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Thank you! So far no problems with version 22j. Running programs from 1994 to 2012 natively!
@Blackwingcat Hello Blackwingcat! One of the reasons I install Windows 2k is to use legacy software - could the installation of KernelEx or Kernel Core break compatibility of DOS/WIN3.1/WIN9x applications and games? And for anybody willing to reply, what exactly is the difference between KernelEx and Kernel Core? It's hard to find info..
Buggy files replaced and Rollups installed > On the AHCI subject, I installed the drivers I had from BlackWingCat (the ones you linked to) last night and they worked perfectly! Now with the Rollups I'm considering updating to the official ones from Intel. In the Device manager, there is a checkbox on my HDD's properties which says "Write Cache Enabled" and can't be activated - I suppose it only works with IDE drives... > The nvidia drivers I installed are v197.45, a couple months earlier than 258.96. I'm updating them anyway :lol Luckily this graphics card is quite compatible across the board. > Right now it's addressing 3.39 GB of RAM. I'll change the boot.ini file to one with the /PAE switch in no time. With the low memory usage of Win2k enabling PAE is no more than pure fancy It's amazing what these Rollups can do! My hardware is now fully supported, and programs like Auslogics Disk Defrag, Chromium browser and its extensions, Sumatra PDF (personal favorite) are working perfectly. The new task manager is a welcome addition too! Both your webpage with the Update Rollups and The Archive projects are great, life-saving for someone who needs or chooses to use Windows 2k. Keep it up tomasz!
Posting form internet explorer 6 SP1, Windows 2000 Pro! After a LOT of testing, reading and punching the keyboard, I could determine the whole issue was actually two specific problems: 1- Had I made my reaserch properly it would've saved me a lot of time Yes, Nlite was creating a corrupted iso when slipstreaming SP4! It was as easy as typing "update -n -s:X:\dir" into CMD to slipstream the "traditional" way and overcome the error. No more 0x7b! The final ISO was then only composed by Win2k, SP4, and the (ESSENTIAL!!) setupreg.hiv file cdob linked to. No unattended stuff this time. 2- And that's exactly what was happening: There's an incompatibility issue with this chipset's USB interface and the drivers provided by 2k, even with SP4. When starting the installation all USB devices work normally, but there are a couple instants during the text mode setup when execution seems to refresh/rescan the interfaces and then it can't access them any longer. For me, that was keyboard, mouse, and installation media. It was then when I started using different unattended setups to try to avoid text mode altogether, and found out more or less what was going on..! Using jaclaz proposal I avoided using the USB drive (booting DOS and starting winnt.exe from HDD), but my keyboard still wouldnt work. Even if I unplugged everything, setup would still recognize the USB interfaces and trigger the error. Luckily the BIOS has an option to shut the USB controller down when no USB devices are in use, so I bought a cheap PS/2 keyboard and installation continued flawlessly. Finally, already at the Win2k desktop, I installed Service Pack 5.1 and it took care of the problematic USB driver (usbhub20.sys) so I could use WLAN and mouse. I went on to install the official, latest chipset drivers and somehow they worked - it recognized everything! So well, that's it! Hope these lenghty descriptions can help someone else too. Right now I've got 4gb RAM installed with tweaked timings, hyperthreading is enabled, the graphics card works like a charm (official drivers from 2010) and pretty much every other device and partitions and I got not a single hardware problem or incompatibility... *EXCEPT* AHCI mode. Yup, still gotta work on that. Thank you very much for your help guys! If something is unclear up there just ask. And if anybody has a modded AHCI driver lying around I'd be very welcome.
OK found some clues about the last error I posted: The drive isn't locked cause when I check afterwards, it had copied a bunch of stuff.. But I am using Windows Vista, and Nlite. Could the installation source actually BE the problem?? Bad SP4 slipstreams? Next step, install a windows xp virtual machine and slipstream everything with the official Microsoft tools provided in the ISO. I've done that before I started using Nlite and had no errors with my laptop, so that could be it! There was also some other post at this forum where they had the same error, and corrected it changing the installation source (grabbed another windows 2k iso). Getting closer... Hopefully..!
@Tripredacus The USB drive boots the installation normally, it starts with the text mode installation screen and it loads the components. Then when it says (still text mode) "loading windows 2000", before the drive formatting screen, the error appears. I had said boot too cause I had copied the contents of an already installed Win2k system to the HDD (after using Virtual machines) - in that case I get the error just after the Win2k splash screen. @jaclaz Yes you're right, too many unknowns! Steps 1 to 4 of your proposal I had them pretty much covered on previous attempts, though when I follow the guide you linked I find that FDISK doesnt work correctly. IDE mode set, LBA seems enabled, and when I try to see my HDD partition table through the program it displays wrong partition sizes. I cant risk losing the other partitions just to see if it works... So I went on with the process; formatted a new 2GB partition with my main Windows install, set it as active, copied the Win2kSP4+drivers setup, checked BIOS and booted a Win98 copy of DOS. The text mode installation starts, copies a bunch of files to the HDD, and shortly after I get this error message: and something about verifying if there's no other file already there which may interfere. There was none, as the partition was initially clean (aside from the Win2k setup folder which I called "SOURCE"). At least there was no 0x7b error! Just to try it out, I installed WinXP through different ways, and every method however simplistic worked perfectly. What's the matter with 2k!?
OK now I'm officially lost Well first of all, THAT was an excellent idea tomasz86. I wouldve never though of that! The result, however, is a big question mark. Straight to the point: After reading your comment I tried (with and) without HDD > 3 different USB drives with > FAT, FAT32, NTFS > 2x8GB and 1GB volumes. ALWAYS 7B error!! So it was not an issue with the HDD! Having discarded that the problem was the HDD (and USB drives), I had few options: Bad ISO, CPU configuration, RAM configuration, some shady BIOS option... Akwardly discriminating chipset... I really doubted the ISO had anything to do with the error, as it is the one I've been using on my laptop for quite some time now. I always slipstream SP4 before installation cause I have the original 'no-service-pack' ISO and (just in case) I don't want to modify it in any way. So I tried with that one, "SP0", and still got that infamous 7b error (trying with and without HDD). Then I just didn't know what to think... My RAM had tweaked timings and my CPU is relatively new, so well, I reverted to "JEDEC" standard timings and disabled every shiny new-tech option I could find for the CPU. None of that made a difference. Went to completely-default BIOS config, same outcome. My PC must be haunted.
Nope, no luck. Compiled the iso with the new file in place, set the BIOS and hardware accordingly and tried 1st: Virtual machine for the text mode, and graphical mode on HDD. And 2nd: The real thing, regular setup, using WinSetupFromUSB. The same results as before, 7b error. Any suggestions? Do you know of any post or something where Win2k has been installed on a modern >200GB HDD? I suspect trying with a CD/DVD drive will have the same results... BTW, WinSetupFromUSB beta8 hasn't worked for me once... Rewrites and corrupts itself or messes with non-active partitions. Not that the program is bad or anything, just it doesnt work well on this setup, it seems. Almost lost my main Windows install.
Well that's useful... Thanks cdob! Already compiling the new .iso.
Hello MSFN! I'm a long time user of the forum yet I haven't sign up until today, as I've always found the answers here about installing outdated software on modern machines. But this time, I'm lost... Thing is I'm trying to install Windows 2000SP4 on my PC, just for old time's sake - I've done that many times before but now with my new setup things have gone south... And I can't seem to find a solution. The specs are: ASUS P8H67-V | Intel 6-Series Chipset H67 (B3) Intel Core i3 2100 | 2C-4T 3.1 Ghz 2x2Gb DDR3 1333Mhz CL7 Gskill RAM. WD5000AAKX SATA 6 Gb/s 500GB HDD and an ol' Geforce 9800GT. I've tried everything to work around the 0x0000007b error that's been plaguing my setup every time I try to install or boot the OS, and since that error is probably the HDD incompatibility i've put my attention over that, but it looks like the problem goes beyond the hard drive. When I boot the OS, to minimize incompatibilities I set the hardware to: >Processor: Hyperthreading disabled. >RAM: Just one module installed, 2GB total. >HDD: IDE Mode, "Compatibility" option. <- yet I still get the error every time! It might look desperate, but I plan on enabling everything after setup. By the way, I don't have a Floppy drive nor a CD drive so I install everything form USB, as I've always done before. I know, I sould get both and try, though that might not be the answer... You see, I've tried: "Regular" setup: Boot the installation after using the latest version of WinSetupFromUSB (beta8) to create the bootable USB - regular Win2kSP4 iso or 'Nlite-ed' iso with drivers slipstereamed. Also tried other "bootable USB"-creating software. It looks like it still can't recognize my HDD (either in AHCI or in IDE Compatibility mode) cause even if it loads the driver I still get the BSOD in text mode. It could be that every driver I've found doesn't work for this one. I've tried adding the official chipset drivers, and/or official AHCI drivers (all WinXP), and/or the modded drivers from BlackWingCat that he had been using for a 5 or 6 Series chipset setup as I saw in another post at the forum. (iata76_cd2kd) "Workaround" setups: Virtual machines. I've tried doing the text mode on a virtual machine, then copying everything to the harddrive and keep on with the Graphical installation. Nice little Win2k splash screen, 7b error on IDE mode all the same. So after that I completed the installation on a VM, enabled LBA so it could 'see' the 500bg of my HDD, copied the chipset and AHCI drivers to the WINNT/System32/drivers folder, and finally uninstalled the current drivers so it would check for new ones on boot. Copied to HDD partition and set to boot from there. A long shot, hoped for the best.. 7B error. What am I missing? Is it that this HDD can't correctly emulate legacy IDE mode (pretty odd) or is the problem something else than my HDD? Not long ago, I've setup Win2k on ICH9, ICH10 chipsets, SATA ACHI drives of 80 and 160 gb respectively. Hyperthreading, DDR3 ram haven't been an issue, always installing from USB only. Official and modded drivers for those chipsets are around the web so it was easier.. Heck, I've even installed Win98 correctly on both those PCs! And there is one more little issue now... I use to tweak and fomat/re-install OS a lot on all my PCs as it is not only my hobbie but what im studying at college - but Microsoft isn't really comfortable that I go activating my OSes after a week or days from the last time when I mess up, so I'd rather not have to format my current Windows installation in the process... That explains the Virtual machines as workarounds! So, what do you say? Should I just give up or is there still hope?