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Everything posted by Asterisco

  1. Ok, i think i found the error, but i don't know how i can solve it. The error is here, in the useroptions file at this line var timer='on'; , i put "off" in place off "on" and so i don't have the error, but is not the good way to solve this error, because i need the clock. I fix a little error with translation in line "var configlist" in the useroptions file but the problem was not there. Could you help me, please? Thanx again Anacleto
  2. Hi, and today appear another error but with timer.js at Line:48 "null" is not object always in %path%wpa.hta you can found the code under the gnerate's code, thank you very much. I use 4.3.8, i think the latest version on the official site, with an italian translation by myself Best regards, Anacleto generate.js var WshShell = new ActiveXObject("wscript.shell"); var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); var WshEnv = WshShell.Environment("PROCESS"); var cddrv = new String(); cddrv=""; var foundCDdrv = false; var audioshell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.shell"); var runaudio = ""; var runaudioprogram = ""; runaudio=1; function SetScriptWaitTimeout(timeout) // max is 4294967295 { position="generate.js"; var val=0; var KeyBase = "HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Styles\\MaxScriptStatements"; try { if (timeout<0) { WshShell.regDelete(KeyBase); return; } try { val = WshShell.regRead(KeyBase); } catch (exc) { if (timeout==0 || !timeout) timeout = 0x7fffffff; WshShell.regWrite(KeyBase, timeout, "REG_DWORD"); } } catch (ex2) {} } function FileExists(filespec) { position = "generate.js"; return fso.FileExists(filespec); } function GetCDRomDriveLetters() { position = "generate.js"; var li, en; li = new Array(); en = new Enumerator(fso.Drives); for (; !en.atEnd(); en.moveNext()) { ite = en.item(); if (ite.DriveType == 4) { li[li.length++]=(ite.DriveLetter + ":"); } } return li; } function FindCDRom() { position = "generate.js"; var i, li; if (LaunchFromCD=="yes") FindFile="WIN51"; else FindFile="WPI.ICO"; if (foundCDdrv) return cddrv; li = GetCDRomDriveLetters(); for (i=0; i<li.length; i++) { if (FileExists(li+'\\'+FindFile)) { cddrv = li; debug("Found CDROM as drive " + cddrv,1,2); } } if (cddrv=="") { a = fso.GetAbsolutePathName("."); while (a.length>=3) { //debug("Trying ... " + a, 1); if (FileExists(a+'\\'+FindFile)) { cddrv=a; debug("Found CDROM as folder " + cddrv,1,2); break; } if (a.length==3) break; a = a + "\\.."; a = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(a); } } if (cddrv=="") { cddrv = WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Setup\\SourcePath") + "\\"; cddrv = cddrv.substr(0,3); debug("Found CDROM as from registry " + cddrv,1,2); } foundCDdrv = true; return cddrv; } function replpath(u) { position = "generate.js"; cddrv = FindCDRom(); sysdrv = WshEnv("SYSTEMDRIVE") + "\\"; windir = WshEnv("WINDIR") + "\\"; programfiles = WshEnv("PROGRAMFILES") + "\\"; temp = WshEnv("TEMP") + "\\"; sysdir = WshEnv("WINDIR") + "\\system32\\"; allusersprofile = WshEnv("ALLUSERSPROFILE") + "\\"; userprofile = WshEnv("USERPROFILE") + "\\"; appdata = WshEnv("APPDATA") + "\\"; commonprogramfiles = WshEnv("CommonProgramFiles") + "\\"; rs = new String(); rs = u; rs = rs.replace(/%cdrom%/gi, cddrv); rs = rs.replace(/%systemdrive%/gi,sysdrv); rs = rs.replace(/%windir%/gi, windir); rs = rs.replace(/%programfiles%/gi,programfiles); rs = rs.replace(/%sysdir%/gi, sysdir); rs = rs.replace(/%temp%/gi, temp); rs = rs.replace(/%allusersprofile%/gi, allusersprofile); rs = rs.replace(/%userprofile%/gi,userprofile); rs = rs.replace(/%appdata%/gi, appdata); rs = rs.replace(/%commonprogramfiles%/gi, commonprogramfiles); return rs; } function path(u) { position = "generate.js"; if((u[0] == "systemdrive") ||(u[0] == "programfiles") ||(u[0] == "windir") ||(u[0] == "cdrom") ||(u[0] == "")) { pth = new String(); pth = u[0]; u[0] = pth.toLowerCase(); if(u[0] == "systemdrive") return WshEnv("SYSTEMDRIVE") + "\\" + u[1] if(u[0] == "programfiles") return WshEnv("PROGRAMFILES") + "\\" + u[1] if(u[0] == "temp") return WshEnv("TEMP") + "\\" + u[1] if(u[0] == "windir") return WshEnv("WINDIR") + "\\" + u[1] if(u[0] == "cdrom"){ TempSource = new String(); TempSource = WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Setup\\SourcePath"); TempSource = TempSource + "\\"; if (discPath == 'root'){ TempSource = TempSource.substr(0,3) + u[1]; // return the drive letter of the CD/DVD drive. eg. D:\ | E:\ | F:\ etc. } else{ TempSource = TempSource + u[1]; } TempSource.replace("\\\\","\\"); return TempSource } if(u[0] == "") return u[1] } else { if (u[1]==null || u[1]=="") return replpath(u[0]); else alert("Drive not found."); } return ""; } function CreateFile(arg) { position = "generate.js"; var KeyBase = "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunOnceEx"; var j = 0; var msg; var programs = new Array(); if (arg==null || arg) window.alert(getText(msgStartInstall)); if (arg=='exit'){ // when pressing exit button, removes default checked checkboxes remChecks(); } for ( i = 1; prog!=null; i++ ) { if (forc!=null && forc == "yes"){ // check the checkbox for an app if it is forced setChecked(i); } if (document.getElementById("chkbox"+i) && document.getElementById("chkbox"+i).checked) { programs[programs.length++] = new program(i); debug("Selecting: " + programs[programs.length-1].prog + " - " + programs[programs.length-1].ordr,1); } } if (sorting) { debug("Sort",1); if (installByCategory) programs.sort(SortByCat); else programs.sort(SortByOrdr); } for ( i = 0; i<programs.length && programs!=null; i++ ) debug(i+1 + ".: " +programs.ordr + " - " + programs.prog,1); debug("Installing...",1); for ( i = 0; i<programs.length && programs!=null; i++ ) { j++; if (sorting && !installByCategory) e = programs.ordr; else { e = '0' + i; while (e.length<4) e = "0" + e; } WshShell.regWrite(KeyBase + "\\"+e+"\\", programs.prog, "REG_SZ"); if (true) { // set to false, if you want just the display but no real installs if ((programs.regb != null)&&(path(programs.regb) != '')) WshShell.regWrite(KeyBase + "\\"+e+"\\1","REGEDIT /S "+path(programs.regb), "REG_SZ"); if ((programs.cmd1 != null)&&(path(programs.cmd1) != '')) WshShell.regWrite(KeyBase + "\\"+e+"\\2",substituteCommand(programs.cmd1), "REG_SZ"); if ((programs.cmd2 != null)&&(path(programs.cmd2) != '')) WshShell.regWrite(KeyBase + "\\"+e+"\\3",substituteCommand(programs.cmd2), "REG_SZ"); if ((programs.cmd3 != null)&&(path(programs.cmd3) != '')) WshShell.regWrite(KeyBase + "\\"+e+"\\4",substituteCommand(programs.cmd3), "REG_SZ"); if ((programs.cmd4 != null)&&(path(programs.cmd4) != '')) WshShell.regWrite(KeyBase + "\\"+e+"\\5",substituteCommand(programs.cmd4), "REG_SZ"); if ((programs.cmd5 != null)&&(path(programs.cmd5) != '')) WshShell.regWrite(KeyBase + "\\"+e+"\\6",substituteCommand(programs.cmd5), "REG_SZ"); if ((programs.cmd6 != null)&&(path(programs.cmd6) != '')) WshShell.regWrite(KeyBase + "\\"+e+"\\7",substituteCommand(programs.cmd6), "REG_SZ"); if ((programs.rega != null)&&(path(programs.rega) != '')) WshShell.regWrite(KeyBase + "\\"+e+"\\8","REGEDIT /S "+path(programs.rega), "REG_SZ"); } if (runaudio==1){ runaudio=0; if (showmpINSBtn == 1) { runaudioprogram = ".\\audio.exe" audioshell.run(runaudioprogram, 1, true); } } if (j==appsPerInstallWindow) // call RunOnceEx every 15 apps, so that the window doesn't grow too big { WshShell.regWrite(KeyBase + "\\TITLE", getText(txtRunOnceExTitle), "REG_SZ"); window.moveTo(10000,10000); if (!debugOn) WshShell.Run("rundll32.exe iernonce.dll,RunOnceExProcess", 10, true); j=0; } } //Launch the last RunOnceEx process we just wrote keys for and exit WshShell.regWrite(KeyBase + "\\TITLE", getText(txtRunOnceExTitle), "REG_SZ"); window.moveTo(10000,10000); if (!debugOn) WshShell.Run("rundll32.exe iernonce.dll,RunOnceExProcess", 10, true); window.moveTo(0,0); SetScriptWaitTimeout(-1); audioshell.run(".\\Audio\\CloseAudio.exe", 1, true); if (!debugOn) window.close(); programs = null; } function substituteCommand(cmd) { var prog = path(cmd); var firstToken = prog.substr(0,prog.indexOf(" ")); switch (firstToken.toUpperCase()) { case 'FILECOPY': prog = ("CMD /C " + prog.replace(/FILECOPY/gi,'copy')); break; case 'DIRCOPY': prog = ("CMD /C " + prog.replace(/DIRCOPY/gi,'xcopy') + "/I /E /Y"); break; case 'RENAME': prog = ("CMD /C " + prog.replace(/RENAME/gi,'ren')); break; } return prog; } timer.js var WshShell = new ActiveXObject("wscript.shell"); var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); var WshEnv = WshShell.Environment("PROCESS"); var cddrv = new String(); cddrv=""; var foundCDdrv = false; var audioshell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.shell"); var runaudio = ""; var runaudioprogram = ""; runaudio=1; function SetScriptWaitTimeout(timeout) // max is 4294967295 { position="generate.js"; var val=0; var KeyBase = "HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Styles\\MaxScriptStatements"; try { if (timeout<0) { WshShell.regDelete(KeyBase); return; } try { val = WshShell.regRead(KeyBase); } catch (exc) { if (timeout==0 || !timeout) timeout = 0x7fffffff; WshShell.regWrite(KeyBase, timeout, "REG_DWORD"); } } catch (ex2) {} } function FileExists(filespec) { position = "generate.js"; return fso.FileExists(filespec); } function GetCDRomDriveLetters() { position = "generate.js"; var li, en; li = new Array(); en = new Enumerator(fso.Drives); for (; !en.atEnd(); en.moveNext()) { ite = en.item(); if (ite.DriveType == 4) { li[li.length++]=(ite.DriveLetter + ":"); } } return li; } function FindCDRom() { position = "generate.js"; var i, li; if (LaunchFromCD=="yes") FindFile="WIN51"; else FindFile="WPI.ICO"; if (foundCDdrv) return cddrv; li = GetCDRomDriveLetters(); for (i=0; i<li.length; i++) { if (FileExists(li+'\\'+FindFile)) { cddrv = li; debug("Found CDROM as drive " + cddrv,1,2); } } if (cddrv=="") { a = fso.GetAbsolutePathName("."); while (a.length>=3) { //debug("Trying ... " + a, 1); if (FileExists(a+'\\'+FindFile)) { cddrv=a; debug("Found CDROM as folder " + cddrv,1,2); break; } if (a.length==3) break; a = a + "\\.."; a = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(a); } } if (cddrv=="") { cddrv = WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Setup\\SourcePath") + "\\"; cddrv = cddrv.substr(0,3); debug("Found CDROM as from registry " + cddrv,1,2); } foundCDdrv = true; return cddrv; } function replpath(u) { position = "generate.js"; cddrv = FindCDRom(); sysdrv = WshEnv("SYSTEMDRIVE") + "\\"; windir = WshEnv("WINDIR") + "\\"; programfiles = WshEnv("PROGRAMFILES") + "\\"; temp = WshEnv("TEMP") + "\\"; sysdir = WshEnv("WINDIR") + "\\system32\\"; allusersprofile = WshEnv("ALLUSERSPROFILE") + "\\"; userprofile = WshEnv("USERPROFILE") + "\\"; appdata = WshEnv("APPDATA") + "\\"; commonprogramfiles = WshEnv("CommonProgramFiles") + "\\"; rs = new String(); rs = u; rs = rs.replace(/%cdrom%/gi, cddrv); rs = rs.replace(/%systemdrive%/gi,sysdrv); rs = rs.replace(/%windir%/gi, windir); rs = rs.replace(/%programfiles%/gi,programfiles); rs = rs.replace(/%sysdir%/gi, sysdir); rs = rs.replace(/%temp%/gi, temp); rs = rs.replace(/%allusersprofile%/gi, allusersprofile); rs = rs.replace(/%userprofile%/gi,userprofile); rs = rs.replace(/%appdata%/gi, appdata); rs = rs.replace(/%commonprogramfiles%/gi, commonprogramfiles); return rs; } function path(u) { position = "generate.js"; if((u[0] == "systemdrive") ||(u[0] == "programfiles") ||(u[0] == "windir") ||(u[0] == "cdrom") ||(u[0] == "")) { pth = new String(); pth = u[0]; u[0] = pth.toLowerCase(); if(u[0] == "systemdrive") return WshEnv("SYSTEMDRIVE") + "\\" + u[1] if(u[0] == "programfiles") return WshEnv("PROGRAMFILES") + "\\" + u[1] if(u[0] == "temp") return WshEnv("TEMP") + "\\" + u[1] if(u[0] == "windir") return WshEnv("WINDIR") + "\\" + u[1] if(u[0] == "cdrom"){ TempSource = new String(); TempSource = WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Setup\\SourcePath"); TempSource = TempSource + "\\"; if (discPath == 'root'){ TempSource = TempSource.substr(0,3) + u[1]; // return the drive letter of the CD/DVD drive. eg. D:\ | E:\ | F:\ etc. } else{ TempSource = TempSource + u[1]; } TempSource.replace("\\\\","\\"); return TempSource } if(u[0] == "") return u[1] } else { if (u[1]==null || u[1]=="") return replpath(u[0]); else alert("Drive not found."); } return ""; } function CreateFile(arg) { position = "generate.js"; var KeyBase = "HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunOnceEx"; var j = 0; var msg; var programs = new Array(); if (arg==null || arg) window.alert(getText(msgStartInstall)); if (arg=='exit'){ // when pressing exit button, removes default checked checkboxes remChecks(); } for ( i = 1; prog!=null; i++ ) { if (forc!=null && forc == "yes"){ // check the checkbox for an app if it is forced setChecked(i); } if (document.getElementById("chkbox"+i) && document.getElementById("chkbox"+i).checked) { programs[programs.length++] = new program(i); debug("Selecting: " + programs[programs.length-1].prog + " - " + programs[programs.length-1].ordr,1); } } if (sorting) { debug("Sort",1); if (installByCategory) programs.sort(SortByCat); else programs.sort(SortByOrdr); } for ( i = 0; i<programs.length && programs!=null; i++ ) debug(i+1 + ".: " +programs.ordr + " - " + programs.prog,1); debug("Installing...",1); for ( i = 0; i<programs.length && programs!=null; i++ ) { j++; if (sorting && !installByCategory) e = programs.ordr; else { e = '0' + i; while (e.length<4) e = "0" + e; } WshShell.regWrite(KeyBase + "\\"+e+"\\", programs.prog, "REG_SZ"); if (true) { // set to false, if you want just the display but no real installs if ((programs.regb != null)&&(path(programs.regb) != '')) WshShell.regWrite(KeyBase + "\\"+e+"\\1","REGEDIT /S "+path(programs.regb), "REG_SZ"); if ((programs.cmd1 != null)&&(path(programs.cmd1) != '')) WshShell.regWrite(KeyBase + "\\"+e+"\\2",substituteCommand(programs.cmd1), "REG_SZ"); if ((programs.cmd2 != null)&&(path(programs.cmd2) != '')) WshShell.regWrite(KeyBase + "\\"+e+"\\3",substituteCommand(programs.cmd2), "REG_SZ"); if ((programs.cmd3 != null)&&(path(programs.cmd3) != '')) WshShell.regWrite(KeyBase + "\\"+e+"\\4",substituteCommand(programs.cmd3), "REG_SZ"); if ((programs.cmd4 != null)&&(path(programs.cmd4) != '')) WshShell.regWrite(KeyBase + "\\"+e+"\\5",substituteCommand(programs.cmd4), "REG_SZ"); if ((programs.cmd5 != null)&&(path(programs.cmd5) != '')) WshShell.regWrite(KeyBase + "\\"+e+"\\6",substituteCommand(programs.cmd5), "REG_SZ"); if ((programs.cmd6 != null)&&(path(programs.cmd6) != '')) WshShell.regWrite(KeyBase + "\\"+e+"\\7",substituteCommand(programs.cmd6), "REG_SZ"); if ((programs.rega != null)&&(path(programs.rega) != '')) WshShell.regWrite(KeyBase + "\\"+e+"\\8","REGEDIT /S "+path(programs.rega), "REG_SZ"); } if (runaudio==1){ runaudio=0; if (showmpINSBtn == 1) { runaudioprogram = ".\\audio.exe" audioshell.run(runaudioprogram, 1, true); } } if (j==appsPerInstallWindow) // call RunOnceEx every 15 apps, so that the window doesn't grow too big { WshShell.regWrite(KeyBase + "\\TITLE", getText(txtRunOnceExTitle), "REG_SZ"); window.moveTo(10000,10000); if (!debugOn) WshShell.Run("rundll32.exe iernonce.dll,RunOnceExProcess", 10, true); j=0; } } //Launch the last RunOnceEx process we just wrote keys for and exit WshShell.regWrite(KeyBase + "\\TITLE", getText(txtRunOnceExTitle), "REG_SZ"); window.moveTo(10000,10000); if (!debugOn) WshShell.Run("rundll32.exe iernonce.dll,RunOnceExProcess", 10, true); window.moveTo(0,0); SetScriptWaitTimeout(-1); audioshell.run(".\\Audio\\CloseAudio.exe", 1, true); if (!debugOn) window.close(); programs = null; } function substituteCommand(cmd) { var prog = path(cmd); var firstToken = prog.substr(0,prog.indexOf(" ")); switch (firstToken.toUpperCase()) { case 'FILECOPY': prog = ("CMD /C " + prog.replace(/FILECOPY/gi,'copy')); break; case 'DIRCOPY': prog = ("CMD /C " + prog.replace(/DIRCOPY/gi,'xcopy') + "/I /E /Y"); break; case 'RENAME': prog = ("CMD /C " + prog.replace(/RENAME/gi,'ren')); break; } return prog; }
  3. Hi, i need help, because i'm near to become crazy! When i click on Install Button i've get an error like this Url: file://%path%\wpi.hta File: generate.js Line: 267 How i can solve this error? Thanx and best regards Anacleto
  4. Hi, copy and paste this text in WPI_v4.3.8\Wpiscripts\lang.js Best Regards, Anacleto //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Italian - Translated by Anacleto lang = 'it'; msgStartInstall[lang] = ['Windows Post-Installation Wizard installerà il software richiesto, ciò potrebbe richiedere parecchi minuti.\nGrazie per avere scelto Windows Post-Install Wizard.']; lblTimerTitle[lang] = ['Installazione predefinita tra<br>']; lblTimerStop[lang] = ['<u>Clicca per fermare il timer</u>']; lblInstall[lang] = ['Installa']; lblExit[lang] = ['Esci']; lblHelp[lang] = ['Aiuto']; lblSelectAll[lang] = ['Seleziona tutto']; lblSelectNone[lang] = ['Deseleziona tutto']; lblSelectDefaults[lang] = ['Seleziona predefiniti']; lblMusic[lang] = ['Player audio']; lblOptions[lang] = ['Opzioni']; lblConfig[lang] = ['Configura']; lblSource[lang] = ['Mostra codice']; lblmanual[lang] = ['Manuale utente']; lblselect[lang] = ['Selections:']; ttInstall[lang] = ['Installa','Clicca qui per installare il software scelto.']; ttExit[lang] = ['Uscita','Clicca qui per chiudere WPI senza installare nulla.']; ttHelp[lang] = ['Aiuto','Visualizza la versione i comandi di base e il disclaimer.']; ttSelectAll[lang] = ['Seleziona tutto','Clicca qui per selezionare tutto.']; ttSelectNone[lang] = ['Deleziona tutto','Clicca qui per deselezionare le opzioni predefinite.']; ttSelectDefaults[lang] = ['Seleziona predefiniti','Clicca qui per selezionare le opzioni predefinite.']; ttMusic[lang] = ['Player Audio','Clicca qui per configurare il player audio.']; ttOptions[lang] = ['Opzioni','Clicca qui per personalizzare WPI.']; ttConfig[lang] = ['Configura','Clicca per configurare la lista dei tuoi programmi.']; ttSource[lang] = ['Codice sorgente','Clicca qui per visualizzare il codice sorgente di WPI.']; ttmanual[lang] = ['Manuale','Clicca qui per aprire il manuale di WPI.']; txtRunOnceExTitle[lang] = ['Installazione ...']; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. I guy, i don't understand very well, where i must put the wpi folder, i use this settings in my xp sp2 unattended and wpi not working. $oem$\$1\$$\system32 $oem$\$1\install\application\app_name $oem$\$1\install\batch_file.cmd winnt.sif [GuiRunOnce] %systemdrive%\install\batch_file.cmd Where i must put my apps, here $oem$\$1\install\application\ it's correct , or i must put here $oem$\$1\install\wpi\install\first_apps\setup_apps.exe $oem$\$1\install\wpi\install\second_apps\setup_apps2.exe Where i must put wpi folder ? $oem$\$1\install\wpi Thanx in advanced, Anacleto
  6. I guy, i don't understand very well, where i must put the wpi folder, i use this settings in my xp sp2 unattended and wpi not working. $oem$\$1\$$\system32 $oem$\$1\install\application\app_name $oem$\$1\install\batch_file.cmd winnt.sif [GuiRunOnce] %systemdrive%\install\batch_file.cmd Where i must put my apps, here $oem$\$1\install\application\ it's correct , or i must put here $oem$\$1\install\wpi\install\first_apps\setup_apps.exe $oem$\$1\install\wpi\install\second_apps\setup_apps2.exe Where i must put wpi folder ? $oem$\$1\install\wpi Thanx in advanced, Anacleto
  7. Hi, how i can create a firefox 1.0.2 unattended installation ? I just do it with 1.0 and working but with 1.0.2 not working . Thanx in advance Asterisco
  8. Hi, sorry but i don't understand how i can install the xplode? someone help me,please? thanx in advance Asterisco
  9. Hi, i need a install switch for kerio personal firewall 4.1.2 Anyone help me? thanx Asterisco from italy
  10. Hi, this is the install.ini file i'm sorry is in italian what can i do about this? thank u very much [General] FONTNAME=MS Sans Serif FONTSIZE=8 CHARSET=0 ;Here is a partial list CHAR_SETS ; ANSI_CHARSET = 0 ; DEFAULT_CHARSET = 1 ; SYMBOL_CHARSET = 2 ; SHIFTJIS_CHARSET = 128 ; GB2312_CHARSET = 134 ; HANGEUL_CHARSET = 129 ; CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET = 136 ; OEM_CHARSET 255 OK_=&OK OK=OK CANCEL=Annulla CANCEL_=&Annulla NEXT_=Ava&nti > BACK_=< &Indietro IGNORE_=&Ignora PROXY_MESSAGE=Per impostare un server proxy per questo download, selezionare il pulsante Connessione. PROXY_BUTTON=&Connessione... PROXYSETTINGS=Impostazioni Proxy: PROXYSETTINGS_=Impostazioni &Proxy SERVER=Server: PORT=Porta: USERID=User id: PASSWORD=Password: SELECTDIRECTORY=Slezionare una cartella DIRECTORIES_=&Cartelle: DRIVES_=&Unità: STATUS=Rimanente: FILE=File: URL=URL: TO=Al percorso: ACCEPT_=&Accetta DECLINE_=&Rifiuta PROGRAMFOLDER_=&Cartella Programmi: EXISTINGFOLDERS_=Cartelle &esistenti: SETUPMESSAGE=Il programma di installazione ha completato la copia dei file sul vostro computer. Prima di utilizzare il programma è necessario riavviare il computer. Scegliere una delle seguenti opzioni e selezionare OK per concludere l'installazione. RESTART=Riavvia YESRESTART=Riavviare il computer ora. NORESTART=Riavviare il computer in un secondo momento. ADDITIONALCOMPONENTS_=C&omponenti addizionali: DESCRIPTION=Descrizione TOTALDOWNLOADSIZE=Dimensione totale: SPACEAVAILABLE=Spazio disponibile: COMPONENTS_=Co&mponenti: BROWSEINFO=Scegliere una cartella dove installare Mozilla Thunderbird: DESTINATIONDIRECTORY=Cartella di destinazione BROWSE_=&Sfoglia... DOWNLOADSIZE=Dimensioni download: %u kB CURRENTSETTINGS=Impostazioni correnti: INSTALLFOLDER=...in questa posizione: ADDTLCOMPWRAPPER=- %s PRIMCOMPOTHERS=%s, e: PRIMCOMPNOOTHERS=%s INSTALL_=&Installa DELETE_=&Elimina CONTINUE_=&Continua SKIP_=&Salta README=L&eggimi PAUSE_=&Pausa RESUME_=&Riprendi CHECKED=Spuntato UNCHECKED=Non spuntato EXTRACTING=Estrazione... [Messages] ERROR_DIALOG_CREATE=Non è possibile creare il dialogo %s. ERROR_FAILED=%s fallito. ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND=File non trovato: %s ERROR_GET_SYSTEM_DIRECTORY_FAILED=GetSystemDirectory() fallita. ERROR_GET_WINDOWS_DIRECTORY_FAILED =GetWindowsDirectory() fallita. DLGQUITTITLE=Esci DLGQUITMSG=L'installazione non è completa. Se si esce dal programma di installazione ora, Mozilla Thunderbird non verrà installato. Si è certi di voler annullare l'installazione? DLG_REBOOT_TITLE=Riavvio di Windows ERROR_GETPROCADDRESS=GetProcAddress() di %s fallita. ERROR_WRITEPRIVATEPROFILESTRING=WritePrivateProfileString() fallita per il file %s MSG_RETRIEVE_CONFIGINI=Attendere mentre il programma di installazione scarica il suo script di configurazione da Internet... ERROR_CREATE_TEMP_DIR=Il programma di installazione non può creare la cartella TEMP: %s DLGBROWSETITLE=Selezionare una cartella ERROR_DETERMINING_DISK_SPACE=Non è possibile determinare lo spazio disco su: %s DLG_DISK_SPACE_CHECK_TITLE=Controllo spazio su disco DLG_DISK_SPACE_CHECK_CRUTIAL_MSG=Il programma di installazione ha rilevato uno spazio insufficiente per continuare l'installazione su %s nel percorso: %sRichiesto: %sDisponibile: %sSelezionare Riprova se si è reso disponibile ulteriore spazio, altrimenti Annulla per annullare l'installazione. DLG_DISK_SPACE_CHECK_MSG=Il programma di installazione ha rilevato uno spazio insufficiente per continuare l'installazione su %s nel percorso: %sRichiesto: %sDisponibile: %sSelezionare OK per tornare indietro e scegliere un percorso di installazione diverso. ERROR_CREATE_DIRECTORY=Non è possibile creare la cartella: %sAccertarsi di avere accesso alla creazione di cartelle. ERROR_MESSAGE_TITLE=Errore installazione Mozilla Thunderbird STR_FILE_NUMBER=Conteggio file: STR_FILENAME=Nome file: MSG_SMARTUPDATE_START=Preparazione all'installazione, attendere... MSG_CONFIGURING=Configurazione %s, attendere... ERROR_XPI_INSTALL=Si è verificato un errore durante l'installazione ERROR_SETUP_REQUIREMENT=È necessario Windows 95 o un sistema superiore per installare Mozilla Thunderbird! Termine installazione... DLG_EXTRACTING_TITLE=Avanzamento installazione STR_PROCESSINGFILE=Preparazione file: %s STR_INSTALLING=Installazione di %s STR_COPYINGFILE=Copia file: %s MB_WARNING_STR=Avviso MB_MESSAGE_STR=Messaggio MB_ATTENTION_STR=Attenzione MSG_CREATE_DIRECTORY=La seguente cartella non esiste:%sSi desidera crearla? STR_CREATE_DIRECTORY=Creare cartella? ERROR_PROGRAM_FOLDER_NAME=Nome per la cartella non valido. CB_DEFAULT=Predefinito ERROR_DESTINATION_PATH=Percorso inserito non valido. STR_SETUP_TYPE=Tipo di installazione: STR_SELECTED_COMPONENTS=Componenti selezionati: STR_DESTINATION_DIRECTORY=Cartella di destinazione: STR_PROGRAM_FOLDER=Cartella programma: STR_DELETING_DESTINATION_DIR=Eliminazione della cartella di destinazione per l'aggiornamento, attendere... STR_SETUP=Installazione STR_DOWNLOAD_SITE=Sito di scaricamento: STR_SAVE_INSTALLER_FILES=Salva i file scaricati ed il programma di installazione in: MSG_INIT_SETUP=Avvio installazione, attendere... STR_MESSAGEBOX_TITLE=%s Installazione ERROR_GETVERSION=GetVersionEx() fallita! DLG_USAGE_TITLE=Utilizzo STATUS_EXTRACTING=Estrazione %s STATUS_LAUNCHING_SETUP=Avvio installazione... ERROR_FILE_WRITE=Non è possibile scrivere il file %s TITLE=Installazione ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY=Memoria esaurita! ERROR_DLL_LOAD=Non è possibile caricare %s ERROR_STRING_LOAD=Non è possibile caricare la stringa di risorsa ID %d ERROR_STRING_NULL=Incontrato un puntatore nullo. ERROR_GLOBALALLOC=Errore di allocazione della memoria. MSG_FORCE_QUIT_PROCESS=Si è rilevato che %s (%s) è ancora in esecuzione. Selezionare OK per chiudere %s e continuare con l'installazione. In alternativa utilizzare il Task Manager di Windows per chiudere %s, e quindi selezionare OK per continuare con l'installazione. MSG_FORCE_QUIT_PROCESS_FAILED=L'installazione verrà ora terminata. Non è stato possibile continuare poiché %s (%s) è ancora in esecuzione. Provare a chiudere manualmente %s utilizzando il Task Manager di Windows, e quindi avviare nuovamente l'installazione. ERROR_PATH_WITHIN_WINDIR=Il programma di installazione ha rilevato che si è scelto di installare Mozilla Thunderbird all'interno della directory di Windows. Selezionare una cartella diversa.
  11. hi, someone help me,please? i need the install switch for "mozilla thunderbird 0.9" thank u very much
  12. Hi, i need a silent installation of Outpost Firewall 2.5 i try to use a AutoIt script for 2.11 version,but without success. i'm looking for italian version someone help me? thanx
  13. Hi, how i can add a registry information of winrar by a regfile exsample: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\....... Username? company name ? thank u
  14. Hi, if i try to open an exe file with AutoIt (for exsample "Outpost.exe") i receive this error : Error: The executable file is not recognised as a compiled AutoIt script Why? Can i help me? Thanx P.S. Sorry,i'm italian i speak a little english !!!
  15. Hi, How can i unattended The Bat! and insert registration code? thanx
  16. Hi, how i can unattended nero italian language pack? Which are its switch?!! tnx
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