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Everything posted by modron

  1. At first I thought you meant, that now every user would share the same Quick Launch folder. But Windows is actually making it right, if I right-click on the Quick Launch and click open folder it points me to the correct folder in each profile. Although further testing will be required before rollout. Specific Links can be copied or deleted by some logon script commands, in my case deleting the Server-Manager and placing an Outlook link. In Kix that could look like: if ingroup("blah") copy "@lserver\NETLOGON\test.lnk" "%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\test.lnk" else del "%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\test.lnk" endif UPDATE: A quick test showed, that this works in Windows 8 RP as well!
  2. dum dum DUM! My name is Adrian, I'm an IT Administrator from Germany, only days before a huge Windows Server 2003 XenApp 5 -> Windows Server 2008 Citrix XenApp 6.5 migration. So the profile gets newly created on first login. During the Windows 7 migration I learnt, that nearly every user wanted his Quick Launch back. So I spent some hours with Regshot finding a way to enable Quick Launch by default, so I wouldn't have to setup 150 Quick Launches. Your script is very nice btw. The solution: 1. Create Quick Launch like you need it on a test user. 2. Create BackupQuickLaunch.bat, contents: --BAT BEGIN-- reg export "Hkey_Current_User\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Streams\Desktop" QuickLaunch.reg --BAT END-- (you can place the exported reg file on your "%logonserver%\netlogon" share, see below for Kix script) 3. Create RestoreQuickLaunch.bat, contents: --BAT BEGIN-- taskkill /im explorer.exe /f reg import QuickLaunch.reg start explorer --BAT END-- Kix: RUN "reg import @lserver\NETLOGON\QuickLaunch.reg" The trick is, that explorer.exe should not be running while the registry settings are applied. Or during logon-script, when there is no explorer started yet (if so configured in policy). Yay! Works on my test machines. No guarantee, but please post if it works for you too.
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