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Posts posted by jarod670

  1. Not sure if this will help you or not, but I had a similar issue with the SATA drivers for Lenovo R60s and z61ps. I modified the txtsetup.oem and that allowed me on my RIS server to pull the flat image down on a laptop. Once I pushed the laptop image back up, and pulled it back down it would blue screen after joining the domain. I found a tid on HPs web site where someone added iastor.sys to the drvindex.inf in the i386 directory of my flat image. My laptops now boot correctly. I am in AHCI mode as well, no compatibility mode needed anymore.

  2. I am sure this has been posted before, but does anyone have a good step by step white paper for settin gup WDS. I have been working on this for a day now and am getting a little perturbed looking in 20 different places for documentation. All I want is something that shows how to set up the PE boot image and get my clients to PXE boot. I did not install WDS on top of mi RIS server because I was not a big fan of RIS. Anyone have any good starting points? I have googled around and haven't found exactly what I am looking for. Maybe we need a new sub-forum for WDS?


  3. I am not sure if anyone can help me on this. My boss just ordered a batch of HP DC7700s and asked me to see if our standard RIS image would work. I went and picked one up, brought it back to my cube and fired it up. I got the usual error because I didn't have the correct NIC driver, so I downloaded the RIS driver from HP's website and got it to go past that. After that it would load the initial files and then it hung when it goes to the "Setup is starting Windows". I started to look for HD controller drivers and got pulled away to work on something else for an hour. When I came back to my cube it was halfway through pulling down an image. So I rebooted the PC and tried it again. It has been sitting at the "Setup is Starting Windows" screen for about a half hour. I would suspect the HD driver but it eventually started pulling the image down. My next hunch may be the port in the switch I am plugged into. I am plugged into a Cisco 3750 with the port set to 1000 full. My only fault with that is I have a HP tablet that I imaged the other day with no problem. Any help here would be appreciated.

  4. there is a registry entry you can change which points to the drivers you have locally in you %systemdrive%\Drivers folder.

    hkey_local_machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version

    add the driver path to the DevicePath key if you put it in correctly, it will add the drivers the way you want. I had a ton of laptops with different video cards and using this helped load the different drivers.

  5. Usually when I want to use my profile for all users, I set up my profile the way I want it, reboot and log on as administrator, copy my profile to the default users profile. Then push my image up. This should retain all of your settings, icons, proxy, and what not on the image. As far as the cd-key that is inserted by your riprep.sif.

    After pushing your image to your RIS server, the machine reboots and runs the Sysprep part of the install again. Thats just the way it works. RIS basically pushes a sysprep image to the designated pc.

  6. So my boss has ordered a bunch of HP Tablet PCs and wants me to make a RIS image for them. The tablets have a Intel SATA AHCI 8280 1GBM controller. I have been playing with this for a little over a day and have about come to wits end. I went to HP's website and downloaded the SATA AHCI driver, made the floppy disk and extracted the drivers from it. I moved the drivers to the i386 folder, made the iaStor.sy_ in the same location. I have edited the txtsetup.sif with the following additions:


    disk1 = "Intel Matrix Storage Manager driver", iaStor.sys,\


    scsi = iaStor_ICH7DH


    iaStor_ICH7DH = "Intel® 82801GR/GH SATA RAID Controller (Desktop ICH7R/DH)"

    iaAHCI_ICH7R = "Intel® 82801GR/GH SATA AHCI Controller (Desktop ICH7R/DH)"

    iaAHCI_ICH7M = "Intel® 82801GBM SATA AHCI Controller (Mobile ICH7M)"

    iaStor_ICH6R = "Intel® 82801FR SATA RAID Controller (Desktop ICH6R)"

    iaAHCI_ICH6R = "Intel® 82801FR SATA AHCI Controller (Desktop ICH6R)"

    iaAHCI_ICH6M = "Intel® 82801FBM SATA AHCI Controller (Mobile ICH6M)"

    iaStor_ICH5R = "Intel® 82801ER SATA RAID Controller (Desktop ICH5R)"

    iaStor_ICH5RHR = "Intel® 6300ESB SATA RAID Controller"


    driver = disk1, iaStor.sys, iaStor

    inf = disk1, iaStor.inf

    catalog = disk1, iaStor.cat


    driver = disk1, iaStor.sys, iaStor

    inf = disk1, iaAHCI.inf

    catalog = disk1, iaAHCI.cat


    driver = disk1, iaStor.sys, iaStor

    inf = disk1, iaAHCI.inf

    catalog = disk1, iaAHCI.cat


    driver = disk1, iaStor.sys, iaStor

    inf = disk1, iaStor.inf

    catalog = disk1, iaStor.cat


    driver = disk1, iaStor.sys, iaStor

    inf = disk1, iaAHCI.inf

    catalog = disk1, iaAHCI.cat


    driver = disk1, iaStor.sys, iaStor

    inf = disk1, iaAHCI.inf

    catalog = disk1, iaAHCI.cat


    driver = disk1, iaStor.sys, iaStor

    inf = disk1, iaStor.inf

    catalog = disk1, iaStor.cat


    driver = disk1, iaStor.sys, iaStor

    inf = disk1, iaStor.inf

    catalog = disk1, iaStor.cat


    value = "", tag, REG_DWORD, 1b

    value = "", ErrorControl, REG_DWORD, 1

    value = "", Group, REG_SZ, "SCSI miniport"

    value = "", Start, REG_DWORD, 0

    value = "", Type, REG_DWORD, 1


    id = "PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_27C3&CC_0104","iaStor"


    id = "PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_27C1&CC_0106","iaStor"


    id = "PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_27C5&CC_0106","iaStor"


    id = "PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2652&CC_0104","iaStor"


    id = "PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2652&CC_0106","iaStor"


    id = "PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2653&CC_0106","iaStor"


    id = "PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_24DF&CC_0104","iaStor"


    id = "PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_25B0&CC_0104","iaStor"

    I have also made a change to my ristndrd.sif to point to \Drivers\tc4400 where I have also copied the drivers. I still get the screen that says "Setup did not find any hard disk drives installed in your computer."

    Can anyone see something I am doing wrong here, thanks in advance.

  7. I've been using RIS for a little over a year now on HP boxes with Broadcom B57XX drivers. My boss just ordered a new shipment Thinkpads that have Broadcom NICs in them. My problem is it is a B57XX driver, however it will not use the same edited file for RIS. The only way I can get it to work is to edit the new driver .inf and put the three files in the i386 folder. I have tried moving them to the OEM folder for the image as well. Right now I am stuck moving the 3 files back and forth when I want to image a laptop or PC. Has anyone else encountered this and got it to work?

  8. We are about to implement the group policy object that redirects all objects in the users local My Documents folder to a network share. We also use Lotus Notes and Notes plops a folder in the C:\Docs and Settings\%username%\Local Settings\Application Data folder. We were thinking of trying to move this folder to the same network share with the same GPO, has anyone successfully done this?

  9. I maintain images for my network workstations at work. I currently have two images, one for laptops and one for desktops. I deploy using RIS. When I set up my images, I set up my profile the way I wanted, including adding the Quick Launch tool bar and then copied my profile to the default user profile. On the laptop image, I got the Qucik Launch toolbar to propogate with all users who sign in. On the workstation image I didn't fare so well. I have tried to rebuild the image once or twice with no success. Is there a way to get the quick launch toolbar to show up for all users who sign in?? I saw the registy poke in the forums here, but that looks like it is in the hkey_current_user registry. I haven't seen much Googling, so I am sort of desperate now. Thanks in advance.

    Title Edited - Please follow new posting rules from now on.


  10. If you power off the laptop when it hangs, and power it back up again, does it continue on with setup? We had one particular model machine do that, it had a broadcom nic in it. If I remember correctly it was to do with the driver because the driver we had wasn't digitally signed.

  11. Yes, we tried that. It wants to install the Windows SP 2 Hi Def patch (Q888111) before the driver for the sound card is installed. After I posted the first time, I threw the patch installation into GUIRunOnce, and manually installed the driver after it rebooted, but I would like it to do all of this without having to reboot at all. The people pulling down the images are slightly incompetant and I want to make this as easy as possible. As a last resort I could pull the image down, install the patch and sound card driver and push it back up, but that is an awful lot of work for something that should be relatively easy.

  12. My boss just bought a new model HP for deployment on out LAN. Our RIS image works on it with the exception of the Realtek HD audio driver. Has anyone else built a RIS image with this yet? I can set up the GUIRunOnce to run the executable for the Microsoft driver, but will it still install the Realtek driver? Secondly will my other model machines without the Realtek driver bomb out when imaging? Thanks in advance.

  13. Hello,

    I have just built a RIS server, and created a XP SP2 image for deployment. I pulled my image down to a workstation and attempted to join it to the domain and got the following error:

    "The following error occured attempting to join the computer to the domain "domain"; No mapping between account names and security IDs was done"

    In my test environment, I was able to pull my images down off of my test server, then add them to my production domain without issue, so this is kind of stumping me. Anyone have any ideas?

  14. We added the Broadcom RIS driver and edited out some of the information out of the .inf and and installed the XP .infs in the i386 folder. According to everything we have read, once we do this we are supposed to restart the BINL service and it should work. But we keep getting the driver error. I don't think we can back rev drivers any more because the only other drivers are for 9x machines. The XP is the same as the 2000 driver. I had problems when we started developing sysprep images, but not to this extent. I don't know what else to do. I have read there are hotfixes for this and are possible in RC1 for SP!, but I see nothing in the release notes. Anyone have any other ideas?

  15. Yes, I can see the machine. We are trying to add drivers for the newer machines we have, HP d530's and dx2000's, which have a Broadcom Gigabit Extreme and Intel Pro 100 nic's in them. We pushed the image up, edited the riprep.sif file the way we wanted and then tried pulling the image down. With the standard on board nics installed, we couldn't pull the image back down. We tried using an older compaq nic with the RBFG disk and were able to pull it down with all drivers correctly installed. We have seen all the tids on placing one .inf here and three .inf's there for the Broadcom and Intel nics, but just can't seen to make it work. Supposedly, the BINL service is supposed to register these drivers and recreate .pnf files for these nics. Everything we read said that when restarting the BINL service it is supposed to take a while recreating the .pnf files. Ours starts instantaneously without recreating any .pnf files, so we think something isn't working right.

  16. I hope someone can help me with this. We are currently setting up an W2K3 RIS server in a test environment. We have followed every tid we could find as far as setting it up drivers for our Broadcom and Intel Pro nics. We are having an issue where we delete the .pnf files out of the i386 folder, stop BINL service copy our nic .inf files over and then start the BINL service again. The way I understand it, the BINL service is supposed recreate all the .pnf files as it starts up. When I stop the BINL service, it stops, I add the .inf files, and restart the BINL service. It starts immediately without creating any .pnf files. Has anyone seen this happen, or am I being a moron and missing something?

  17. Unfortunately, I don't have a version of ghost with ghost explorer. I have been playing with it since I posted and think I have a solution. The newest BIOS is 1.10. We had flashed all the machines up to that level and continued to have problems. We went back to HP's website and saw they had a previous BIOS revision 1.09. We downloaed that and have tried it on three machines that previously looped. They all work now. It is weird that the BIOS has that has so much to do with it, but so far it is working.

  18. I made a new sysprep image about two weeks ago, successfully tested on all pc's throughout the organization. Last Friday, my boss had a shipment of "new" pc's delivered to me for a SUS test environment. I made a new image with Windows 2000 SP 4 on it and sysprepped it. Works fine on the box I made it on. However, here is my problem. Sysprep loops on the new machines I just recieved. These are just HP dx2000s. I have one that is several months old that was part of my image testing. I haven't had a lick of problem with my old image or my new image. The only problem I saw on the new machines was that the BIOS version was newer than the BIOS on my older box. I went to HP's site and downloaded an even newer BIOS revision, flashed all my new machines. Guess what, my image now works fine on half of them. The other half just loops, meaning sysprep runs with my .inf file, then reboots and then sysprep runs again, without my .inf file. Does anyone have any clues?


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