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Everything posted by nirmalan

  1. I can't find any folders that begin with $, but i have found that the 2 biggest folders in my windows folder are "SoftwareDistribution" and "ServicePackFiles". They take up about 500 MBs each. Can i delete these 2 folders? I am begining to consider using N-Lite and merging SP2, it does seem simpler. but, i would like to fix my current installation if i can.
  2. I installed XP SP1 and then updated to SP2 via Windows Update V5. I have heard of N-Lite, but i don't want to have to go through creating a new ISO, unless im sure that i can't fix my current installation.
  3. I did a clean install of Windows XP along with SP2 yesterday and found that the windows folder after installation was taking up far too much space. Its taking up aproximately 2.9 GBs of space. Is it normal for a Windows XP installation with SP2 to take up this much space? Or are there some redundant files i can delete to lessen the space? Thank you for taking the time to read my post.
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