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Everything posted by RoxIchabod

  1. Well, I did find an easier way. Just skip the WinXP-SP1 mock install entirely. I slipstreamed SP2 into the installation files and ran a mock install of WinXP-SP2 instead. I needed SP2 on my installs anyways. Sorry if I caused any discontent
  2. The mock install is the problem. Windows won't let it happen. I have SP2 installed on my system, so I can't do a mock install of my WinXP SP1. Anyone know a way to force it(maybe with a /force option or something)?
  3. Yes, Alanoll, I'm only trying to get the files for the boot folder. Would the files on this link suffice? http://flyakite.msfnhosting.com/downloads.htm
  4. While trying to get the installation files for WinXP Pro, I get this error message... Setup cannot continue because the version of Windows on your computer is newer than the version on the CD. I know it's due to the fact the CD has SP1 and my computer has SP2 installed. Is there anyway of overriding the intall into thinking it's ok? I only want the installation files. I know Windows is trying to be nice and not let me mess up my computer, but dang it's my right! Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks.
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