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Everything posted by plizarralde

  1. Yes, %USERPROFILE%\Configuración local\Temp is the same folder (in spanish) %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp As you said, it seems like 7-zip left behind this temporary folders. "Notes70.htm" is a readme of thumbplus and again I don't know why in the installation was left behind (besides "Program Files") in the "Default User" and Pablo "Lizarralde" folders. In these two folders there is another folder "{4051F57Exxxxxxx}" that has contain one file "Postbuild.exe", do you know what is this ? It seems like in an unattended setup with nlite, leaves a lot of garbage in several folders. Thanks for all your answers and the time you loose with me, for write this. Pablo
  2. I mean full installer of the software (ex. nero66115.exe of about 33,5 Mb). I'm sorry, I was wrong, inside "Default User" folder and in my case "Pablo Lizarralde" folder there are subfolders named 7zS6DF.tmp and 7zS70A.tmp with the installer of above and in the other folder from FILLCD. I'm sure that has nothing to do with "Program Files" folder in C:\, because these folders are inside of "Documents and Settings" folder, in fact, in the root of this 2 folders are a "Notes70.htm" (I guess it's from IE7 but I don't know why is located here) and in this location it was the installer of mirc too. Here it's a transcription of LastSession.ini [Main] Env = - 2.0.50727.1433.Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3 Target = Windows XP Professional SP3 - 5.1.2600.5512 - Español - España (alfabetización internacional) [Tasks] Remove Components Unattended Setup Hotfixes and Update Packs Tweaks Create a Bootable ISO Options [Components] ;# Aplicaciones # Juegos Juegos en Internet Maletín Opciones de Accesibilidad Pinball ;# Controladores # Adaptadores de Pantalla (Antiguos) IBM PS/2 TrackPoint IBM Thinkpad 'Logitech WingMan' Serial Pen Tablet 'Sony Jog Dial' Tarjeta decodificador de DVD Toshiba Unidades de Cinta ;# Multimedia # Cursores de Ratón Media Center Movie Maker Música de Ejemplo Soporte del Formato de Imagen AOL ART Tablet PC ;# Opciones del Sistema Operativo # Ayuda y Soporte Técnico Convertidor FAT a NTFS Esquemas de Color Framework Herramienta para eliminar el Blaster/Nachi MS XML 2.0 'Tour' Utilidad de Guardado de 'Dump' ;# Red # Cliente para Redes Netware Conferencia IP Extensiones FrontPage Herramientas de Internet MSN Explorer Netmeeting Programa de Pruebas de Terminal de Comtrol. Protocolo NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Windows Messenger ;# Servicios # Administración de Energía Ininterrumpida 'Alerter' Informe de Errores Mensajero Servicios de Fax Servidor Telnet ;# Soporte de Hardware # Discos Zip de Iomega Dispositivos de Brother Puerto de Juegos Gravis Digital Ramdisk ;# Teclados # Albanés teclado Alemán (IBM) teclado Alemán (Suiza) teclado Alemán teclado Árabe (101) teclado Árabe (102) AZERTY teclado Árabe (102) teclado Armenio occidental teclado Armenio oriental teclado Azerí cirílico teclado Azerí latín teclado Belga (coma) teclado Belga teclado Bengalí (Inscript) teclado Bengalí teclado Bielorruso teclado Bosnio cirílico teclado Bosnio teclado Búlgaro (latín) teclado Búlgaro teclado Checo (Qwerty) teclado Checo para programadores teclado Checo teclado Chino (simplificado) - teclado EE.UU. teclado Chino (simplificado): Microsoft Pinyin IME 3.0 teclado Chino (simplificado): NeiMa teclado Chino (simplificado): QuanPin teclado Chino (simplificado): ShuangPin teclado Chino (simplificado): ZhengMa teclado Chino (tradicional) - alfanumérico teclado Chino (tradicional) - ChangJie teclado Chino (tradicional) - código Big5 teclado Chino (tradicional) - DaYi teclado Chino (tradicional) - fonético teclado Chino (tradicional) - teclado EE.UU. teclado Chino (tradicional) - Unicode teclado Chino (tradicional): ChangJie nuevo teclado Chino (tradicional): fonética nueva teclado Chino (tradicional): matriz teclado Chino (tradicional): rápido teclado Cirílico kyrgyz teclado Cirílico mongol teclado Coreano teclado Croata teclado Danés teclado Devanagari: INSCRIPCIÓN teclado Divehi fonético teclado Eslovaco (qwerty) teclado Eslovaco teclado Esloveno teclado Estados Unidos - Dvorak para la mano derecha teclado Estados Unidos-Dvorak para la mano izquierda teclado Estados Unidos-Dvorak teclado Estándar multilingüe canadiense teclado Estonio teclado Faroés teclado Finés con sami teclado Finlandés teclado Francés (Bélgica) teclado Francés (Canadá) teclado Francés (Suiza) teclado Francés canadiense (heredado) teclado Francés teclado Gaélico teclado Georgiano teclado Grecolatino teclado Griego (220) Latín teclado Griego (220) teclado Griego (319) Latín teclado Griego (319) teclado Griego politónico teclado Griego teclado Gujarate teclado Hebreo teclado Hindú tradicional teclado Húngaro de 101 teclas teclado Húngaro teclado IBM de Lituania teclado Inuktitut latino teclado Irlandés teclado Islandés teclado Italiano (142) teclado Italiano teclado Japonés teclado Kannada teclado Kazakh teclado Letón (QWERTY) teclado Letón teclado Lituano teclado Luxemburgués teclado Macedonio (FYRO) teclado Malayalam teclado Maltés (47 teclas) teclado Maltés (48 teclas) teclado Maorí teclado Máquina de escribir divehi teclado Marathi teclado Neerlandés teclado Nepalí teclado Noruego con sami teclado Noruego teclado Pashto teclado Persa teclado Polaco (214) teclado Polaco (programadores) teclado Portugués (Brasileño ABNT) teclado Portugués teclado Portugués(Brasileño ABNT2) teclado Punjabi teclado Reino Unido (extendido) teclado Reino Unido teclado Rumano teclado Ruso (mecanografía) teclado Ruso teclado Sami extendido (Finlandia y Suecia) teclado Sami extendido (Noruega) teclado Serbio (cirílico) teclado Serbio (latín) teclado Sirio fonético teclado Sirio teclado Sistema de entrada coreano (IME 2000) teclado Sistema de entrada japonés (MS-IME2002) teclado Sueco con sami teclado Sueco teclado Tabla de inglés (E.E.U.U.) para árabe 238_L de IBM teclado Tailandés Kedmanee (sin bloqueo de mayúsculas) teclado Tailandés Kedmanee teclado Tailandés Pattachote (sin bloqueo de mayúsculas) teclado Tailandés Pattachote teclado Tamil teclado Tatar teclado Telugu teclado Turco F teclado Turco Q teclado Ucraniano teclado Urdú teclado Uzbek cirílico teclado Vietnamita teclado ;# Directorios # DOCS VALUEADD ;# Compatibilidad # Compat01 Compat02 Compat03 Compat04 Compat06 Compat07 Compat08 Compat09 Compat11 Compat14 Compat16 [KeepFiles] msconfig.exe [RemoveFiles] clock.avi yahoo.bmp swtchbrd.bmp [Options] OemBranding ProfilesDir = "%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings" TargetPath = "WINDOWS" temp_dir = %USERPROFILE%\Configuración local\Temp [Patches] TcpIp = 50 DoSFC [services2] [Tweaks] Barra de Tareas-Deshabilitar la Barra de Lenguaje Explorador-Mostrar Barra de Estatus en todas las ventanas Explorador-Mostrar el contenido de las carpetas de sistema Explorador-Mostrar extensiones de tipos de archivo conocidos Explorador-Mostrar todos los archivos y carpetas ocultos Explorador-Panel de Control Clásico Internet Explorer-Ajustar Internet Explorer para aceptar 10 conexiones al mismo tiempo Internet Explorer-Deshabilitar notificación de Descarga Completada Menú Inicio-Reducir el retraso de menús Privacidad-Eliminar 'Alexa' Velocidad-Administración de energía mínima Velocidad-Deshabilitar el Seguimiento de Accesos Directos Erróneos Velocidad-Deshabilitar el Tiempo de Último acceso en archivos Velocidad-Deshabilitar logeo de WBEM Velocidad-Deshabilitar Optimizar disco duro cuando esté inactivo Velocidad-Ejecutar aplicaciones de 16-bit en un proceso separado Velocidad-Usar carpetas clásicas de Windows / Sin Panel Lateral de Tareas [unattended] UnattendMode = 1 ComputerType = Automático OOBEOff CustomLocales DisableSRestore MaximumDataStorePercentOfDisk = 12 RestorePointLife = 30 DefaultStartPanelOff DesktopTheme = Estilo de Windows XP|Predeterminado (azul)|Tamaño normal AutoUDay = 5 AutoUHour = 15 ProgFilesPath = "\Archivos de programa" [NetAdapter1] connname = "" macaddress = "" ipaddress = "" subnetmask = "" defaultgateway = "" dnsserver1 = "" dnsserver2 = "" winsserver = "" netbiossetting = "0" ipxnetworknumber = "00000000" ipxnetworkframetype = "0xFF" [GuiRunOnce] @Echo Off rem PP=%SystemDrive%\Install\ SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /D "Instalando Aplicaciones de Pablo Lizarralde" /f REG ADD %KEY%\010 /VE /D "Office 2003 Professional SP3" /f REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\Office2003SP3\setup.exe TRANSFORMS=Unattended.MST /qb-" /f REG ADD %KEY%\016 /VE /D "Symantec Endpoint Protection 11.0.3001 MR3" /f REG ADD %KEY%\016 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\Install\SEP1103001MR3\sep.msi RUNLIVEUPDATE=0 REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESS /qn" /f REG ADD %KEY%\020 /VE /D "Registrando programas y configurando" /f REG ADD %KEY%\020 /V 1 /D "REGEDIT /S %SystemDrive%\Install\anydvdsettings.reg" /f REG ADD %KEY%\025 /VE /D "Borrando archivos temporales..." /f REG ADD %KEY%\025 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\Install\cleanup.cmd" /f EXIT [Drivers] [Hotfixes] C:\Download\SP3\IE7-WindowsXP-x86-esn.exe C:\Download\SP3\IE7-WindowsXP-KB953838-x86-ESN.exe C:\Download\SP3\IE7-WindowsXP-KB938127-v2-x86-ESN.exe C:\Download\SP3\WindowsXP-KB953839-x86-ESN.exe C:\Download\SP3\WindowsXP-KB898461-x86-ESN.exe C:\Download\SP3\WindowsXP-KB923789-x86-ESN.exe C:\Download\SP3\WindowsXP-KB938464-x86-ESN.exe C:\Download\SP3\WindowsXP-KB941569-x86-ESN.exe C:\Download\SP3\WindowsXP-KB942763-x86-ESN.exe C:\Download\SP3\WindowsXP-KB946648-x86-ESN.exe C:\Download\SP3\WindowsXP-KB950760-x86-ESN.exe C:\Download\SP3\WindowsXP-KB950762-x86-ESN.exe C:\Download\SP3\WindowsXP-KB950974-x86-ESN.exe C:\Download\SP3\WindowsXP-KB951066-x86-ESN.exe C:\Download\SP3\WindowsXP-KB951072-x86-ESN.exe C:\Download\SP3\WindowsXP-KB951376-v2-x86-ESN.exe C:\Download\SP3\WindowsXP-KB951698-x86-ESN.exe C:\Download\SP3\WindowsXP-KB951748-x86-ESN.exe C:\Download\SP3\WindowsXP-KB951978-x86-ESN.exe C:\Download\SP3\WindowsXP-KB952287-x86-ESN.exe C:\Download\SP3\WindowsXP-KB952954-x86-ESN.exe C:\Download\Unattended\Addons\ProgramAddons_Java_6u7.cab C:\Download\Unattended\Addons\ProgramAddons_Adc_151.cab C:\Download\Unattended\Addons\ProgramAddons_AiRoboForm_6991.cab C:\Download\Unattended\Addons\ProgramAddons_AnyDVD_6469.cab C:\Download\Unattended\Addons\ProgramAddons_Azureus_3110.cab C:\Download\Unattended\Addons\ProgramAddons_BetterFileRename_52.cab C:\Download\Unattended\Addons\ProgramAddons_BSPlayerpro_231b974.cab C:\Download\Unattended\Addons\ProgramAddons_CDmenuPro_42002.cab C:\Download\Unattended\Addons\ProgramAddons_CoverXP_165.cab C:\Download\Unattended\Addons\ProgramAddons_DivX_6845.cab C:\Download\Unattended\Addons\ProgramAddons_DVD_Decrypter_3540.cab C:\Download\Unattended\Addons\ProgramAddons_FillCD_304.cab C:\Download\Unattended\Addons\ProgramAddons_Flashget_181.cab C:\Download\Unattended\Addons\ProgramAddons_GBMPro_80312482.cab C:\Download\Unattended\Addons\ProgramAddons_mIRC_633.cab C:\Download\Unattended\Addons\ProgramAddons_NeroBurningRom_66115.cab C:\Download\Unattended\Addons\ProgramAddons_Photoshop_CS2.cab C:\Download\Unattended\Addons\ProgramAddons_PowerDVD_73.cab C:\Download\Unattended\Addons\ProgramAddons_Soulseek_157.cab C:\Download\Unattended\Addons\ProgramAddons_TagRename_34.cab C:\Download\Unattended\Addons\ProgramAddons_ThumbsPlus_7sp2b2251.cab C:\Download\Unattended\Addons\ProgramAddons_UISO_930b2612.cab C:\Download\Unattended\Addons\ProgramAddons_Winamp_5541.cab C:\Download\Unattended\Addons\ProgramAddons_WinRAR_3.71.cab C:\Download\Unattended\Addons\ProgramAddons_WLMessenger_8.5.1303.1018.cab C:\Download\Unattended\Addons\ProgramAddons_DFXWinamp_8501.cab C:\Download\Unattended\Addons\ProgramAddons_MiniLyrics_573418.cab plizarralde, You got me guessing! I searched my computer (XP x64) and found no Program Data or ProgramData folders at all. A quick Google search indicated they my be used by licensed programs. You say the installers are in them. Do you mean a full copy of the installer - perhaps many MBs? Please attach (no paste) your LastSession.ini. We don't have a translation problem with the folder name do we? You not talking about the Program Files folder? Enjoy, John.
  3. Hi !! I made an unattended XP SP3 dvd, it install OK but I see some weird thing. I've installed FILLCD, mIRC, Nero, etc. and I found it, that there are the same installer of these software in 3 folders: C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Program Data C:\Documents and Settings\Pablo Lizarralde\Program Data C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile\Program Data It's normal or is a bug in nlite ? I think that is a waste of HD space. Excuse for my english. TIA Pablo
  4. I´ve Windows XP SP3 VL MSDN in spanish language. Nlite is a great program but has some errors (with the spanish version of Windows XP SP3 at least) 1) I fill all the fields in unattended options (account, username, computer name, etc.) but when XP is installing the CD in a virtual machine, ask me again my account name, it doesn´t pass this windows. 2) If I leave windows update by default or I want to change the day and hour for check it, download and install, it doesn´t matter because always use "everyday at 3:00 AM". 3) How could I change my homepage in Internet Explorer 7 that is slipstreamed perfectly in Windows XP SP3 ? 4) Some tweaks of Windows XP I can´t find it, like in My PC => Properties => Advanced Options => Performance. I mean, there is some tweak like "tune for best performance" altogether ? Excuse me for my english. TIA. Pablo
  5. Mmmmm I don't understand you. I do it one by one but nothing happens. First, I integrate the language in the first version (business), then I create the dvd image, so now is all ok. Second, I extract the files of the image created, run vlite and open the directory of the files extracted, it shows me the first version (vlite business) and all the rest, I select the second version (home basic) and try to integrate again the language, but it give me a message that the language is already integrated and it shows me in the bottom, anyway I press apply, select the first method but nothing happens (or it do it almost instantly, it not takes 20 min or so). Then I wrote the DVD image, but when again extract the files to a directory a reopen it with vlite, the only version that is integrated is the first one (business). So, what do you mean with "you will have to do it one by one" ? How is the process ? I don't bother you, but could you give me and example of the steps with two versions ? TIA. Pablo Yes but you will have to do it one by one. That would take a very long time, each 20min or so. Also on every Apply select the first method.
  6. It's possible to integrate one extra language like spanish (besides the default english), in all versions (Business, Home Basic, Home Premium, Ultimate, etc) of windows vista dvd files in just one DVD ? TIA. Pablo
  7. Hi !!! Somebody could help me with a silent installation of coverxp on an unattended windows xp cd ? TIA. Pablo
  8. Hi everyone !!! I've do it step by step, the procedure to install the drivers, but the only thing it does is decompress the driver in their respective folders (audio, video, nic) in c:\driverz, but nothing happens (I mean it doesn't recognize the hardware). I've only tested in Virtual PC, not real installation. At first, give me an error about "there isn't a necessary component for the installation, the parameter is incorrect" and it saves in setuperr.log, after that continues normally, but the drivers don't install. This is my winnt.sif : ;SetupMgrTag [Data] AutoPartition=0 MsDosInitiated="0" UnattendedInstall="Yes" AutomaticUpdates=1 [Unattended] UnattendMode=FullUnattended OemSkipEula=Yes OemPreinstall=Yes OemPnPDriversPath="drivers\Intelinf" DriverSigningPolicy=Ignore NonDriverSigningPolicy=Ignore TargetPath=\WINDOWS FileSystem=* UnattendSwitch="Yes" KeyboardLayout="Ingl‚s (Estados Unidos-internacional)" [GuiUnattended] AdminPassword=* EncryptedAdminPassword=NO OEMSkipRegional=1 TimeZone=70 OemSkipWelcome=1 [UserData] ProductKey=xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx FullName="Pablo Lizarralde" OrgName="Home User" ComputerName=MSFN [TapiLocation] CountryCode=54 Dialing=Tone AreaCode=11 [RegionalSettings] LanguageGroup=1 Language=00002c0a [Identification] JoinWorkgroup="Grupo_trabajo" [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents=No [NetAdapters] Adapter1=params.Adapter1 [params.Adapter1] INFID=* [NetServices] MS_PSched=params.MS_PSched [NetProtocols] MS_TCPIP=params.MS_TCPIP [params.MS_TCPIP] DNS=Yes UseDomainNameDevolution=No EnableLMHosts=Yes AdapterSections=params.MS_TCPIP.Adapter1 [params.MS_TCPIP.Adapter1] SpecificTo=Adapter1 DHCP=Yes WINS=No NetBIOSOptions=0 [URL] Home_Page=http://www.altavista.com [Components] msmsgs=off msnexplr=off deskpaper=off hearts=off minesweeper=off spider=off zonegames=off [Shell] DefaultStartPanelOff=Yes This are the additions to my txtsetup.sif [SourceDisksFiles] setupORG.exe = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0 7za.exe = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0 Presetup.cmd = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0 XRep.exe = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0 DevPath.exe = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0Obviously, all these files are located in I386 directory ----------------------------------------- This is my presetup.cmd @echo off IF Exist temp.cmd del temp.cmd IF Exist temp1.cmd del temp1.cmd IF Exist temp2.cmd del temp2.cmd for %%a in (d: e: f: g: h: i: j: k: l: m: n: o: p: q: r: s: t: u: v: w: x: y: z:) do if exist "%%a\$OEM$\Driverz" set drv=%%a\$OEM$\Driverz for %%i in (%drv%\*.cab %drv%\*.7z) do echo %%i>> temp.log xrep +T#-c temp.log /%drv%/MD#32%systemdrive%\Driverz/ If Not Exist %drv%\*.cab goto next for %%i in (%drv%\*.cab) do echo %%i%%iz>> temp1.log xrep -c temp.log /.CAB xrep +T#-c temp1.log /%drv%/Expand.EXE#32%drv%/ xrep +T#-c temp1.log /.cab/.cab#32-f:*#32%systemdrive%\driverz/ xrep +T#-c temp1.log /zExpand.EXE#32%drv%/z/ xrep +T#-c temp1.log /.cab#32-f:*#32%systemdrive%\driverzz :next If Not Exist %drv%\*.7z goto next1 for %%i in (%drv%\*.7z) do echo %%i%%i>> temp2.log xrep -c temp.log /.7z xrep +T#-c temp2.log /%drv%/7za.EXE#32x#32-y#32-o#%systemdrive%\Driverz/ xrep +T#-c temp2.log /.7z7za.EXE#32x#32-y#32-o#%systemdrive%\Driverz/#32%drv%/ :next1 ren *.log *.cmd cmd /c "temp.cmd" If Exist temp1.cmd cmd /c "temp1.cmd" If Exist temp2.cmd cmd /c "temp2.cmd" set tagfile=\WIN51 for %%p in (c: d: e: f: g: h: i: j: k: l: m: n: o: p: q: r: s: t: u: v: w: x: y: z:) do if exist "%%p%tagfile%" set CDDRIVE=%%p %systemdrive% cd %windir%\system32 REM Scanning for driverdirectories %systemroot%\system32\DevPath.exe %systemdrive%\\Driverz if exist setup.exe ren setup.exe setupold.exe cmd /c "del /f /q *.~xc" start /WAIT setuporg.exe -newsetup REM +===================================================+ REM | Comment out what you don't need. These are mostly | REM | examples to give you an idea of how it all works. | REM +===================================================+ REM +===================================================+ REM | Finding CDROM driveletter | REM |-------------------------------------------------------| set tagfile=\WIN51 for %%i in (c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do if exist "%%i:%tagfile%" set CDDRIVE=%%i: REM +===================================================+ REM +===================================================+ REM | We should be already in system32, this is just to be | REM | sure | REM |-------------------------------------------------------| %SystemDrive% cd %SystemRoot%\system32 REM +===================================================+ REM +===================================================+ REM | Trick Windows into identifying the original setup.exe | REM | deleting the setup.exe will not work, just rename it | REM |-------------------------------------------------------| if exist setup.exe ren setup.exe setupold.exe if exist setupORG.exe ren setupORG.exe setup.exe REM +===================================================+ REM +===================================================+ REM | Do other stuff like copying useful tools (optional) | REM |-------------------------------------------------------| cd %SystemRoot%\system32 %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\7za.exe x -y -aoa %CDDRIVE%\OEM\data\System32.7z REM +===================================================+ REM +===================================================+ REM | If you are using compressed drivers unpack them here: | REM |-------------------------------------------------------| %SystemDrive% cd \ %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\7za.exe x -y -aoa %CDDRIVE%\OEM\drivers.7z REM +===================================================+ REM +===================================================+ REM | Scanning for driverdirectories | REM | ONLY USE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING COMMANDS, NOT BOTH! | REM |-------------------------------------------------------| REM | This one is for uncompressed drivers on the CD | REM %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\SetDevicePath.exe %CDDRIVE%\OEM\drivers REM | This one is for your unpacked drivers on your HD | %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\SetDevicePath.exe %SystemDrive%\drivers REM +===================================================+ REM +===================================================+ REM | Enable installation of unsigned drivers | REM |-------------------------------------------------------| start %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe REM +===================================================+ REM +===================================================+ REM | Prepare later installations (optional) | REM |-------------------------------------------------------| SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx REG ADD %KEY%\998 /V 1 /D "%CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\t-13_install.cmd" /F REG ADD %KEY%\999 /V 1 /D "REG ADD %KEY%\zzz999 /V 1 /D %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\postinstall.cmd /F" /F REM +===================================================+ REM +===================================================+ REM | Finally start the installation with the originally | REM | given parameters | REM |-------------------------------------------------------| start /WAIT setup.exe %* REM +===================================================+ REM +===================================================+ REM | Cleanup | RD /Q /S %SystemDrive%\drivers REM | Reset DevicePath | REM +==================================================== This is cmdlines.txt [COMMANDS] "useraccounts.cmd" "RunOnceEx.cmd" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\mIRC\License] @="xxxxxx-xxxxxxxx" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\mIRC\UserName] @="Pablo Lizarralde" This is my useraccounts.cmd net user "Pablo Lizarralde" /add net localgroup Administradores "Pablo Lizarralde" /add net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited REGEDIT /S autologon.reg EXIT This is my autologon.reg Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon] "DefaultUserName"="Pablo Lizarralde" "AutoAdminLogon"="1" Well, I think it's all. Anybody have any idea where is the problem ? TIA. Pablo
  9. Hi everyone !!! I've made a windows xp unattended CD, and beside the problems of the drivers, when I test in Virtual Pc, on the first boot give me a message error "there is a duplicate user on network" ? What does it mean ? It's a problem with Virtual Pc or on a real installation nothing happens ? TIA. Pablo
  10. Excuse for bothering you but I'm little confused about the setup of all these files. 1) In wich subdirectory I have to copy the file Drvz.ex_ (I have to expand or not ?), then I have to write some line in an script for calling ? where (unattended.sif, presetup.cmd or txtsetup.sif) ? 2) Your code I have to append before, after to the code of Pyron or directly replace it ? 3) setdevicepath.exe and watchdriversigningpolicy.exe form OEM\bin (pyron's method) are replaced by your compressed files devpath.ex_, xrep.ex_, 7za.ex_ located in \I386 or I have to leave both subdirectories ? TIA. Pablo
  11. Hi everyone !!! Anyone knows the switches for a silently installation of Genie Backup Manager in an unattended Windows XP CD ? TIA. Pablo
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