution to the wind and and have loaded up a ton of freeware. This machine now rivals my XP station and all for a $25 investment. So once again my big thanxxx for the folks who created Kernelex and the contributors to this forum who supplied invaluable input. The only problem I'm still having is getting my HP Office Jet K60 printer running (the HP web site is less than helpful), I have down loaded every driver I could find and tried every method of installing them with no success...............any input????